PLEASE SEE for the latest set of links and notes
P2PU Community Calls
Etherpad for agendas and notes:
- 8:00 San Francisco [anchor time, other times may shift with daylight savings]
- 11:00 New York
- 12:00 Sao Paulo
- 16:00 London
- 17:00 Berlin / Cape Town
- 01:00 Sydney (+1 Day) (Winter Time - daylight savings)
- (Shared google calendar should always have the correct time)
Conference Call:
- US Toll Free: +1 877 395 2347 **Only use toll-free number if you really need to**
- US Local / International +1 415 763 5901
- [Telco provided by via John Britton - Thank you!!!]
Old/missing notes here:
- Attendees
- Standups
- Alison
- Bekka
- Bryl
- Chloe
- Philipp
- Zuzel
- Dirk
- New Courses
- Showcase items
8 December 2011
- Greg
- Alison
- Bekka
- Arlton
- Greg
- Laura
- Arlton
- Zuzel
- Carla
- Luka
- Chloe
- Alison
- Bekka
- Admin! Yay!
- Finances! More yay!
- Chloe
- Assessment Paper shared
- Working on Challenges 101 curriculum
- a series of challenges to get people started on making their own challenges
- If anyone is interested in testing and recording their responses on an etherpad, Chloe would be eternally grateful :)!
- Working on implementation of Challenges 1.0 Fixes
- Coming up : Challenges 1.1 Fixes
- Working on Hackasaurus Challenges
- Working on NSF Grant School of Games
- Inspired by Niels' idea
- Working with University of Maryland
- Games and computational thinking, if you're interested, please let Chloe know.
- going to NYC Saturday (ET)
Philipp On vacation- Zuzel
- John
- In NYC - Now on east coast time
- P2PU Nordic - Meeting last week, they're starting a swedish version
- Sent Design posting to the list with changes based on last week's discussion
- Who gets to issue badges? Discuss ways that we can allow issuing of badges in challenges.CHLOE.
- We've been issuing badges in School of Webcraft in conjunction with Mozilla.
- These are both hard skill and team player-type bages.
- As we move on, and have challenges which involve other people (or not) how do we issue the badges?
- Do we need organisations to do this, or notm and how would it look
- suggestion: have different classes of badges / achievements
- from trusted partners
- from individuals at p2pu
- how much demand do we have already?
- at least 3 new mozilla projects, - this demand we've seen
- "as well as other organizations" - how much here?from the top of my head at least 3-5 (could get specific,) I anticipate those numbers getting larger
- individuals -
- i like the words: badge endorsed by X where X is a school or people
- Alison -> gut response: we can see a good example in P2PU history: that whenw e have a group of people working on something the quality and quantity generally goes up, so working with another org is good.
- Carla -> The idea of the OBI is that anyone can issue badges. P2PU is in a unique position because we're a peer-learning organisation, so how does the org think about vetting the badges and courses that are being created.
- One-off, throw-away badges would be disappointing
- How do we go about ensuring the value of the badges?
- John ->anyone can issue badges via OBI, but they're not "P2PU" badges... they're badges from individuals or groups. I think we need to maintain the quality of P2PU badges (we're an issuer and should protect our credibility)
- Chloe -> if anyone can issue badges, shold we build badge-creation in the course/challenge design process?
- Carla ->maybe we could create a course/challenge about how to create badges, which grows out of the process
- Ali -> tying badge creation into a community/peer review process (as we do with courses) might be a good way to encourage people.
- Chloe -> perhaps there are 2 paths: one with a partner/trusted org (mozilla, SoSI etc) and this is immediate. For individuals, there might be a peer-review process.
- Ali -> soft skills can be given by the community, but for now at least, hard skills are recognised via our partner orgs
- Chloe: we don't want to make a distinction that one kid of skill is more or less valuable than another - 21st century skills tend to be a priority
- are we talking about issuing badges or creating new badges. I think community members should be able to issue both types
- i thought we were talking about badge creation (how is it so different than issuing? -sorry i m confused)(me too) -- badge issuing is ruled by the type of badge you create (e.g. the badge needs peers to post a submission and 3 votes from other peers that use a rubric and the badge is issued when the average score is bigger than something)
- Zuzel -> at the moment, we have some customisable elements for issuing badges: issuing = formula, rules for the badges, awarding
- "Creation" is different: the rules remain the same, but the creator can define what the rules are.
- I think we've got three... + P2PU
- partners - mozilla, creative commons
- p2pu - official badges from the organization
- example: you created a course
- signed into the site 5 times in a week
- peers - (this is the one we're talking about adding, I think)
- Next Steps: Chloe to summarise, send to community and get feedback. anyone with specific questions, please share with Chloe.
- Promotional Cycles: Themes for each month
- Jan: New Years resolutions
- One reason why activity on the site has been a bit low of late is that we haven't done any active recruitment of organisers and participants.
- So to bring in more people, we're going to experiment with promotional cycles.
- Try to find people who have time and energy to lead courses, and then we help them promote, in an effort to bring in more sign-ups.
- Ask: How do we not be boring about this? Answer: themes!
- Jan: "New Years resolutions - what is your learning plan, what is your vision"
- what about following up promotional learning modules from current events - I lead a resilience cirlce and we did a lot of teaching around the financial crisis, seemed like pinning learning toa current event peaked people's interest and sustained it long enough - this was offline, but could it happen online? +1!
- Brylie -> would there be any graphic or design elements that would accompany this workflow?
- Ali -> I had thought it would involve more social media, but if anyone is keen to help design a good looking, fun template it would be useful.
- Next steps: form team to work on promotional cycles (Alison, Bekka, ? ), suss out timing and process. Tie in w/ UX changes as they are released, update knowledge base
- Mixed Content licencing
- As a course organiser and collaborator, I have an interest in incorporating various mterials in the platform, and have been offered material from other P2PU organiser.
- Question: a lot of the OER material has a non-commercial licence, and P2PU has a BY-SA licence
- the different license only matters for derivitive works, you should be able to use cc-by-nc, new content created for p2pu is licensed under cc-by-sa.
1 December 2011
- Carla
- John
- Philipp
- Brylie
- Bekka
- Zuzel
- Alison
- Chloe
- Arlton
- Laura
- Standups
- Alison
- new organizers & courses
- help desk hours
- new DIY U course
- -> in EST for Dec
- Bekka
- Finished workshop recon - we're beautifully under budget
- other admin stuff
- setting up bookkeeping
- Chloe (prepping for TEDx Athens)
- Challenges UX Fixes wt Zuzel & Arlton (from Jessica)
- Challenges Hackasaurus UX wireframing- in process
- How to make a challenge curriculum- - in process
- John
- job descriptions
- template
- django developer
- designer
- Google Grants program
- We're already in nonprofits... just filling some paperwork
- Jobs / Staff page going up soon now that we have content
- Profile Updates - UX from before workshop
- Group Discovery - good thread happening on the list
- Philipp
- Proposals (webcraft, school of data shuttleworth)
- Shuttleworth report
- Meetings in DC (Ashoka U, SoSI, P2PhD)
- Next week -> holiday
- Zuzel
- Working on improvements for badges from the Challenge Fixes 1.0 board
- (any other attendees that want to give an update)
- Part-time designer [John]
- I have someone in mind that I would like to bring on, what's the correct process for going to the community?
- Part-time position, and this would include non-online branding stuff (t-shirts, business cards etc) - at the moment we have no 1 person providing visual identity.
- Philipp -> have always felt that this kind of work should be the type of thing that we attract vounteers to do, perhaps with the guidence of a designer who has created the visual identity
- Philipp -> "Create and expand the visual identity of P2PU. Distribute a clear set of visual guidelines for others to use" is actually a major undertaking, and I think this is not something we have the resources to focus on at the moment.
- Carla -> This is an exponentially expanding undertaking, and it can go on for a very long time
- John -> at the moment we don't have anyone available for any design work, and we don't have a standardised look
- Build on the existing P2PU image (however inadvertedly it has come about)
- What's the process:
- Push out to the community list
- Give preference to past contribution, but keep the process open
- Board said in principle P2PU positions should be openly advertised and competitively assessed, but there is flexibility for considering past contributions.
- Plan going forward:
- Be open
- Post to the list with note that we have someone in mind with past contribution history
- Philipp -> suggestion: we want to move as quickly as possible on this, so maybe reword the phrasing of the pad to make it less far-reaching, and focus on improving the design aspects of the site (this will lead to bigger changes in the future, but let's keep it out of the specs for now).
- Focus:
- Design review of the site,
- ensure consistency across the site,
- make improvements to default elements
- record best practices
- Chloe: let's keep the description very clear, so that potential candidates don't think that this is a big branding undertaking, and is more about consistency
- Toronto Hackfest in December
- Agenda:
- Dates: 14-16 Dec
- 1. Creating Awesome Hackasaurus Challenges
- Won't this need the partner account functionality ready before this dates?
