- Where is your head at?
- Work / life balance?
- Check-in
Three Goals
- Goal: More people join P2PU community and run more and better courses
- Foster and Promote more Courses (P2PU)
- Track how things are going
- Goal: Make sure the world knows about the amazing stuff that is happening
- Goal: Ensure we don't loose anyone along the way
- Map all activities against those three goals
- Block things that are distraction from these goals
Metrics template for each week
21 June
- Ali on the road, last week of June
- Last 2 days of July won't be around - last day should be around 28th of July
- Need to make sure all email addresses are pointing to Bekka
- Haven't reached the optimum course number by July 18th goal, but it hasn't happened - not as much outreach has happened as intended!
- Have sent a mail to the community to reinforce who and where to reach out to for newbies
- User Support continued, and turn aorund time improved
- Bekka hereby promises to be more helpful
- Transitioning Smoothly from Alison to Bekka & Vanessa
- Removed alison@p2pu form all notifications/messaginf from the site
- Add forward to Bekka
- Add autoresponder to help desk
- Recruiting new organizers for july 18 courses
24 May 2012
- Job description: http://pad.p2pu.org/p/community-mgr
- Figuring out if we can hire internally or put the announcement out
- Headless MOOC may come under Alison's radar
- Groups update next week (incl. success indicators)
10 May 2012
- Send aeropress instructions to community list
- Transition
- Semester starts in August / unable to join us in Berlin (sad)
- Leaving end of July
- Draft job description (list responsibilities) for your job
- Current duties
- What does this job look like in the future?
- Ideal for somebody who really lives online.
- Think about people we should talk to
- Rounds: http://pad.p2pu.org/p/rounds
- June xx: (coordinate with School of Ed)
- May 23-25 School of Data planning workshop
- Will need assistance planning/reviewing pilot courses
- School of Ed summer courses starting in June
- Focus on helping with promotion (need less help with course development)
- July 18:
- Actively recruit new people (not just re-activate existing ones) for new courses
- Berlin meeting / Mozilla summer campaign
- Recon:
- "Michelle Thorne" <michelle@mozillafoundation.org>
- Find out from Michelle what Mozilla is planning in Berlin already
- Confirm that audience is not just youth (and that the communication would help us attract P2PU users)
- Possible goals:
- Use existing material and attract more users to P2PU
- Tap into Mozilla network/communication
- Get people involved who develop new materials
- Course review process
29 March
- Definition of role going forward vis-a-vis Learning Lead
- April 18 Launch
- Define success for April 18
- # of courses that were created for the launch (or ready to be launched)
- Quality of the courses (subjective measure to some degree)
- Number of tasks per course (higher is better?)
- Quality of image, description, etc.
- Communication and Attention
- Number of tweets / blog posts
- Media attention (articles)
- Usage
- Big jump in key stats (measured over a couple weeks before and after 18 April)
- # of new user accounts
- # of sign-ups to courses
- High conversion rate from sign-up to community member
- Community list subscribers
- Visits to Help Desk (& high response rate to questions)
- This is an important project/ experiment (to see if rounds should come back)
- Needs you to drive, block out distractions
22 March
- Outreach to course organizers
- How big is the pool? Admin interface says 1331
- next steps:
- Do an evaluation of the email we sent (was it effective?)
- new courses created?
- courses updated?
- visits to help desk?
- Better ways for course organizers to engage with P2PU and each other
- allow respond to direct messages from P2PU - send from "alison@p2pu.org"
- turn feedback from community call into action items (support for organizers)
- what are the key contact points for users?
- add suggestions as feedback to chloe's course creation wireframes
- drip campaign
- what do we want to point them to?
- point them to the helpdesk (but doesn't feel social - as discussed on community call)
- as a stop gap -> point them to the community list (for now)
- mentorship options
- next steps:
- identify contact points and work with Zuzel to add links to the appropriate places
- get an update on plans for a drip campaign
- Marketing intern idea - what would the role include?
- social media
- attract / support course organizers before they hit P2PU
- next steps:
- talk to john if john is willing to own or alison can own
- Course creation call / seminar
- not enough new people showed up, but more of these are a good idea
- needs more preparation to get people to show up
- good idea to use community call
- next steps:
- define topics to focus on, "using video in courses"
- sign people up
- pick dates for seminars, make promotion plan for seminars
- if well organized, ~30 mins of call
- monthly
- Blog posts -> community list
- individual posts -> send to community w/ snippet
- Sandbox
- next steps:
- follow up on email thread, log a request on the development trello board
- Time allocation
- Most of time spent on supporting people who are in P2PU
- Useful to figure out the right allocation
11 March
- Solving the "test course"/spam issue
- Making community list more prominent (in messaging, embed?, etc.)
