
Challenges: http://webmaking101.p2pu.org/challenges

22nd August

As a result of the meeting with Erin about badges and integration points, I've removed the old objectives and will be adding new ones that align with the integration points for badges. 

The below points have been addressed. Please add new comments and feedback above the  line below ( if that makes sense)



19th August

Left by pippa : 

There's no specific mention of FTP, and how it will be used within producing and maintaining a website.

This is now addressed in the Fundamentals discipline : http://webmaking101.jamiecurle.com/domains/21

Good catch, I'll add this in, but state a prerference for SFTP/SCP or FTP because of the unencrypted sending of passwords - thinking about it, it may be worth splitting publishing up into it's own group because it is quite indepth.  - probably a challenge in there somewhere.

Chmod / File permissions etc < Could be interesting to join this up with a challenge to on the subject of rudimentary command line skills - for certain this will help people wrap their heads around paths.http://webmaking101.jamiecurle.com/challenges/15

Browsers / Troubleshooting / Web standards
No specific mention of cross-browser testing and troubleshooting/ or the pragmatics of what level of support is provided to which browsers < I've probably been a little to tacit with (BD2), but you're right specifically it does need to be mentioned I've added this challenge as a concept http://webmaking101.jamiecurle.com/challenges/14

Understandably these topics are fairly large reaching and difficult to include within WM101. I think it's important to have some coverage of them. < 100% agreee

Privacy - specifically relevant regarding CVs and online portfolios - how much personal information should you reveal? 
Some learners will be under 18 - there's no way we can prevent that. But we should be teaching them appropriate behaviours.< We should be seen to have stance on the subject and it's pretty sensible thing to do.  I've added this challenge as a concept http://webmaking101.jamiecurle.com/challenges/12

Security - Basic coverage of this should be presented. This may be as simple as information about choosing good passwords 
This is also relevant for Web Hosting - file permissions etc.  < again 100% agree, on shared platforms this is very important to stop 'snooping', but there are broader implications as well. I think it'd be worth having another group of objectives to house these facets of the craft. I've added this as a concept challenge http://webmaking101.jamiecurle.com/challenges/16

Chloe Notes on What makes a good Challenge 08/29/2011
 What makes a good challenge?