- 2. Getting all copy changes done (there aren't many)
- 3. Getting Feedback & Knocking out as much of the UX Dev stuff as we can (wireframes should be created, submitted to community, and approved by then)
- feedback requests that go out to the community are for improvements that originally have come out of the feedback we have collected from p2pu workshop and mozfest >>>
- 4. Getting feedback for challenges 101 (how to make challenges curriculum)
- Participants: Chloe, Zuzel, Jess (MoFo), Atul (MoFo), Laura (MoFo) ... etc.
- Possible Toronto Hackfest in Jan (possibly around the 12th)
- Prototype P2PU Lab events and make as much real-world progress as possible
- Pick a learning experiment and make as much progress as possible
- get stuff done on the site
- Who should be there: Developers, P2PU core community members, Mozillians ...
- more notice would be nice for both of these events I don't think I can make either
- December event is very focused and doesn't need broad participation
- January event is a completely new idea - we can do it later - not tied to the mid January timing
- OBI integration
- Has P2PU done any implementation of the beta open badges infrastructure?
- it changes periodically but we're fairly stable now.
- we may see more changes to OBI in January. :)
- Brylie -> been looking at P2PU and Khan Academy and see a lot of similarities in code and design - wondering about the possibility of collaboration or integration
- John: seems like Khan academy is more individual, while P2PU is more community-focused, so you could work through Khan academy material at P2PU
- Bryley: KA has mentorship interface, feedback system for badges / energy points - would be nice to affirm regular contributions from community members
- Philipp -> KA have hired some really innovative people, is the code on Github or openly available - has anyone looked? Sense is that they're moving very fast away from just content
- Brylie -> looked at code from April, the quality of the development is amazing, would be willing to keep looking
24 November 2011
- Bekka
- Philipp
- Zuzel
- Laura
- John
- Highlights
Alison (thanksgiving)- Bekka
- Recon of workshop budget (payments pending / chasing receipts)
- Chloe
(thanksgiving) - John
- Scoreboard (currently available to staff only, and only has today's stats)
- - has historical data
- UX Working Group - 3 volunteers to help with UX (Joao, Jose, Oliver)
- is bug free yay!
- Working on jobs page
- Job descriptions (part time design, summer interns etc)
- Philipp
- School of Data proposal to OSI - with Open Knowledge Foundation
- - shared with all staff, basically a school for people who need data wrangling skills
- EU project
- Last week discussed citizen science badges, and have worked on a new proposal with CERN contact
- Argue that citizen science volunteers get some recognition and concrete learning outcomes, by linking mass citizen science projects with P2PU
- Blog post about "vision" -
- Zuzel
- Released scoreboard + integration with + send logged_in/anonymous status to google analytytics
- Working on a few quick improvements for them
- See Metrics board at
- John talked about this so I will skip it
- Archived or Shutdown with Redirects (,, - hooray, no more notifications!
- Working on continuing Jessica's work
- Working on starting the implementation of backend code for community review of courses
- The UI is pending mockups
- (any other attendees that want to give an update)
- Courses & Showcase from Alison
- Ready:
- Needs Tasks:
- Needs community attention:
- SoOpen post next Tues
- Discussion: When to share on the community list / when not to share [Philipp / Alison / John]
- ex: Updating welcome email text (i.e., added link to [but has room for more improvement - that message isn't great yet]
- Two goals: let people know we are "working" / work transparently - NOT to get authorization / sign-off
- John -> Really like that idea / style
- How the notes from the community call could be a way to accomplish the same thing withouth sending to many small emails to the community list (if we add this things to our status updates)
- For now, it's possible that we won't have a lot of these kinds of emails, and if, and when we do get feedback that there is too much mail, we can rethink.
- Discussion: Group Types [John / Alison]
- Right now we have Courses, Challenges, Study Groups
- Is our goal to
- offer more types (many types of groups, constantly expanding)
- offer less types (converging to one offering)
- a few types that are very carefully chosen
- need a process to decide when/how to retire some
- Question:
- What's the breakdown between courses vs. study groups being created? What do users "want" to create?
- Don't know how relevant this is, because it's not clear what you're doing when you create a new group. (Radio button is way down at the bottom and hidden)
- Ok, but what is the breakdown ;-)
- We should try to create a new type only if it is very different, but trying to make them one is not possible in my experience from the last months.
- If we call all with one term (i.e., courses) they will ask/expect for features in challenges that only are necessary for real courses.
- Anchor our vocabulary in the real world - users understand this stuff... what's a "Learning Challenge"?
- 1 Option is to call everything "courses" and then differentiate after people have signed-up, or created their "thing"
- Need more people in this discussion (the people on this call are not representative) - even though it's nice to all agree ;-)
- Need to figure out the *right* framing for the discussion on the list
- I don't think that this is something that we can move on right this second, it's more of a view for the direction that we're going +1 (in terms of framing)
- John -> calling everything "groups" seems to be confusing, but having everything grouped under one collective term doesn't mean that we necessarily will lost functionality of the different types
- What's your flavour/style? (top-down, bottom-up, etc.)
- Feedback: Paypal for Nonprofits -
- We've been looking into this for small donations
- Non-profit pricing structure for 501c3 on donations up to U$100000.00 = 2.2% + 30c. eg: cost on $100 donation is $2.50
- Actual setup is fairly straightforward and quick
- Next step
- decision on whether pricing is good for us, and then execution.
- submit documentation on our 501c3 status
- submit bank statements
- set up an account in our name
- Bekka has been looking into getting donations for P2PU.
- Really simple process, not so hard to do.
- Don't know if it's a good or bad deal, don't know much about the other options.
- Once we make a decision it shoul be really easy to do.
- Donors don't need a paypal account to make a donation. WIN!
- Pricing not really an issue as alternatives will require merchant account (monthly fee)
- Re-evaluate if there are cheaper options in the future (once we have some donation traffic)
- Does it have a minimum donation so it never happens that for a really small donation we loose money instead of earning it?
- No $1? Definitely can set the minimum ourselves, we're sending them to the payment gateway.
- I'm all for going ahead with this. Aye Aye. We don't need sign-off. Let the community know about it by email.
- TASK: Bekka will send this mail, with plenty of details to the community.
- What are you thankful for?
- Philipp: For you Bekka!
- Zuzel: the workshop + get to know p2pu
- Bekka: Boots cold and flu medication
- John: A team that likes these kind of agenda items.
- Laura: Awesome colleagues spread all over the world. And for being a guest!+1
- Philipp: For an hour long call that takes 30 minutes
- Standups
- SUGGESTION - > Let's just type notes into the agenda above
- Alison
- Bekka
- Chloe
- John
- Philipp
- Zuzel
- (any other attendees that want to give an update)
17 November 2011
- Standups (modified template to reflect updated projects)
- does it make sense to move to standups based on people instead of specific projects, that's how standups have worked for me in other organizations in the past.
- More on how works [John]
- Response time is important
- Who gets notifications
- Community can volunteer
- Make common issues public (searchable)
- Projects at P2PU [John]
- Project Pipeline, P2PU Organization, Sharing boards & Best Practices
- Does all this make sense?
- == Project Pipeline
- can include links to individual task boards for maximum transparency
- missing some topics and many reportbacks
- Alison
- Bekka
- John
- Lila
- Zuzel
- Carla
- Projects & Priorities [John]
- (almost) all project have been moved into this board - it's the big picture place.
- still trying to figure out what to do with schools (SoSI, School of Open)
- maybe schools deserve boards by their project owners PS: they definitely do, just not sure where to link them from. could be from the machine, but then they are not public.
- Stand-ups for projects (the above is just discussion of how this works right?)
- Challenges [Chloe]
- Tech [Zuzel]
- School of Ed [Philipp] - on hold while Karen is writing a novel in one month
- User Support [Alison / John]
- Webcraft [John]
- Jessy is working on some challenges - more feedback next week
- Metrics [John]
- P2PU Magic [Alison]
- More on how works [John]
- One of the metrics going forward will be response times on
- Response time is important
- Who gets notifications
- John, Ali, Bekka, Zuzel
- a lot of mails come in to, which will be redirected too
- Community can volunteer
- Make common issues public (searchable)
- Projects at P2PU [John]
- Project Pipeline, P2PU Organization, Sharing boards & Best Practices
- Does all this make sense?
- == Project Pipeline
- or a redirect
- link to schools projects
- public boards of staff members
- can include links to individual task boards for maximum transparency
- Do we have the text that will go to that page in some pad?
- not yet, we have to make that
- [Alison]
- The pad is really messy, and if we really want to be open, it needs to be cleaner - Ali did a big clean-up, but everyone who was there, please add anything that is missing
- Ali is working on a post - she needs feedback, and multiple voices so please can everyone send reflections and responses to the email that Alison sent
- This is as much a part of being at the workshop as being present in Berlin
- So either write your own post, or send Ali something she can share
- DEADLINE: Monday21st - or else!
