11 August
- Bringing the Schools working group back to life [Bekka]
- User support plan [Alison/ John]
Badges within Web craft challenges [Erin] John will update below- [Pippa, introducing Nadia]
- webcraft update [John]
- Pippa
- Gunner!!!
- Alison
- Jessica
- Bekka
- Nadia "choco canel" E.
- Jamie C
- Erin
- John
- Chloe
Report Backs (in beta ) - Project
- Assesment & Badges
- Metrics
- User Support
- Webcraft
Communication & Admin
- Getting ready to send this week's "Featured Courses" messages (all input welcome)
- Contratcing, admin and paperwork - new guru team
Standups - Individual
- Meeting overload - preparations for the DML Competition (focused around badge/assessment systems!)
- Working with design group to develop the assessment framework (from Hewlett grant)
- On-ramping assessment specialist hire (starts September 1)
- Working on Webcraft 101
- New SoW landing page work
- Creating first set of tasks
Bringing the Schools working group back to life
Do we want to bring it back to life?
Do we see it having value?
What would we want to use it for?
- A discussion space for people who are running schools to discuss best practice
- A place for people to talk about how P2PU supports learners
- to discuss what P2PU offers schools
- to review school proposals - eg. school of fascism
- or if there are financial / partnership deals
Alison: the model we have is perfect but shouldn't P2PU make it as easy as possible for people to start a school, and run with it?
- It became cumbersome because we had no idea what a school should look like/be
- should staff take ownership of moving the process forward where the schools left off?
- or should we try to re-invigorate the working group
Pippa: staff support is needed for schools in some respect
- some schools require greater support / financial partnerships - they may require a staff liason
John: I don't think schools should all need staff support to get off the ground - the barriers to entry, for some, should be as low as possible. "Self-service schools"
Others, which involve partnerships will require more staff suppor
Pippa: what are the responsibilities of school "owners" in general? reviewing courses, defining which course is in which school etc.
If you start a school (even self-serve?), what are you signing up for?
- eg. supporting Ali in Orientation?
- responsibility for your own promotion?
Jessica: Group tagging might help show where schools can form up too
TASK: Bekka: develop plan for self service schools - what are the requirements that allow permissions into current technical barriers +1
Ali & John's User support plan
Right now we're lacking support in very important areas
Identified a few different areas:
- How to get a question answered well
- Philosophical stuff
- How to be a good peer learner
Recommend for user support: help.p2pu.org
- includes content, videos (articles)
- public/private forum
- chat
Looking into two platforms (assistly.com and tenderapp.com if anyone is interested)
Trying to combine the idea of the old-skool orientation with the new idea of the egalitarian open space with helping people start conversations and see what works.
re: Philosophical / Peer Learning Support discussions
edupunksguide step by step
How do we provide "student support" at P2PU?
Ali receiving 100s of help desk request
- solutions - a catch all address for more support related requirements
Badges within Web craft challenges
- Erin looking to get feedback on
Short term school with gamification needs for youth in europe
- Answer to an issue in European policy circles (youth in transition)
- Trying to devleop a new social contract for europe -
- Rather than usual top-down policy devleopment process, better to examine what strategies are people already using to manage the transition
- Idea is to develop a "School for Trailblazers"
- age range - "youth" - those having difficulties getting into regular work / education
- 18-35 yo (I still qualify for 'youth'!) (Me too!)
- combination of school - learn skills from other trailblazers, gathering stories and anecdotes from those working / living collaborative lifestyles, enabling democratic participation
- story gathering - what were their learning experiences that made them resilient
- school / game / social network - social network with gaming functionality that supports people learning
- Technical Requirements
- gaming and motivational dynamics missing
- narrative framework support (pages?)
- collaborative document drafting
- yesterday - :-)
- project approved
- Nadia driving - need to be running and working for about 6 months (at least) by May
- policy recomendation in May 2012 (major output of the youth participants)
- Zuzel - school support - organisation
- development - need more features implemented by project start
- email John, Zuzel, Philipp with requirements for technology
Webcraft & Badges update
- John drafted the following document: http://pad.p2pu.org/webcraft
- Reflecting on the lessons learnt in the past
- Focus going forward is on what was known as "Webmaking 101" which will allow people to built their own web portfolios.