4 March
Solving the test course/spam problem
- Link to sandbox
- TODO: Speak to John about preventing spam/test courses from showing up on the Learn page
- how are courses filtered for the learn page?
- how can we prevent spam/test courses rising to the top?
- newly created courses -> potentially promlematic - whats the filter?
Course status spreadsheet
Metrics for our weekly chats:
- Contacting previous course organizers
- Updating messaging on the site
Contact list of course organizers
- Fields:
- Name
- Course
- Email
- Maybe date?
- Next steps:
- Check with Zuzel if she can pull this out of the database
- Manually try to find as many as possible from the gold old drupal days
23 Feb
- Screencasts for Knowledgebase
- Goal is for frequent questions with complex answers to have screencast answers
- Hard to embed video in the helpdesk (John is helping)
- When does it make sense to have a screencast?
- do screencasts go out of date
- can we update screencasts that are out of date without breaking links
- examples:
- Which projects are going best? Biggest success last week/month.
- lots of activity, however users needing push beyond task 3/4
- Showcase great
- lots of posts from all over community/staff
- norm developing that anyone can contribute/share on blog
- Suggestion: send links to list for every post with details to community
- Move guest bloggers into community
- if they want feedback on their post forward thinking/talking points to community (if they dont have the bandwidth to join the community list full-on)
- What to do about Facebook? How can we use FB more effectively?
- Which things are stuck?
- http://pad.p2pu.org/rounds (but not really stuck, just idling)
- No more idling - let's move forward with what we've got
- Leverag existing contacts / reach out to people we already know (who ran courses before)
- Remember: nothing is perfect, but everything is so much better than it ever was before!
- waiting on course review details to emerge
- need to take decision on challenge/course consolidation
- waiting on these details so we can explain how promotion works and what steps users take to get their course promoted
- Do you keep stats on "good" new courses / week
- I follow any course that is not junk. I check my P2PU dashboard daily.
- This weeks courses that may have a future:
- Own the sandbox project (direct users to the sandbox to create junk courses)
- Make link to Help more obvious -> http://p2pu.org/en/pages/get-involved/
- add tab about contrinuting to help desk?
- I think enough to just do a paragraph break and make the text bold.
- Maybe say "Need help or have a question? Find answers and people who can help you at the P2PU Helpdesk help.p2pu.org"
- Other suggestions for "Get Involved" section:
- Remove "P2PU Working Groups" and "Join a Study Group" tabs
- Working Groups
- only community & dev are still used
- webcraft slowly dying?
- ex: research list is being bypassed with offlist emails (working fine, things getting done)
- wondering if we should revamp OR close those lists?
16 Feb
- Berlin
- 2 weeks is probably max
- Could fly from East Coast (has to be there on 4th of July)
- DIY U going well
- Video presentation for Open Education Week with Anya
- High profile challenge development
- Work with Chloe to plan second half of the challenge parties
- Check that people are ready to add badges
- Nudge the ones that aren't ready
- Set a date
- Blog posts coming up
- Communication / promotion plan
======= MONTHLY CALL ========
Last Updated: 28 March
prior calls: 23 Feb, 20 Jan, 20 Dec, 26 Oct, 13 Sep
Three Goals
- Goal: More people join P2PU community and run more and better courses
- Foster and Promote more Courses (P2PU)
- Track how things are going
- Goal: Make sure the world knows about the amazing stuff that is happening
- Goal: Ensure we don't loose anyone along the way
Questions / issues / thoughts
- Community review is great, but not sure if organizers receive the reviews
- Engage community with showcase
- Alison is curator of the showcase
- lets grow readership
- what topics would you like to see on the blog?
- where are readers coming from?
- school of data, berlin + api most views
- Reach out to community to build new courses/revamp old
- bring a friend/forward to friend
- action oriented
- What things are holding you back / blocking?
- Older notes:
- How are the showcase blog posts going?
- Traffic: Roughly 1000 visits during last 30 days
- Trisfera Camp post got most attention during that time (131 visits that day)
- Need help with multimedia production to do media showcases
- Workign with Chloe on challenge that teaches how to make web video
- Older notes:
- Like trello to keep track - feel more in the loop
- Tons of questions coming into helpdesk - works well
- Great to have John and Chloe in the mix
- Question about future of Webcraft (who is in charge? going forward?)
- Can we get community members to take on leadership roles
- Would hate to see the lights dim on Webcraft, because Mozilla is pursuing other things
Priority Tasks for next 4 weeks
- Focus on April 18 Round of Courses
- Step 1 -> Let the community know!