- Guidelines on what's in and what's out
- Do we think there is space for the Escola Biblica course on P2PU?
- Lila: We want to limit people's speech as little as possible on P2PU
- Philipp: perhaps the best way to manage this is to ask a few people to take a look and make recommendations about what kinds of courses are "appropriate" or not
- Carla: put some very basic guidelines on the site (so people at least know this is about peer learning)
- John: isn't this going to happen on the list?
- TODO: Philipp to work on a proposal / recommendation
- Lila would like to be involved in this discussion (perhaps push it to after US Thanksgiving)
- DML Competition proposal submitted
- Call next week (thanksgiving) / who can make it?
- Philipp ;-)
- Bekka
- John - im in poland, we're not having thanksgiving
- Bekka - The English don't say thank you
- Zuzel
- conclusion: worth it! (not worth it to pause for US holidays)
- New format for community calls [Philipp]
- Invitations go out on Tuesday
- Share proposal / background on Wednesday (by email - add to pad)
- To facilitate the meaningful discussion, without having to do a lot of background talking
- John is super happy and motivated, post-Berlin, (Is he the only one who isn't sick?) so for those who could not be there - know that there was a good vibe, and things went well.
3 November 2011
- Standups
- How works [Ali]
- School of Open Science
New Courses
Stand-ups for projects
- Tech [Zuzel]
- We will have a small release before I head to the workshop with bug fixes
- It was hard to reschedule the last dev call because our schedules don't match so maybe we will be having one on the workshop
- School of Ed [Philipp]
- Not much to report back - were to have a meeting with collaborators in the US, but had to cancel at the last moment.
- But have made contact with a large nonprofit called WestEd in the US, who seem to like us - they like the idea, but still working on the hooks to move it forward.
- Assessment & Badges [Chloe & Jessica]
- We are live with badges, would be great if everyone could check them out and give feedback.
- Next steps: badge bug crashing, UX implementation features + profile page
- Release for some bug fixes coming this week.
- Next steps: working on the assessment document, which is almost ready to be shared.
- Draft guildelines for assessment almost ready - will be shared in Berlin
- Challenge 101: how to make challanges project is underway, will collaborate with Mozilla on these and they'll use them on some of their projects. [Alison]
- This is the place for all live help at P2PU.
- Linked from the site
- Live Chat (available whenever one of support team is online)
- - email
- Forwarding Emails
- Getting notifications
- You can volunteer (to do what?)
- Anyone can start a conversation, and people don't have to have a P2PU account or be signed in to use it
- Conversations can be private and public
- Knowledge base is where all the old wiki and handbook materials will be kept
- Ali will be emailing people individually to ask about material/content for the knowledge base.
- Next steps:
- Fill in content of knowledge base
- Question to Alison -> What do you want us/ community to do? How can we help with help?
- Test out the helpdesk and give feedback
- Where do we give feedback?
- -> Leave message on the helpdesk
- Can you narrow the ask?
- Ali will send a mail to the community with specific asks for input
- Ask people to answer questions in discussions
- And submit content.
School of Science (SOS) [Rob]
- Idea originated along with Alan Webb (SoSI)
- There are lots of places that have sciences lectures and materials that are open
- Less opportunities to learn science together with other people, or receive some kind of recognition for learning
- Passive learning exists - but not so much opportunity to interact
- What could be done to help that?
- Use to establish a School of Science
- Built around three sets of things:
- Interactive dynamically generated self-grading problem sets
- Challenges - including peer assessment and review
- Recognition for being generally helpful (a big part of Science Learning)
- Goal: Recognize people for learning science outside of the traditional classroom
Question ->: is there a particular community of Scientists that might be a focus at first?
- Initial focus on chemistry of physics, but not connected to a particular group / institution
Question -> Link with other people at P2PU interested in Science learning
Question -> What kind of audience are being considered?
- People who are interested and want to understand science (citizen science), or people who are learning in more traditional, closed, hard-skilled projects?
- People doing science?
- People who want to learn about science?
- *** People who want to transition into "formal" science communities? / Be respected as an external / non Official scientist ***
- Co-ordinating with citizen science groups (doing, rather than talking about doing) is really important. Citizen Science movement is a logical ally
- Philipp: I have a good link to citizen science groups. Can intro.
- Figuring out a way to get recognition for science learning outside of the traditional classroom is important, and the infrastructure doesn't really exist at the moment, and that is an objective.
Question -> How will we reach the users (find the audience) - how will they know about us?
- We're not sure! (we like this answer, it's very P2PU!)
- Which is fine - it's hard ;-)
- We can share experience of other schools, social media, etc. important to find users where they live (rather than shout into the Internet and hope they will come)
- Our friends at the Open Knowledge Foundation might be able to help too (their Citizen Cyberscience community might be a good starting point)
Big question -> How would problem sets fit into the P2PU model?
- Original idea was for problem sets to provide a backbone for moving through a subject
- Kind of like levels in a computer game
- Theory of these would be to have dyanmic generation
- Computer would spit out variations of the problem sets
- Similar to Khan academy activities (small problems to test understanding)
- Offer quick feedback
- Gives a linear sequence that they can follow (3 levels of chemistry - yay!)
- Can also see the value of focusing on participatory science projects initially
- Seems like P2PU model (challenges) is trying to meet/solve the same kind of problems that Rob has seen in Science learning (that learning can happen socially, and this can be recognised and tracked
- If we can start with challenges it might be a good way to show people how this methodology can be used.
- Chloe -> Games have complex settings, which is what we use to try to get people to imagine in the challenge context. This can be used quite easily in the learning of middle school science in Chloe's experience.
- Chloe to talk to Rob about it. email at
- Chloe is really good at helping people design kick-ass challenges (thanks Philipp
- ~(@.@)~ >>nice avatar
- ....^..
- What about the Citizen Circle model that is being used at SoSI (merging the face-to-face model as well as the challenge model)
- It makes sense in situations where people are not always online, and also in projects where the social aspect just makes a project less lonely and more fun.
- So yes, there is a valuable overlap.
- (We should end the conversation on) -> What are next steps?
- DML - Digital Media & Learning Competition
- Due on November 15th
- We'd need to submit an outline of the content area, purpose and the badges envisioned
- Forces a clarification of ideas, as well as being a potential possible grant funding.
- Is P2PU the right organisation to submit a proposal like this?
- Fits perfectly with our values and spirit(s)
- Round 1 is looking for people who are content experts - so we might need to find content experts who can make the proposal, with P2PU as a partner, rather than as the proposer.
- Philipp - Put in touch with Citizen Cyberscience folks for co-ownership of the proposal between Rob, Citizen Cyberscience people and P2PU.
- Jessica has an amazing new job! Which is fantastic. And we're very sad that she won't have as much time for us anymore, but we hope that in the future this will change, and we love her and thank her for everything, and think she is wonderful.
- Carnegie Mellon -EA-P2PU possible collaboration.
- Chloe rocks and will (hopefully) be part of this :)
We don't actually have to talk about ... the ... Mozilla Festival
27 October 2011
- Mozilla Festival [John]
- Workshop
- Cycles [Alison]
Jessica (will be missing today's community call)
Chloe (will be missing part of the community call- due to the drumbeat call on the same time)
Philipp (not here today -- traveling)
- Stand-ups for projects
- Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics [Chloe]
- See
- Skill & Peer badges + UX released this week
- Working with Arlton on the UX of profile page + the badges
- Working on the copy/wording for the badges pages.
- User Support [Alison / John]
- first steps of single sign on (bugfixes comming) please logout of and try signing in to
- live chat is working, first visitors are contacting us
- Webcraft [John]
- ux changes on challenges
- mentor badges should be aviailable (can you confirm zuzel?) -- yes can you try to give the badge to someone through the admin site (if it is too hard to do give me the data and I can do it through the shell) --
- Tech [Zuzel]
- new release on production (navigation changes, contribute page, first steps of single sign on with and several ux changes on badges and challenges)
- next release on one week? if two weeks then in will be on the workshop days which is probably not a good idea.
- please review
- School of Ed [Philipp]
- we should go back to work on metrics features this week (there are some small fixes pending)
- P2PU Magic [Alison]
Mozilla Festival [John]
- John will be heading up logistics
- There will be a P2PU booth
- See all session on the pad.
Cycles @ P2PU
- What's the plan?
- Start with monthly cycles, beginning right after the workshop
- Some dev work need:
- Promotion via the blog/twitter/facebook/mailing lists
- Alison and John to talk and execute a plan.
- GOAL: Next cycle begins after the Berlin workshop with all of our learning experiments featured.
- Bekka is awesome and on top of everything
- Agenda stuff:
- - learning experiments
- What is a Learning Experiment?
- could be a course, an idea, a learning plan, something you'd like to try
- It should be something you are prepared and able to see thorugh to completion
- the idea is that everyone should come to the workshop with something concrete to DO.
- We'd like to get people to using the site, and pushing the boundaries of the site capabilities.