- Learning tasks can run concurrently or independently to a certain extent.
- Tasks teach skills, have clear completion points, and have an end product which is different from every person who takes on the task.
- These will be grouped in a collection that is cool to look through.
- People can mentor on that task voluntarily, and many people can mentor
- As tasks are completed, outputs will be documented and made visible
- Webcraft Presentation
- Give a clear idea, and a call to action: "learn web devleopment, certified by mozilla, sign up to Webmaking 101
- As people get an idea of what a good task is, we can point to them and encourage people to develop more advanced tasks within webcraft
- WRT Badges: there are a lot of badge-type moments in this scenario. Maybe after 10 tasks, you get your first badge.
- Design gurus have been brought on to help design assessment models - how do we build the webmaking 101 in with the work that this group is doing
- http://pad.p2pu.org/badge-integration
- Erin: this is a great model, once we know how it works, and can pull in content experts, the potential is to make really robust assessment. Yay!
- One of the objectives is that an infinite number of people should be able to do these tasks
- Once some of the tasks are ready, and people are doing them we can think about how best to manage the social interaction aspect.
- John, Erin, and all the gurus will speak and report back. + jamie? Yes, and Jamie!
4 August
- Question: should we do short weekly updates on core areas of P2PU (tech, admin, badges, etc.)
- Badges / assessment update [Erin]
- Help Desk revamp [Alison]
- Etherpad notifications [Philipp]
- Bringing the Schools working group back to life [Bekka - Next week]
- Daily coworking space - tool review and selection [Philipp - Next week]
- Berlin Workshop? [Pippa]
- Alison
- Jessica
- Pippa
- Bekka
- Philipp
- John
- Erin
Stand Ups
- working on PD assessment mockup (have feedback that needs to be incorporated) and sending out to p2pu-dev soon
- attended various meetings
- Erin sent out some more about badge integration: (0.1): http://pad.p2pu.org/badge-integration that we'll be getting going on
- help desk
- new groups & courses
- reaching out to local p2p groups
- Contract rewrites
- General Communications
- General admin
tasks analysis for SoW
- Interviewes for UX Designer
- Interviewes for Web Challege Designer
- Following up with OSUOSL re: killing dev machine
- Read notes from the last dev meeting on https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Dev-Meetings-2011
- Got Erin's update on badges and have to give feedback -- http://pad.p2pu.org/badge-integration
- Few days away from this Saturday's dev workshop at Toronto
- Waiting for reply from Philipp about the wrokflow around the Contributor agreeement he sent -- probably going to share with developers soon (can you make a proposal how to do this - haven't checked email yet ... ) can i send the proposal to the list with the agreement? sure! ok, will do. probably good to mention that we used the form from Free Software Foundation and that they do this as well - so we don't look like evil corporate types
- Meetings / discussions about financial independence (revenue generation)
- Major admin - contract template done (for consultants); finalizing contracts for john, assessment experts, assessment specialist; contributor agreement for software developers; bank account
- Partnership development - meetings around school of Ed (professional development for teachers)
Philipp: Question: should we do short weekly updates on core areas of P2PU (tech, admin, badges, etc.)?
- As the community gets bigger, and more people are working on more stuff, it gets harder to keep up with what people are doing, particualrly when there is some overlap (SoW, metrics, badges, evaluation etc)
- Many parallel conversations going on, how do we avoid these, and keep everyone in the loop?
- More calls may not be a solution
- As well as stand-ups, would it be helpful to have report backs in terms of 3 main areas from the people who are leading that work?
- Suggestion: that we keep the first 15 minutes to the report backs we can avoid the call feeling like a "staff meeting" and people feeling excluded
- Question: Would this be in addition to the stand ups (which are more about what individuals are up to)?
- Another mechanism would be that the people who are in charge of the "working groups" do the report backs, but it's more about the working group/areas than the individuals
- (John question): What are the topics we'll have and who is on each one?
- Tech [Zuzel]
- Communication & Admin [Bekka]
Marketing/Communication- Assesment & Badges [Erin]
- Metrics [John] (Pippa: community - it would be great to hear metrics / new signup numbers? not sure if it needs a report back though - maybe just a listing in the pad)
- Basically any area where people are "employed" to do stuff and/or their is an active working group?
