P2PU Badge Implementation
Last updated: 10/30

Badge Requirements text:
To get this badge you need 3 peers or 1 mentor to say that you are able to install an FTP or SFTP client and that you upload content that is visible live in a browser

we would say

Badge Requirements text:
To get this badge you need 3 peers to say that you are able to install an FTP or SFTP client and that you upload content that is visible live in a browser


Quick todone for 10/25 evening:
update fixture with next skill texts
replace 'assessment' with 'review' text on award page view

Make sure all the changes for release are here so I can check them off. Will include link to screenshot. For now: mockups


[mostly done] view all submissions for a badge - badges/submissions - http://www.flickr.com/photos/digifoo/6198058955/in/photostream/ based on  http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/tickets/539/a/1427709/badges-review-queue.png

[mostly done] view submission and its ratings

[mostly done] create submission for a badge

[almost done] assess a submission

[Zuzel doing?] view a badge - http://www.flickr.com/photos/digifoo/6197836699/in/photostream/

[Need to check] system awards a badge (peer-to-peer/community, self, peer skill)



-------------------------Old below--------------------------------------

In progress:

Does each challenge badge have the "previous" challenge badge as a prereq?
Is there a way to say "next challenge"?
What's the progress look like for webmaking 101 badge? s/ratings/badges? Maybe there isn't a progress for it but when checking on the progress for a person on a badge, check the logic on a badge first? that would show the stealth ones. And save Progress for assessment-type? Maybe drop Progress for just methods? Could take a while to pull one's progress though without the table.

-------------What's left--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure out how to do both pilot and new badges https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/commit/cd21814770888c92789a348586105bdb9786f5a0#commitcomment-607484  Emailed Zuzel for feedback
Also, grep files for more TODOs
---------------------Old below. Above is currently so I can delete/take notes-----------------

    badges: stealth and peer/community badges are accumulative but skill are not


Challenge adopters





Challenge adopters


Post Milestone 1.5: 


Roadmap Rough Draft (sent to badge group 9/20)
Erin questions:

=============================================== IDEATION ========

Spring Green: Jessica
Sky Blue: Chloe
Hot pink: Erin
Purple: Zuzel
Red: Arlton




Objects -- sketching/ideation:

       >> urls.py: p2pu.org/badges/slug
       >> portfolio.p2pu.org/username was talked about... dunno

submission for badge is a comment, right? so....tied to 'badge' task type? [pondering]