- If we can build some of these at the workshop then we can leave with concrete, completed mini-projects.
- How can we get people to contribute ideas for sessions?
- How can we make contact with free culture groups/open ed/people in Berlin
- Template to share:
- Pippa
- Philipp
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- Michelle Thorne (Pretty swamped with festival planning)
We're bringing the P2PU crew back to Berlin for our 2011 Workshop. On 10 Nov we're hosting a meetup that is open to the public. We'd love to have you and as much of the Berlin free culture / hacker / edupunk crew as possible there.
I'd really appreciate it if you could help spread the word, here's the event page where attendees should RSVP:
P2PU Meetup Berlin
Thursday, 10 November 2011, 18:30
Supermarkt Berlin
64 Brunnenstraße, Berlin, DE 13355
Please send this to anyone in Berlin who you think would be interested in P2PU including any mailing lists, event calendars, etc.
Monthly Cycles to start, kick off after the workshop.
Details about dev work releated to this on this thread
20 October 2011
- Plan for next Webcraft challenges [John/Philipp/Jessy]
- What's the scope of the next challenges?
- Timeframe
- Board Meeting (Sustainability)
- Surfacing / showcasing great projects, people, work from the community [Ali]
- surveying challenge users? what are the plans? (pb)
- more info about cycles please (pb)
- Alison
- Chloe
- Jessica
- Arlton
- John
- Bekka
- Philipp
Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics [Chloe]
- As soon as single sign-on is up, the help-desk can be rolled out
- Still adding content to help articles
- Uservoice is still on the site
- Next release: October 25th
- We are working on UI changes for webmaking 101, badges, and p2pu in general
- During that release we will also create the first skill and community badges (currently on demo in
School of Ed
Surfacing / showcasing great projects, people, work from the community [Ali]
- This will have to be a manual curation from the community with certain people taking ownership (assumed Alison, perhaps Bekka, Philipp and School leaders)
- Where do we showcase?
- build a collection on the blog, add prominent links on to those posts
- tweeting, facebook for overall and dive down deeper for other kinds of content
- look at other orgs (kickstarter, vimeo, etc)
- kickstarter curate all incoming projects (they review everything)
- Ask for guest curation (etsy-style)
- video Interviews, introductions - somebody who is an active member being showcased can be a powerful tool.
- key to sharing is to point to something interesting... a link to a story is more interesting than a link to the course itself
- Provide a way for people to submit showcase ideas "what do you think is cool at p2pu"
- What's a good way for keeping track of what's happening? Is it just a matter of "hanging out" on the site? And someone needs to do that?
- Ali is wandering in the desert of the site, looking for stuff
- Might be a good job for an intern?
- @Ali: What's the kind of stuff you find? Do you have a list of ideas for interviews based on what you see?
- task: yes - will add these to standups
- We all need to participate in more groups/courses. Who here is in a course right now?
- Weekly "competition" - this week's focus is P2PU+ and we choose a subject area which deserves focus and has some kind of focus to direct development
Board Meeting (Sustainability)
- there will be 2 report backs form the board meeting -
- a screen cast report back from Philipp and
- a report back from the sustainability discussion
- there was a lot of support to work on a general small donations strategy and income opportunities
- we will continue to look for short-term grants
- if we can come up with an amazing idea for a kickstarter campaign and the community takes ownership, then Kickstarter is an option
- Board has signed off on testing a community endowment campaign but this is an agreement in principle, not agreement to make it happen
- More details to come in the report backs
Surveying challenge users? what are the plans? (pb)
- challenges might attract a different kind of audience than courses do.
- People who come to P2Pu are interested in education
- It wouldbe good to surface the conversations that these people have
- BUT - challenges might attract different people, who have a more focused desire
- perhaps they have less interest in activating their own learning
- People need to know that they can make their own path through challenges
- Identifying the next step as part of the challenges is important - what comes after a challenge.
- What is the ideal journey we want someone to take through P2PU?
- How do we design challanges to help them do this?
- Can we identify them, and how do we generate metrics around them?
- What are their intentions in taking on a challenge? What do they want to do with a challeneg once they're done?
- also depends on the type (content) of challenges. webmaking 101 is for entry level. webcraft 404 (the masterclass) will bring totally other crowd
more info about cycles
13 October 2011
- Stand-ups for projects
- Assessment & Badges [Chloe]
User Support [Alison / John]- Webcraft [John]
- Tech [Zuzel]
- School of Ed [Philipp]
- Mozilla Festival sync up
- P2PU Workshop planning
- UX Badges discussion
- Bekka
- Philipp
- Chloe
- Arlton
- Carla
- John
- Michelle
Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics [Chloe]
- A great week for assessment and badges - 1 phase rolled out on - self assessed badges and "beta tester hero!" badges
- Skill + Peer badges being tested on alpha
- Chloe, Arlton & Jessica working on UX and experience for badges-
- Assessment white paper being revised
- has a demo with 18 badges, and 9 of them are on
Webcraft [ John]
- Mentor & challanges programmes pushed out quietly this week
- - Webmaking 101 (soft/preview) launch
- Holding off on announcements until more testing done
Tech [Zuzel]
- Zuzel pulled an all-nighter! She is a star.
- Send her some virtual love, people!
- release 1.5 with challenges + badges functionality part of which will be tested on in the following days (including skil badges and peer community badges) before adding some of the webmaking 101 badges.
School of Ed [Philipp]
- Our Latin American posse are meeting with key people we need to support (Chile - Minstry of Ed, Mexico - Inter American Development Bank)
- Philipp meeting with Karen Fasimpaur, National Writing Project, Ahrash in San Fran later this year
Mozilla Festival sync up
- (loads of P2PU people are going to be there)
- Good(?) news -> I will also be there !!!!! d(^_^)b nice emoticon!
- Ideas for possible sessions (to be added to the pad) & what might they need to happen:
- Chloe: a
Learning lab Challenge (Or Challenge creation Challenge): - keep it broad for the challenge not SoW specific
- -- such a good idea ^^
- Participants use a card game to share ideas, goals, objectives for new challenges
- Need: Print posters, index cards
- To do: blog the rules/structure
- John: Science Fair
- P2PU in general, mention schools (focus on SoW in other places)
- SoW
- SoSI
- School of Math (if Maria is there)
- School of Open
- Goal: Get the word out about P2PU, get users signing up right at the table.
- Needs: Screen/big monitor
- Swag
- Print outs
- Philipp: we want to have a big push around SoW at this event - it's the right audience
- We want more webcraft challenges
- use, critique and create new ones - some UX support perhaps?
- Badges: what are the ones most useful for web developers? What do we want to show? [Happy to be involved –Carla]
- Chloe: if we have a challenge creation challenge - should we have people create them on the P2PU platform?
- Chloe's Challenges session not tied to SoW, include media people, look at pedagogy, bootstrap new objectives
- SoW session: an application of the ideas that are surfaced in Chloe's session in the SoW context.
- Difference between Challenge and Learning Lab
- Challenge: Activity to reach a goal
- Learning Lab: Knowledge Gain
- Learning Lab: Webmaking 101 [John]
- FYI -- session on socializing learning videos (hosted by Anne Jonas)
- What is the next step?
- Come up with working titles for the sessions
- Use the Mozilla Pad as working space, then notify Michelle and Gunner when content is ready to be pulled into their system
- john to email community with link to festival pad and publicly ask for additonal ideas / volunteers to lead sessions
P2PU Workshop Planning
- There is an etherpad (surprise!)
- At the moment, this is not complete, but objective is that each session has an owner, and each has tangible outcomes.
- Have a look at it! Add your ideas!
- Will share with the community as well, so those not present will be able to shape the agenda
- Organise a special community call for everyone to weigh in on these ideas.
- Call to action: Add concrete sessions you would like to see, own sessions if you're going to be there.
- Next step: Email to community list, and online call for agenda planning
UX Badges discussion
- Are there any new features that might be coming out in the next few days which have an implication for the badges?
- Yes:
- Features are in alpha, so would be useful if people went and tried them out.
- Focus was on functionality, so if people could make suggestions for (small, easy) visual changes
- Not sure yet how to go about this back&forth process - will figure out how to send the updates.