Help Desk revamp [Alison]
- At the moment the Help Desk is a kind of community handbook with lots of tutorials
- Many courses are made every day, not all are legit and very few of those use the handbook or sign up to it
- That means they can't get any help
- Is there a way to get people subscribed to the handbook so they can get the help they need?
- Yes - if the creator uses the "course" setting for their group
- Recommend using non-moderated signup for the help desk
- Can people who join P2PU automatically be subscribed to the help desk? Or can it be an open space, that people don't have to "join"?
- This might be a problem for notificaitons from the help desk
- John Britton: that's not really the right way to do this: the need here is to get the helpdesk out of a course
- John and Ali are going to discuss this in the coming week and will report back at the next meeting
- P2PU.org is not built as a help site, we have different objectives, so we need to consider this when we think about building features
- People are not asking for help, and we're not sure why
- Philipp: having a "course" on how to build a P2PU course is the kind of material we should have on our site: http://p2pu.org/en/groups/p2pu-help-desk/content/how-to-start-a-study-group-on-p2pu/
- Having a badge that reflects the ability of an organiser to build different types of courses might be one way of signposting.
- I see this as a couple of courses that are more orientation-like:
- eg. How to translate an OER course to a peer-learning format
- how to create and manage an open study group
- Peer Instructional Design - ADDIE for anyone
- Facilitating online groups and meetings
- Writing great learning materials and tasks
- John Britton: does anyone love having helpdesk in a 'course' or was that mostly just because we had the ability to that?
- It was the best place to have it when we started
- historically it was the orientation, it was a space to learn how to run a group, using the platform.
- We need to differentiate between having a help desk (community, q&a, etc.) and a set of courses (setting up a P2PU course, facilitating a study group, etc.)
- Uservoice, qa.p2pu.org -- do they work?
- Too many services in one place right now - need to separate organiser support spaces, OSQA,
- TODO: John/Ali to go away and come back with a plan
Badges Update
- We have identified the learning and assessment specialists
- (Chloe, who knows about games, web dev, assessment etc via Quest to Learn) starts Sept 1
- 3 assessment gurus who will join a "design group"
- They will create and write the assessment framework paper, including the theory, which we need to provide as part of the Hewlett grant
- This will then feed right into the SoW assessment and badges schemes
- Badge pilot was put on hold (see meeting notes a few weeks ago) and decided to focus on integrating badges into Lernanta: http://pad.p2pu.org/badge-integration
- Right now the next phase is working through tasks and badges as they align in the Web Making 101 course.
- badges tied into task model in course design -> assessments linked to badges
- For assessors: they can view the submitted course, say that theya re ready to asses, and then the system gives them a rubric which they can use as a checklist of what has been done or not, and comment and the participants will be able to see what has and hasn't been "achieved"
- Moving towards a rating model (1-4), rather than straight "yes" or "no".
- Looking at having some peer assessment and some guru assessment for different level tasks. ha
- Some badges might be tied to levels of involvement, using site metrics.
- Want badges to be available to be plugged into the open badges and link back to the evidence.
- Philipp:
- This would be a a good example of the kind of report back we discussed earlier in the meeting.
- Zuzel:
- We use the same word "badges" for many things - this gets a bit confusing, maybe we should define vocabulary more clearly?
- We want to create a new role in the system that is not connected to courses or schools, so how do we manage access and permissions, becuase some people will need access to some levels.
Etherpad notifications
- Philipp takes the blame for this - so we're going to look into taking them off
- Philipp is happy to ask Joe to help us turn them off
- Hacks can be done, and volunteers can push the development
Real time communication
- So the idea was it would be great if p2pu staff were available on IM, sometimes there are times that it would be useful to just chat on IM. I know we're all in timezones so that's fine, but right now I just want to chat with Ali and setup a meeting. I know she's online, but I don't see her anywhere.
- login to gtalk with @p2pu emails so it does not get merged with personal IM yes!
- Could we get a tutorial on how to make use of @p2pu.org accounts? Useful for shared calendaring as well. And chat ...
- I'm available now, I can set everyone up... (John)
- Is @p2pu.org a google domain thing? yes alright, cool with me. I don't have a @p2pu acct but can share my personal im :)
- John can help set up a seperate domain so people don't get bombarded and only P2PU people can see each other.