- Communication:
- Go through press material and clean up
- Ask for input on social media practices
- Support:
- Update help desk to be ready
- Courses:
- Older notes:
- Work with John on bringing showcase into site (either home-page, separate page, blog etc.)
- More blog posts
- Make a plan with dates and topics
- Invite others to help
- Make a plan for promotion
- Milestones, dates, promotion plan, etc.
- Make progress towards producing video showcases
- Meeting next week to get volunteers onboarded to run it (make sure they feel ownership)
- Refine content
- Launch the new version
- Goal: Have a landing page / sign-up page by 25 Jan so Philipp can mention in fireside chat with Anya
- Helpdesk
- Check in daily while John is offline - goal is initial response within first 24 hours
- Older notes:
- Develop Infographics on how P2PU works (and share with the community)
- Update: don't exist yet, but in development. Working with Chloe and Allen. Chloe working on infographics for challenges. Ali planning to take over for study groups and courses.
- Update: Chloe took this over for challenges
- Promoting courses (both twitter / blog and coordinate course rounds)
- Working with John on this
- Update: Will start in January.
- Add a plan (milestones / dates) - We'll work on this on Thursday to see what works best
- Showcase habits / procedures to get things from the community
- Not easy to get people to contribute blog posts
- Want to make sure we stay on weekly posting schedule
- More ways to get stories out:
- Do video interviews and post as recordings
- Do interviews and write up blog posts
- Ongoing helpdesk
Anxious to start using the helpdesk - DIYU
- Working with 2 new co-organizers
- Redesigning course as challenges
- Use DIYU community for showcase
- Design DIYU tool for personal learning plans on P2PU. Update: didn't get enough feedback. will work with people who post learning plans anywhere on the web.
Find new co-organizers for DIYUBlog postsHelpdesk post (before we switch it on)Why we are setting up the helpdeskHow people can get involved
- Do a post with ideas about the personal learning plan at P2PU
Share course goings-on via twitter- Define overall goals, metrics - Philipp to read / comment
Prepare a (live) helpdesk proposal - Done Figure out relationship between daily work and bigger picture P2PU developments - On holdDisassemble the "monster" - Don't know what this means anymore ;-)
Review long term success metrics
- skip this month - still needs to be refined (we are doing that by email before next call)
Help Philipp get better at his job
- Old notes:
- Get better at sharing what's going on (behind the scenes)
- Who are you talking to?
- What are you cooking up?
- What's plotting?
- More FYI emails on stuff that's going on
- What about an etherpad with Philipp's priorities / stuff he's working on? PS: Good idea!
- (1) Provide 1st line support to all P2PU users
- (2) Coordinate and manage P2PU cycles / rounds / semesters
- (3) Build a P2PU showcase – let the world know about the cool stuff that is happening at P2PU
- (4) Help improve the social learning model (and technology) of P2PU
Success Metrics
Outcome: Users benefit from appropriate help-resources, guidance, and support
- Help articles and resources are available through one consolidated support desk
- Up-to-date infographics and tuorials guide learners through the design process
- Live assistance/chat is available when possible
Expect to see:
- Web traffic analytics show that users find and access the help resources
- Users access other support services (email, chat) and report that we were able to help with their questions / issues
Like to see:
- Users contribute to the help desk resources, by posting articles, and answering each others' questions
- High percentage of users feel satisfied with ease of finding help and find value in the resources
Outcome: Users participate in a cycle for new courses and benefit from promotion through P2PU
Expect to see:
- Users utilize the schedule to design and promote their courses
- A featured course list is curated for each cycle users feel saisfied with the cycle timeline and receive support throughout the design and promotion process
Like to see:
- Users design with becoming featured in mind
Outcome: People, courses and content from the community are showcased by P2PU
Expect to see:
- Blog posts that explore successes within the learning community
- Interviews with community contributers
- Promotion of Schools and special colaborations
Like to see:
- The community points to items they feel deserve recognition
- Community members share their experiences and creations independently via social media and P2PU reblogs/retweets
Outcome: Developers are aware of, and take into account the user perspective.
Expect to see:
- Bug reports are timely filtered to dev team and lead to implemented changes
- Proposed changes to learning models (courses, study groups, challenges and personal learning plans) are sourced from user feedback
- Users who file bugs, feature requests and improvements receive feedback from developers through Alison promptly
Like to see:
- Developers contact Alison for input on design decisions as she represents the perspective of the user
- Users comment on changes and express their approval or further feedback