Sustainability at P2PU
- **This will be a high-level, conceptual, very rough conversation, totally not compulsory**
- [i've removed the notes from the sustainability chat - not to /hide/ them, but because they will be nicely integrated / summarized in my sustainability update from the board meeting]
6 October 2011
- Bring back rounds (Alison)
- Showcase items from the P2PU community (Alison)
- Drumbeat activities / planning- (Chloe/John)
- Alison
- Bekka
- Carla
- Philipp (dirty olive)
- Chloe
- John
- Jessica
Courses of the Week [Ali]
Stand ups
Assessment & Badges & Learning Analytics [Chloe
- Working on completing text for challenges + badges
- Jessica working on badge submissions page
- Assesment paper drafting meeting (gurus) pushed to next week
User Support [Alison / John]
- Helpdesk will become real once the UX changes are made
- need help content frontloaded about badges, challenges
- add content on webcraft specifics
- What is a challenge
- How do I get a badge
- Daily standups are being done (IRC -> # p2pu-dev at 10am US Eastern)
- 7 challenges are live (not yet ready for sign up)
- Setting up process for requesting/volunteering mentors
- Website page will be updated so that notifications for challenges and their follow-on challenegs are made clear
- Take a look at the most up to date
- Would it be possible to add a one-liner that says "when you finish this, your website wll be live" so that it is clear that this is for absolute beginners
- Tech meeting information from yesterday:
- Next release is Oct 11 and will have Arlton's changes and more badging
School of Ed
- We've got team meetings in the US lined up for the end of October.
- Talking to 2 groups in Dubai and Chile to
- Prepare small proposals and test with pilots in their regions
- Examine sustainability in those regions by looking at certification options.
Bringing back a "round" of courses [Ali]
- (Context): rounds were kind of like semesters - they were used at P2PU to help get people into the site, getting them help and doing marketing for the courses in these rounds.
- At the last board meeting, this was discussed, and some of the board members feel strongly that we should keep using them - or find a way to preserve the benefits of these rounds (spikes in traffic, good promotion)
- Concerns:
- The amount of work that goes into orientation for rounds is high.
- At the time were there any people working full time at p2pu?
- Yes - Ali & Bekka
- now that we have more staff is it worth making it a dedicated thing
- Concern: some people who didn't want to be part of the round felt like they were being denied a service.
- Good things about round (which we want to keep)
- We had fewer problems driving traffic to "small" courses
- We got big spikes in traffic (which lifted us up to a new plateau)
- Now that we have a stronger idea of "roles" in courses, could that help organizers differentiate between those who put in the time to plan a syllabus and those who volunteer to help facilitate meetings?
- example: Brooklyn Brainery (they fill _all_ courses)
- idea: (opt-in! not mandatory) -> monthly / bi-monthly batches of courses. artificial deadlines for people that want to run courses +1 CV +1PS
- If we can encourage people to get their courses ready for an artificial deadline, then it can be a useful tool for getting promotion and sign-ups
- Curation (is a problem) at P2PU.
- perhaps batches / semesters provide an artificial deadline to meet a certain quality, being part of the batch has benefits
- we can use batches as a way to _curate_, only let the best stuff through - will also lead to people submitting more quality stuff (if their courses get voted up)
- not everyone makes the cut
- how do we (who) define quality?
- Philipp: it is easier to filter from the positive than the negative perspective - pick the best, rather than booting out the worst.
- pick the cream of the crop, only the best will be featured
- Who does this?
- How - is it possible that there could be a curator of batches/cycles?
- Ali - certian metrics are actually a very good indicator -
- More than one co-organiser
- Having three or more tasks
- A simple rubric of what is required might make it easier.
- idea: could we have a course that guides people to make courses? so PD becomes a course? i.e. the final goal of that course has people making their own.
- we've had this for a long time - not succesful so far - few people want to take a course first, to then do their own (it's a huge time commitment)- if it is something that is short and fast?
- If we have rounds P2PU needs to:
- 1) Send a call for organizers + courses
- 2) Have a course creation deadline
- 3 Curate a set of courses for the announcement
- Define a set of "guidelines" that we use for curation - so everyone knows
- But publish a course catalogue that includes all new courses
- 3) Have direct steps through the creation process
- Find co-organizers
- Develop learning outcomes THROUGH tasks
- Set dates for course to run + expectations of organizers and participants
- 4) Have a standard promotion process and clear outline of this process on the site
- This can be integrated into the course creation process
- Q: are rounds standard and folks can opt out OR is rounds a bonus we offer and folks opt in?
- About starting with highly curated content ->
- Next step -> Ali makes it happen (with our help)
- No, we should help! (of course!) - i want to help (light blue is chloe) ~~
- Set up as a proper p2pu project (module owner: Ali)
- make a project block on (I can help)
- Include timeline planning and process clarifications in here too.
- Chloe: helps wth rubric + infographics
- Process - user submits their course to P2PU promotions
Surface stuff from the community.
There is a lot of good stuff happening in courses - but nobody knows about it. How can we share more of what's happening on the site, within the courses?
Ways to pull content + conversations from courses
- 1) Define standard places to showcase P2PU people, courses, content
- A showcase page
- The blog
- Tweets that point to cool things
- 2) Prompt organizers and participants to share back
- manual browsing + curation by staff
- automated message to organizers/participants
- Alan: Could challenges (prompts) be incorporated into the course creation process? -
- like a checklist for orgaisers which could reveal information that we could use for promotion and info harvesting.
- There is a ticket for this:
- Have badges for course organisation been discussed - as a way of new organisers finding people who have organised similar courses and seeing an example of what they can/need to do.
- SoSI did this in their pilot
- That's an excellent idea - we've had the idea of more strongly promoting people who offer great courses (badges is one way of doing that) - it's just been pushed down by other priorities. It requires some dev work, but also people work.
- people work in this context would mean the curation of the process and badges themselves
- Chloe is working on badges and assessment and (current workload allowing) is keen to take the lead on this.
Mozilla Festival - What is P2PU doing ? (Chloe/John)
- (Lots of) People at the festival:
- Chloe, John, Jane, Phillip Smith (works for Mozilla, ran Mozilla Journalism course on P2PU), Niels?
- Programming Options (Gunner saves the day - point person)
- Tell Gunner and Michelle how we want to fit in
- Science Fair
- cocktail tables, with demos
- Challenges (come up with some participatory thing for people to do)
- 3 hour slots / Saturday and Sunday (we can have as many as we want)
- Write new challenges, complete existing challenges
- minimal expectation / activity driven
- Learning Labs (more
traditional maker-oriented format for people to learn something new)- 1.15hrs - learn something new
- Chloe interested in running someting like this -
- Workshop "what makes a good challenge" and get more people started in designing challenges, including for
- Plan future of Mozilla Journalism course on P2PU (maybe look at big blue button integration)
- And news -> Jane is also there, for CC, and interested in doing something on School of Open
- Badges team are working on how to be involved in festival, possible to roll badges into any P2PU session that gets done, also possible to work with Hackasaurus on this. :)
- Next steps:
- John / Jane / Chloe sync-up re festival
- Let's report back next week on this
- Michelle and Gunner are our contacts
29 September 2011
- Standups
- Courses of the Week [Ali]
- "How to" for School of Webcraft Challenges [Chloe]
- Any tech issues that weren't discussed yesterday [Bekka & philipp's request, they're sick]
- Ohours [John]
Stand-ups for projects
- Assessment & Badges [Erin]
- Badges are coming along. Have some images from Chloe that she's sending out to community and/or dev. She's going to put on lighthouse at least. Should have ready by Tuesday: Ability to self-assess, and get self-assessment badges; submit for other badges; superuser award of badges.
- Open question about Tuesday's delivery is if we can have the rubric-aligned peer assessment done but working to get there.
- NEED: evaluation plan for this phase of badges, how to determine if we are on the right track
- Anything we need to roll into this phase for being able to tell this? I think we can just have a more anecdotal/survey/etc approach for this stage. You don't need more to do :) True that, but just making sure I didn't miss something :)
- School of Ed is doing a few badges in two Oct/Nov courses - following up with Chloe about that
- Chloe now driving the assessment framework group - making a lot of progress on that framework paper (and the design principles that get pulled from it)
- Learning Analytics [Zuzel]
- Available to all school organizers and group organizers of school of Ed (karen's request).
- We will have to talk about releasing this for all p2pu in the future (on hold until we have time to work on this)
- Metrics Overall [John]
- User Support [Alison / John]
- Webcraft [John]
- Working on updates to Challenge page, individual task pages, we've got to do some thinking about how people move between individual tasks.
- Tech [Zuzel]
- Preparing for next Tuesday release (all efforts dedicated to sow's webmaking 101 challenges and badges)
- School of Ed [Philipp]
Courses of the Week [Ali]
"How to" for School of Webcraft Challenges [Chloe]
Any tech issues that weren't discussed yesterday [Bekka & philipp's request, they're sick]
- preparing for possible high load -> press creating high traffic
- potentially split onto multiple servers to accommodate load
Ohours [John]
- totally revolves around people
- setup structure example of mentorship process
- shows availability, tracks hours (we have to check if this will be usefull, they could be meeting by many ways, are they going to have to long the time?), facilitates matches
- in webcraft mentorship is currently facilitated by filling a google form
- zuzel: our first step is to allow schools to configure a link for an external form they are going to use to get information about mentoors mentees and match them up
22 September 2011
- New courses
- Spam Handling Process -> ID/complaint of spam to resolution (Alison)
- Bio101 w/ Saylor
- Language Learning (looking for volunteers) [John?]