Berlin Workshop? Venue idea
- Supermarkt Brunnenstraße 64, 13355 Berlin (between U8 stop Bernauer Straße and Voltastraße).
- hosting my workshop end of August, good space for breakouts etc. Can speak to Ela and find out her prices for 3 days?
- Yes please, np
28 July 2011
- Helping skill up learners so they can succeed in an environment like P2PU? [Pippa]
- Is this something we can try to support in the helpdesk or does it belong somewhere else? Is it a course in itself?
- Are the dev change lists useful to transform into documentation for users? [Zuzel]
- Potential idea - Technical writing / documentation course (MDN and other contacts)
- build their portfolio around P2PU documentation. [Pippa]
- Survey: Results & purchasing data
- Pippa
- Jessica
- Zuzel
- Bekka
- Artur
- Erin
Stand Ups
- drafting School of Webcraft Update
- providing context and challenge document for Web Challenge Designer
- Mocking up PD assessment/analytics to send to p2pu-dev list; will be in phases since integrating Google analytics will take a bit more research
- Catching up as a new paid part-time staff member
- Hope to have drag/drop tasks in before Monday's release -- if not, then next :) Hooray!
- Contracting admin
- Preparing this week's featured courses and monthly update
- General admin
- New courses, handbook
- Connecting local p2p groups w/ p2pu
- Kicking off/managing the p2pu design group
- Translating their initial design ideas into the badge integration plans
- Buncha stuff for the Open Badge Infrastructure beta launch
Helping Skill Up Learners
- Traditional graduate / undergraduate studies provide a great deal of material for helping students with stuff like writing good essays, study skills etc.
- At P2PU we don't provide a great deal of that kind of material
- Should we be providing this kind of support to help people be better learners?
- Most of our users are not organisers, but participants, so it's important to provide them with support.
- It's proably a good point to strat providing people with the support they need to know how to use P2PU, but not just in terms of the technology
- What are the social permissions you/they have?
- needs vary from course to course
- but we should be looking at this
- maybe this is related to a social contract
- Or possibly badges
- Something similar to the orientation that you get during orientation week as an undergraduate - eg. here's the library
- lots of things to learn in P2PU - eg. how to join the call
- Documenting our processes
- eg. Running great meetings
- we have tools - but nothing about meetings
- Useful inputs: Cathy Davidson (Duke/ Hastac) 21st literacies, learning online
- tech savviness, community savviness
- http://hastac.org/blogs/cathy-davidson
- collaboration as a literacy
- users can be bewildered by the freedom of the P2PU model (Mentoring, deadlines, student engagement are important) (Artur, yes we !00% agree)
- where's my organiser - No - we gave you a space, not an organiser. etc
- How to _start_ implementing it?
- small steps: eg. How to run (and participate) in a great meeting.
- Follow up: List Discussions
Communicating Dev Changes Documentation for Users
- Are people using the change list?
- Is it valuable? YES, majorly
- How do we transform this into documentation?
- how do people figure out that something changed? Bekka willing to help with communicating this stuff
- Technical writing and documentation course (MozDN and others can help)
- tweeting, blog posts etc
- anyone who gets messages - all help desk
- John& alison are tweeting the changes, and blogging it would be helpful.
- The change lost is part of the evolution of the site, and some stuff will change, or is in flux, and doesn't need explanation
- Where does this information belong - in QA or in the handbook?
- If stuff goes into QA we need to find a way to link to it from the course pages
- Though I imagine the handbook will have to be updated based on some of the changes (e.g., video about how to start a study group/course)
- Breakdown:
- QA - answer questions
- Handbook - longer processes - eg. create a course
- Inline documentation - chat - how to use chat
- coursename - how to write a good coursename
- Some things are bigger than inline "?" documentation
- inline documentation - add a LH tag
- do users actually use the ? links
- One thing we should probably do updates of what we are planning to change, so that people know what is coming, and what needs to be documented, or what not to worry about.
- When we need to decide to make changes that make a difference to permissions for organisers and/or participants it is probably necessary to mention this kind of thing to the community.
- Alison will update screencasts after next release
- add help icons to features that link to screencasts
- Also I think we should plan to add more documentation on the home page. Sites like https://plus.google.com add videos and hints so people get started
- over 450 responses
- we've maximised our 100 free limit
- Proposal: survey monkey much easier than limequery
- $300 silver account - a year
- payment - in pipeline
- it will be good if we experiment with getting results from the 100 free response we see and then extent that after we can see all of them.
- personal responses to ali's personal survey outreach
- we love you, of course
- i'm angry my organiser is gone!
- can we get a discount?
- Hack: add survey questions into user experience:
- to other parts of Lernanta
- leaving a course / group
- as student / as organiser
- opening a course for participating? (how was development process?)
- refinements to main survey
Some data from the first 100 answers - subject to change when we see the whole data set
- 70% signed up to P2PU to learn something relevant to their work
- A majority feel that certification is pretty important
- most of those would have certification from a leading org in their field than an institution or a badge (this may have something to do with how the question was framed) and some SoW folks might have been thinking of Mozilla as the leading org anyway
- Erin: I think this response is expected since badges don't mean a whole lot to folks yet but also promising in that a credential from a discipline/industry leader is important to people (more so than a credit from a university, for example)
- 20% wouldn't know where to start with running a course, and a majority say that they don't have time.
- Ali sounds very professional
- Alison sounds like a total sociologist.
Potential idea - Technical writing / documentation course
- This has grown out of discussions Pippa has had with various technical writers
- Technical writers in trainig need to develop portfolios, and the best way to do this is to contribute to open source projects
- If we can sort out some of the details/strategy, it would be useful for P2PU and for them to develop a course around how to be a technical writer - suppling P2PU with the documentation that we need.
- Follow examples from other highly used websites: http://support.twitter.com/groups/31-twitter-basics,
- The other way to go it that the course participants propose how to go about this.
- Pippa to blog.
21 July 2011
- Board meeting report [Philipp]
- Moving to staff accounts @p2pu.org - What does it mean? How to do it [John]
- highlander rule of email [John]
- Localization for groups? Compass Partners and KCDC/Hub DC/etc. offers of collaboration [Alan]
- Pippa (muted due to swamp building noise)
- Bekka
- Zuzel
- Jessica
- Alan
- Erin
- Philipp
- updating Drumbeat page
- Self-sustaining community planning
- Non-SoW - working on learning workshop for late August in Berlin
- committed code to allow organizers to tag their groups
- working on wireframing some metric needs for PD
- working on task drag/drop
- Admin stuff (board report prep, paperwork)
- Marketing/blogging/tweeting
- Been sick, so more thinking than doing these last few days.
- At Campus Party Mex, Talking about P2PU today
- Contacted Mike Morgan about UX person from Moz to work on P2PU
- UX Job posting / Webcraft Challenge Designer posting
- TimeBanks starting to create SoSI courses
- Sorting out potential collabs for the Fall
- Compass Partners
- D.C. groups (KCDC, Hub D.C., Citizen Circles)
- Hub D.C. and global Hub network
- Ashoka
- Tulane Changemaker Talent profile tool - potential P2PU tech collab
- Badge working group meeting in NYC
- Working with new assessment and badge design group
- DML competition work (revisiting badge paper, working on messaging, etc.)
- Catching up on everything: emails, meetings, etc.
- Board meeting Tuesday night
- Badges working group Monday/Tuesday
- Hiring
- reviewing new courses
- finishing up animation!
Board report back (preliminary)
- 2nd ever board meeting, this time done by phone.
- Amazing how much stuff has happened since the last one, and there was good energy.
- 2 main topics:
- Sustainability and Independence conversation got started
- There is a sustainability group (Mark Surman, Nadeem Shabir, Cathy Casserly) and we might need to bring in people with more business experience.
- Will keep working on getting grant/project funding, donations and individual funding and also talk about revenue generation as means of independence.
- 2nd topic: Schools: There has been a lot of interest from outside people on starting schools, a lot of energy post-Barcelona, but this has died down a bit.
- Board interested in finding a way of starting schools which has little drain on the core activities of P2PU.
- SoW-type scale will be demanding to maintain, but this doesn't preclude them.
- Thanks to everyone who sent in reports
- Schools and sustainability are directly linked and it's early stages to know how that would play out, but if there is a business model that allows schools to be sustainable and bring money to P2PU, then we will investiage this.
- 2 approaches - low-click, or customised.