- Workshop (Allhands?) [Philipp]
- School of Open
- Alison
- Jessica
- Philipp (a less pink version of Jessica today)
- John
- Carla
- Chloe
- Erin
- Zuzel
- Sebastien
- Gunner (phone only)
Stand-ups for projects
- Assessment & Badges [Erin]
- Erin IS famous now
- Launch -> DML Competition, Open Badges Infrastructure
- conceptual presentation of ideology
- concrete applied examples, inc: Ali presenting SoW
- see:
- Intel, NASA, CPB aligned with MacArthur partnership
- Badges implementation in Lernanta moving ahead
- Learning Analytics [Zuzel]
- Karen is able to see and download metrics from the School of Ed courses.
- Around october we will be collecting feedback about how to extend this to other courses and persons [we have too much else going on to look at this right now]
- I have to document the structure of the csv file ASAP (provided Brad with an example file with fake data so he can work on a script to get more from the detailed data)
- Metrics Overall [John] - no updates, focus on webcraft
- User Support [Alison / John] - no updates, focus on webcraft
- Webcraft [John]
- working on challenge revision based on feedback
- more feedback is coming in from testers
- final changes to challenge page
- badge application / peer review / awarding TBD
- Tech [Zuzel]
- Ready to provide support to Jessica and Arlton for merging/finishing up or working on some of the SoW in paralell with them (please send stuff my way)
- School of Ed [Philipp]
- network building (both US and international partners)
- working on credit integration with UCI (very tricky)
- courses starting soon (question about sign-ups)
- Issue: Spam increase (how to deal with that?)
- Some new courses:
- Delete it! (current Terms of Use allow it, and new ones will have specific section)
- One prolific spammer ...
Bio101 course w/ Saylor [Sebastian/Alison]
- Challenges with running introductory course
- Biology researcher - experience with group discussion, mentoring, but not a lot of teaching experience
- Add exercises
- Doesn't need a specific interface/UX - just a possiblity to give an assignment with correct answers (self-assessment)
- Do you mean content or quizzes?
- Tracking achievements / Create a meaningful legacy of completed tasks (related to "grading")
- Keep track of own progress
- Rewarding high level of engagement (not penalizing low activity)
- Legacy
- Possible to give classes for credit?
- Target audience?
- Not sure yet
- PS: Important to reach out to the "community" that this is relevant to (P2PU does not have reach into all communities)
- Q: self assessment and other "task completion" features in alpha for webcraft - is this something we could use for saylor courses as well? -Q for zuzel/john/philipp
- Q: Can we bring some of the features developed for SoW and SoE over to courses?
- JB: Currently testing in webcraft and ed, if they work well - we'll figure out a way to move them over to other courses.
- ZVP: all webcraft features are available to all users - (but it's a new type of group) - that means the changes are particular to this type of groups (groupname = challenge). However, currently these features are mapped against the needs of SoW (and they probably don't work for others)
- The challenge model that we're working on is tailored to Webcraft. If another group wants different features we really have to weigh if it's worth adding complexity for changing that. Ideally we'll bring features in Challenges that the whole of P2PU wants into the main functionality of groups.
- Next steps:
- explore current development for webcraft challenge model & badges
- work with Alison to explore options/build Bio101
- Send links to blog posts / wiki to Sebastian:
- john -> challenges
- erin/chloe/jessica -> badges (badge task)
- zuzel/jessica -> learning analytics
Language Learning [John]
- How could people do language learning in a social / peer-to-peer environment?
- Software support learning is great for memorization, but it's boring, and can't connect with other people
- (has links to wikiotics, and more background)
- Wikiotics has different features / tools
- There are lots of other interesting projects
- We are busy right now - but would love to see something trying... definitely something that we want to keep in the backlog if nobody picks it up
- Need volunteer to drive (I could help with language curriculum/ideas if you want me to, created a bunch of language curriculum/games using Skype)
- Ask Caleb! [and Sebastien again!]
- Next step:
- Ali to connect with Caleb and see if he'd like to drive
- Ali to send email to community list
- Module ownership style? Can be a great way to set the example for new developments at P2PU by volunteers. +1
- Call it all-hands or is that tech speak (or not a good term anyway)?
- Ali: tech people stole it (it's a sailing term) - so it's good
- workshop seems more theoretical and about idea / discussion
- gunner: problem with "all"hands means if you're not there - you're left out
- "some"hands, "most"hands, barnraising, hellraising more like, "labor camp", "working session"
- give it a production name: sprint
- for people who are working on p2pu most of the time? staff + huge contributors
- Why dont we just call it "work" - "work brighton 2011"
- dynamic for this meeting is different - it's about everyone who is doing stuff
- How to include people not physically there - do a share-out session at the begining and the end? +1
- Proposal: video link up to bring more people in
- (1) Pre-event engagement (before the event)
- (2) Report back from the event (with feedback / discussion)
Update / New idea -> Creative Commons School of Open [Philipp]
- Delia, Philipp, Jane were at the Creative Commons summit
- Session on education strategy (for CC)
- Developed the idea of a CC School of Open
- Great response from CC community and starting conversations about what this might look like in the next weeks
15 September
- (Alison, Philipp, Erin will be absent - sorry!)
- Pippa
- Zuzel
- Jessica
- Bekka
- John
- Carla
- Assessment & Badges [Erin]
- Learning Analytics [Jessica]
- Metrics Overall [John]
- User Support [Alison / John]
- Webcraft [John]
- Tech [Zuzel]
- School of Ed [Philipp]
- Project stand-ups
- Use of twitter - Let's agree on the basic how/ what
- Orientation Plans [Pippa]
- Padsearch [John]
Badges [Jessica for the dev side]
We're working through an implementation doc -
Learning Analytics [Jessica]
CSV exports are coming along
Good feedback
Metrics Overall [John]
Webcraft is the main priority, no updates since last week
Need to add some tracking code to Lernanta as the next step
Support [John/Alison]
No updates, pending Single Sign On integration for Lernanta
Webcraft [John]
John sent an email to lists
first 5 challenges are ready
Challenge group type available -thanks to Zuzel
Collecting feedback and the community and Mozilla
Next week Jamie and John will work on changes
Hopefully live by end ofnext week,
Working on change list for last release
Mostly behind the scenes stuff
School of Ed changes
- Who has access? John, Alison, Bekka, Philipp, Jane, Zuzel (anyone else?)
- What do we use it for?
- Get the word out
- Feature awesome work / courses / people
- Speak with our community
- Who do you follow?
- Who do you retweet?
Orientation Plans
- difficult as Ali is away - i want to find out if regular orientation courses and related badges are still planned?
- Most of these questions are being discussed in the Edupunks course.
- query re ongoing plans and how this is accessible at a broader level will be asked on a later call
Padsearch [John]
8 September
- Stian
- Carla
- Bekka
- Jessica
- Erin
- Philipp
- Alison
- Chloe
- Stand-ups for projects
- Assessment & Badges [Erin]
- Finalizing the plan for badges and Webcraft challenges
- Working with Chloe and design group on the assessment framework
- Prepping Ali for her awesome demo in DC next week
- Learning Analytics [Jessica]
- Shows: task edits, comments, task views. Almost done with data export (CVS). Just have non-participant, non-follower data and almost finished with that last night. Updated and the login for Karen is user-3 as before.
- Overall Metrics [John]
- User Support [Alison / John]
- will coincide support desk launch (and content) with UX changes
- push - no updates... maybe some content
- Webcraft [John]
- Experimenting in separate space
- Proposed group called "The Challenge" which is an open-ended, open to all, as a space in which to experiment with the challenge tools
- Challenges out for testing, should hear back soon end of this week early next week
- Tech [Zuzel]
- We are pushing UX and webmaking 101 changes into the site starting this release
- Metrics UI is almost finished and we are starting soon (Jessica) with the peer-assesment support for part of the webmaking 101 challenges
- Will try to squeeze the implementation of support for featuring groups and "deleting" spam courses into the todo list. (thank you!)
- School of Ed [Philipp]
- Two meetings (DoE US, and group in Dubai) (who did you meet with at DoEd?)
- Sign-ups increasing, but not through the roof (yet)
- (Philipp - Karen contacted me about wanting to run some assessments/badges in a few of her courses. We should talk about how to handle that (if we can handle it, how to help her, etc)
- Courses of the Week [Ali]
- Chloe is working on a blog post about "what makes a good challenge"
- Ali to provide input based on experience in learning plans
- Webcraft Challenges and Badge plans (status from all sides, make sure everyone is on the same page, next steps)
- Tracking the badge/assessment plans, updated as of this morning:
- Basic mode for badges and assessments:
- Starting with first 5 challenges towards the end of September
- Each challenge will essentailly be a a study group with some additional features in the tasks (Zuzel working on this)
- Within each group are a number of tasks associated with the challenge.
- Easy self-assessment mechanism built in for marking off the end of each task
- At the end of the set is an additional "badge task" where users have to submit all the work they have done, and this is peer assessed. Narrative and rubric will be associated with the task, so peers can check off tasks systematically as they go.
- Actual assessment outcome is a rating from 1-4 ("meets no criterea" - "meets all and exceeds all criteria")
- This gives learner more info, and avoids having to say "no"
- Still some open questions about fixing work after assessment
- Possible to get multiple badges in the case of skill badges (HTML, or CSS badges for example)
- Peer badges: "good collaborator" "Mentor" etc. We want to include these. In the pilot, they could just be given from one peer to another.
- "Stealth" and "Guru" badges are on the horizon - not for this round, but will be rolled into later iterations.
- Would love to see an "active contributor" badge based on number of log-ins
- That's a good idea - maybe we can work in a few badges based on the metrics we are collecting - will talk to Jessica/Zuzel to see if this addition is possible +1 (It might be 'last active' vs 'login' but yes. Coolio) +1(responsive, how fast one responds to assessing someone else's work, if we are tracking that...)
- Ok FINE, we'll do stealth assessment - you guys have too many good ideas :) Oh noes! ;) :)
- "Adopt a challenge" potential has been discussed, and this might be a way of having guru assessment, or somehow weight these people's assessment
- possible to use community members who are drafted to do this in the first round
- We will have enough people to adopt all the challenges as "original adopters"
- Assimilating this with the challenge model is a bit more tricky
- Could align them with the assessment as well
- We're working on these, and hopefully will have them done by the end of the week.
- to see the updated plan
- Webcraft UX plans [John]
- Decided to implement changes in Webcraft for now (separate from rest of P2PU to not affect everyone else)
- Initial plan had been to make changes across the site, but there was not enough time to get feedback.
- Things that we like from Webcraft will then be introduced for everyone (after discussion / review / feedback in the community)
- Challenges
- Main activity stream will be moved
- No longer have an application deadline for challenges, they will have no set start or end
- Sequences of challenges
- Webmaking 101 is in a sequence, some to get up and running and need to be in order, others that do not.
- Will probably address this by dropping people into the first one as soon as they sign up, once that is done, they will be pointed towards the 2nd, 3rd etc challenges.
- Adopt a challenge
- We will seed challenges with people who have done them before/have experience
- Learners will be able to appeal to the mentors.
- Include a prompt as people end a challenge that asks if they want to opt in and adopt the challenge
- Mentors
- Manual matching of mentors with mentees
- Have 10-15 mentors (incl. "people from the Internet")
- Need more mentors? (Take some of Anna's mentors)
- These interactions will be logged on the pad, as a means of showing whether mentorship can be useful
- Mentor profiles - Include biographical information and feature them prominitenly to encourage others to do the same - mentor directory (model identities for the community members, mentors to be)
- maybe borrow some ideas from mentornet (just signed up there not long ago)
- Talk to anna about possibly borrowing some of her mentors and about finding more mentors to deal with the potential scale of webmaking 101
- Badge overview page for webcraft, to show what can be done, what is at stake
- could drive people into challenges
- different combinations of badges are a good way to link to people who have them.
- TASK: Erin/Chloe to pull together the list of badge content (once we have it :)) and send to John and work with him to get this page made (Chloe can help here too:))<--yay! :)
- The List [Philipp]
- It's really hard to keep track of everything that goes on at P2PU, both for staff and for volunteers who want to get involved.
- One place which has a high-level overview of what is going on at P2PU
- Ask: What do people think?
- What kind of info do we need to include in it?
- If we are going to stcik with etherpads then it looks like ethepad lite will help with some of the things we don't like about the current etherpad
- Intro - Carla
- Open Badges Operation Manager
- Welcome Carla!
1 September
- Standups
- Feedback on UX [John is moving today - Philipp]
- Featured Courses for the weekly mailer
- Spam policy
- SoW discussion
- Alison
- Zuzel
- Bekka
- Philipp
- Gunner
- Artur
- Erin (tardy)
Stand-ups for projects
- Assesment & Badges [Erin - by email]
- Chloe starts today! Our new Assessment Specialist! Woo!
- We are working to define the badging strategy and requirements for the Webcraft Challenges. Hope to have the plan finalized by the end of this week or first thing next and the goal is to launch at the end of September along with the first 5 or so challenges. Tracking here:
- Our advisory/design group is making headway on the assessment framework paper - a deliverable required for the Hewlett grant but also will be important to frame/model our assessments and evidence of learning moving forward.
- P2PU is presenting the SoW badges in our nation's capital! Ali (and maybe Jessy?) will be representing for P2PU at the MacArthur DML competition (focused on badges) announcement event in DC and demoing the SoW badge work up to this point with an audience that includes tons of media, fed agency folks, industry bigwigs, etc.(translation: its a big deal). I am happy to talk more about this at some point on the call if people are interested.
- Metrics [Zuzel]
- Tracking of page views is on production (only visible on the admin site)
- The UI that karen will see and later other organizer will see is on a demo on
- Jessica is working on finishing metrics work this week
- User Support [Alison
/ John]- Adding content to knowledge base in
- feedback from the community welcome here as well
- Anyone can view the help desk as it currently is and offer feedback.
- Ali will prompt community to review within coming weeks, timing will be tied in with UX changes
- Would like admin to contribute core content for now.
- At the moment the help desk content is only in English, is there a way to offer this in another language?
- Dependent on a community of non-English speakers who can offer support, which we don't quite have yet, but maybe in time.
- On the dev TODO list we have the implementation of Single Sign On for
- Webcraft [John is moving today - Philipp]
- Challenges review process moving along -
- a lot of feedback from the community already
- John will work with non-p2pu, non-developer people to see how they go, so we can get some real live testing done.
- Final draft pushed out early next week for feedback
- UX
- Tech [Zuzel]
Feedback on UX
- If anyone hasn't looked at John's emails (new header and footer), please look at them, and give feedback on the list.
- We can revert changes, but always better to get it right before we launch them
- General home page and schools home page chnages to come soon.
- Also need feedback about the backgrounds and fonts.
- Will this be in the course home page draft?
Featured Courses
- What's the process to find good courses every week? Alison will bring examples to the list
- Ok to include "courses under development"? yes
- Needs a tech change (will do it is already in place for schools, just have to do it on the general list too)
- Question -> Can Ali provide a lit of things that are looking interesting? She's in touch with course organizers a lot more / daily basis
- Ali to do a weekly round-up each week going forward
- Feature School of Ed courses this week
- See Karen's blog posts about this, and loads of tweets #p2puedu
Spam policy
- Spammers are providing active links on the site to their commercial sites
- Ideal will be to hide them completely
- This allows rolling back in case something turns out not to be SPAM
- Requires development work
- Also consider "nofollow" links to reduce
- But unless we can make sure SPAMers know it's not really effective
- But at least Google doesn't think of us as a spammer
- Question/ Boundary case:
- Pseudo course which points to someone's URL to increase search results
- Need a policy:
- Very short -> 3 sentences
- We reserve the right to remove content that is unproductive or inappropriate ...
- Get Gunner's input on this!
- Bekka to draft for next week
- Get feedback from community
- Should SoW community members already running courses be allowed to continue to do so? If someone proposes a new course, what happens?
- Nope - sorry *we probably don't want this*
- Sure - old model still works
- Is the new webcraft model still in the P2P spirit?
- Major changes to be made to how SoW works in the next little while, in terms of how courses work, challenges, processes etc
- Change always has the potential to surface tension points, and we need to consider where these might be and how we should deal with them
- For example: At the moment, we have several people who are running successful courses, so how will these fit in with a challenges-oriented way of doing things?
- Alison & Zuzel think: until we check if the challenges model is successful we should not get rid of the old model and even if they are successful we need feedback from existing facilitators
- An untested challenges model which doesn't work will leave us with nothing, which we want to avoid.
- Does this new model mean that more experts will be running courses, and if this is the case does it mean that we might be moving away from the Peer 2 Peer spirit of doing things?
- The challenges objective is to make it in fact more scaleable for peer learning to happen
- It would be useful to get some documentation on what has worked/not worked so far, so that we can communicate what changes are happening and why
- Inheritance of courses has been a problem
- Incentives to run courses has been a problem
- Need to make incentives for running courses AND for being facilitators stronger.
- Charging for the second, third, fourth time round might be an example
- Pushback on this has been strong
- Blog posts describing this:
- [Philipp] Next steps:
- Communicate the thinking behind what's going on right now better
- Challenges we've felt with the courses model
- Ideas that will make it MORE p2p
- Linger in the problem space
- Plan A -> challenges
- What about plan B, or C -> let people pay/charge, higher bar to become a facilitator
- Webcraft is a pilot (testing a new idea)
- Get it out broadly (blog, FB, twitter, email to community list)
- Include an ASK to the community
- Are we talking around the right problems?
- Next survey?
25 August
- Standups
- patting (thanks!) ourselves on the shoulder (school of ed, webcraft progress)
- vocabulary - information hierarchy (schools specifically) [John]
- Jessica on travel & pad only
- Bekka
- Alison
- Philipp
- John
- Gunner
- Erin
- Jamie
- Assessment & Badges [Erin]
- Aligning webcraft challenges with badges functionality
- Chloe coming onboard next week - working on defining a model for challenges and aligning that with the badges
- Metrics [Jessica]
- User Support [John/Alison]
- Webcraft [John]
- Tech [Zuzel]
- Arranging call about Sow and Badges objectives next Tuesday
- Call yesterday about UCI pilot (new courses on School of Ed and integration with external website)
- Doing last spring on this milestone features
- Set up two demos on alpha for Jessica and Arlton ( and
- Lots of development work (too much)
- Can we find more volunteer developers? Should we try? Or makes more work than is useful?
- Yes, it would be easier for Zuzel to set up working systems with developers who can be responsible for distinct projects.
- Reach out to Mozilla/webcraft community?
- Budget to hire more full time developers?
- not unrestricted funds - could push a little more on webcraft specific things, or assessment related things
- or could raise funds from shuttleworth for a full-time developer short-term (but takes a few weeks to get the money)
- Some of the projects are paying for their development work out of their budgets, and everything is "paid for" at the moment
- But we don't have an unlimited amount of money for all the devleopment work that needs to be done
- Possibility: to motivate for a short-term developer fellowship from Shuttleworth foundation
- Next Steps:
- Philipp to follow up with Zuzel for overall dev support
- Philipp to follow up with John/Jamie on short-term webcraft need
- John to reach out to volunteer developers
- Email to go to community list once there is more content there - but feel free to look at the link
- Please include some info on how this relates to all the other support options we've had in the past (bascially short version of your answer to zuzel)
- Looks great!!!
- What are we shutting down/ replacing?
- Definitely remove "contact alison" - make support a public / group effort
- help desk group will go
- Handbook content will move across
- Uservoice page - this wasn't used for site feedback, but we can export the data and close that down too.
- i like the uservoice link - would prefer to keep (it's easier to leave feedback that way, than to move to maybe refocus on "real feedback" rather than "suggest a course"
- Is there an ask to the community to contribute content?
- Not right now. Ali and John moving content.
- But people can ask and answer publicly and turn that info into knowledge base.
- John will add a call to action
- UX / Navigation - vocabulary - information hierarchy (schools specifically)
- Site navigation is a bit confusing at the moment (Learn, Blog, Help) are all top-level items but some of those links take users away from the site and it's hard to get back
- UX opinion is that Schools doesn't belong in the main section on the site - how do we manage this / argue the point / get buy in from the community on this?
- talk to people that are most affected
- people who are running schools
- somtimes experts lack foresight of the future of the project
- Proposal:
- to remove the schools dropdown, and replace it with actions (Learn/create whatever gets decided)
- Schools get moved down to the footer for navigation
- But are prominently featured on the p2pu home page & the "learn" page
- Visual representations of this will make it easier to get buy-in and communicate the proposals to the community and schools.
- demo of the navigation design --
18 August
- DIY U on P2PU (Anya Kamenetz)
- Sharing survey results of interest
- T-Shirt discussion
- Bulk order - from UK, but ship to a few places globally
- For self-order
- Need input /ideas -> what should we put in the text block (e.g "09/09/09")?
- Groups Featured on P2PU home page (featured by p2pu and schools vs. featured by p2pu with a mechanism for selecting courses from schools as featured by p2pu) [Philipp or Zuzel]
- Zuzel
- Alison
- Jessica
- Arlton
- Philipp
- Bekka
- Pippa
- John
- Anya
Stand-ups for projects
Standups - Individual
- Pippa
- reviewing Jamie's awesome draft challenges
- Sharing survey results of interest
- We got about 500 results from the survey
- It's been a lesson in how to design and interprest surveys and data
- results here:
- Most people feel supported, but net everyone gets what they need, so there is some stuff for us to work on.
- Task for coming weeks: Analayse data sets, categorise users by different categories etc
- We have a very good breakdown between old users and new users - good spread of early adopters and newcomers. Might make a difference for results on certification expectations
- How do survey results correlate to google analytics - are US-based users more likely to answer a survey?
- Also, survey was in English, might be good to translate into spanish /other interface languages next time.
- i'm adding a map of web traffic to the wiki (for comparison)
- Edupunks Guide to DIY Credentials
- Handbook e-book released last week:
- get the PDf here! Scratchbooks version is
- entry level, getting started with developing plans, creating a network
- Might be an interesting course template on P2PU - helping people who need ideas on how to get started with P2PU materials and platform
- Number of reasons why this is interesting for P2PU:
- We think Anya is cool! and i think you guys are cool!
- We've always wanted to collaborate
- P2PU is easy for people who know what they want to do, when they arrive at P2PU
- But it's a challenge for us to help people who know they want to learn, but may not be sure what they want to learn.
- can't find a course you're interested in? come back later OR start your own group (a huge ask)
- If we can show them how to start their own learning pathways, it's a great way to turn them into peer learners and empower them.
- Might be technical ways to make this happen, as well as pedagogical ways
- We're super-glad to be working with Anya on this.
- This is something that will evolve and need to be workshopped as we go.
- can be used as guidance for more automated features further down the line
- Questions ->
- How do people itegrate and manage the process of working together as a group and get into learning on the site?
- They need to "apply" and be accepted - very top-down
- We could build features without major changes by changing some of the terms we use - making it more appropriate for people to integrate into learning networks rather than being accepted into courses
- How to integrate mentors into the programme
- mentors being discussed with SoW
- mentors outside of SoW may not want to be "locked into" the P2PU space? How to tactfully include them but not force them to use the platform? (I don't understand this) Some mentors may be happy to be using P2PU to manage their mentor / mentee relationship. Others may not want to do this - Sure, we don't force anyone to use the platform (in fact, we don't even offer any specific / special tools to support this - so most likely that they would use email, skype, anyway - and that's good) - OK. it just sounds like the SoW mentor stuff might happen differently and be managed through signups? Nope, only difference is that SoW acts as matchmaker for people who don't already have a strong network that they can set up themselves. ah, OK.
- Could mentors identify people they might want to support using tags on profiles??
- Anya's approach is very much - the individual learner identifies and recruits their own mentor network (SoW is very different - trying to act as match makers)
- Timeframe: 10 weeks at the moment, which can be changed if needs be.
- Main question: how can we as a community support this? (and learn from the experience to make P2PU more useful to more people)
- Ali to support / co-facilitate / manage with Anya
- Review, give feedback
- A cohort of experienced P2PU users and inexperienced!! who want to get involved and participate, not just observe
- We can, as community members, encourage people to get involved and participate
- Proving accountability:
- Visualization of tasks
- Calendar tool (or some form of reminders, dates attached to tasks)
- Regular meetings
- Other people paying attention to your work
- gamification
- Cross promotion
- On the front page of a button will link people to and vice-versa.
- Objective is that edupunk guide becomes a living, ongoing repository and community.
- Have you looked at Booki as a way of the book becoming live? It outputs to multiple ebook formats :-) thanks!
- Anya will add Alison as an organiser on the existing course, and they can start working together.
- Timing: September tends to be the time when people get back into the idea of learning, so to launch a pilot during September might make sense.
- Bigger launch after that, later in 2011, so we can be ready for a major upscale.
- Target audience: mandate is to target "non-traditional students" (adults, highschool leavers, people who have some education-institution experience etc).
- People who would define educational journey as "non-complete" would be more the target than those who have a degree already.
- For later phases: Might be relevant to talk to SoSI about how to bring people who feel more comfortable in a face-to-face setting into the mix as well.
- could also use the P2PU context as a training / experience space for these other facilitators eg. social workers / community workers.
- Next Steps:
- Roadmap / Framing ->
- Course draft ->
- From P2PU side: Alison takes the lead, but Zuzel will also be involved if tech changes need to be made, and John involved from a product and UX persepctive.
- Tshirts
- We're going to make more (
- But we need them to look better
- We need to figure out what to put on them
- learning [r]evolutionary
- edupunk +1 That should be on the limited edition ripped black version :-)
- do it with others
- always in session
- (on sleeve?) (on bar) though... the location might be embarassing for some ;) - it's like a standard "athletic" t-shirt from any US college Yeah. I have some like this. Just sayin'.
- peer learning (might be too long)
- The objective is to go with something that people know - a classic that we can use as a generic for several contexts.
- We can run a design challange for special run t-shirts
Groups Featured on P2PU home page
- There is no process for filtering the courses that show up as "featured" on the schools home page.
- All courses are "featured" on the schools pages
- Only a few are "featured" on the p2pu page
- This needs to be managed
- 2 options:
- We manually curate the page, and manage and upload the courses
- We create a mechanism to filter and automatically
- In terms of making sure that courses that need a bit more attention get it, it makes sense to curate, (for now) and tie them in to the newsletters
- This can change if we need it to.