- Alan: There has been discussion lately about "sponsored semesters" e.g. Hub D.C., Ashoka, Echoing Green, etc. sponsors a semester on "Social Venture 101" - sponsorship used to pay a few key organizing staff - then we move on to the next semester on Women in Social Innovation, Energy, Healthcare, etc.
Moving to staff accounts @p2pu.org
- John: been getting a lot of emails wanting to set up calls/meetings/etc
- suggested that staff start using the communal P2PU google calendar
- also good for us to have an @p2pu email address for staff
- Who gets an @p2pu address?
- Schools?
- Super committed volunteers? (and what defines that)
- are those the working group owners pippa mentions below? use that as indicator?
- super committed is probably also course organizers that have been doing it a while too maybe. or maybe those we think we want to schedule meetings with?
- Staff
- Board?
- working groups / module owners?
- [John] to make a recommendation on this. Prepare a few bullets and send to community.
- Sending mail from a different address -- http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=22370
- "There can only be one" ("be only one"? "be one only"?) can be only one (huge fan)
- John has suggested the Highlander Rule for email: Generally emails only go to one person in the "to" field with others on cc, then it is clear as to who the response is needed from.
Localization for groups
Compass Partners and KCDC/Hub DC/etc. offers of collaboration [Alan]
- Alan has been having discussions with Compass Partners & other grassroots education groups in DC, looking for ways to leverage the P2PU platform for localised groups.
- The tech meets their needs and the values sit well with them
- But they would like to be able to have groups formed around areas of interest locally.
- Compass Partners have a socil entrepeneurship fellowship programme in DC and they have funding which is allowing them to expand their curriculum.
- Want to know if it would be possible to run courses which create "sacred spaces" ie: allow entrepeneurs to speak privately about experiences.
- 2 questions:
- Can we set up something for KCDC/Hub DC (more public) like a subschool/or affiliation marked with tags
- We can do that very easily but need to work on the actual functionality of that, in terms of the site activity, like following a tag,
- Possible to have private conversations/interaction within P2PU hosted courses?
- We have discussed this and it is possible, questions around how we make it happen in terms of functionality, and sustainability
- Alan: they (Compass Partners) can potentially bring their own resorces to this
- Timeline: mid-late late september start running courses
- developer: has 1 looking at github. Alan will have
- Possible solution - pages to follow tag sets
- Next steps: Everyone thinks this is interesting, Alan will continue exploring, and report back
Process for developing with external partners
- Is there a process for finding developers if we have external partners who want to work with us, but don't have developers?
- Important to decide if we want these features or not
- We don't have clear processes for this, so it might be more on a case-by-case basis
- We don't have a stable of developers (yet!)
Notes on Alan's use case
- Is preference for open source driven by ability to contribute back (or cost savings, philosophically the rigth thing, etc.)?
- Portfolio alternatives Feel Good & RippleQ
Wider discussion:
- There is a general market need for tools for social entrepeneur to track their progress so that employers can see what their skills are and see what they have done.
- P2PU is putting a lot of effort into both learning online and the badges feature which meets a lot of the demand for these portfolio services for change innovators.
- The Tulane example is a project to run a scaled-down version of Lernanta on their servers, allowing them to build this portfolio functionality.
- Question: does P2PU become a platform allowing schools to run independently (subdomain, own branding, custom url etc - like wordpress).
- Do we (P2PU) have the time and resources to build a stand-alone application that runs at Tulane? Can we expect enough collaboration / code-development to flow back into Lernanta so that this makes sense for us?
- Does Citizen Circles want to use P2PU as this platform?
- Overall we're less interested in supporting external installations of P2PU, and prefer to have schools / parteners hosted within the p2pu.org platform in a way similar to wordpress. We can provide subdomains, custom domains, etc
- In the case that an org wants to fork P2PU that is perfectly fine and we'll happily accept pull requests, however we may not be likely to support
- potential future in private/external version of p2pu - farther down the road
- schools are pushing for less integration, do we need to provide a compelling reason for continued integration
- Examples we can learn from:
- Github - but very different because exchange between code projects much more likely to happen than between course tasks (you won't see a poetry task in a webcraft course, except in Jessica's next course)
- Wordpress - one install that runs all separate, but independent blogs. But userid works across all blogs.
14 July 2011
- involving students in development (inspired by Seneca College and Popcorn) [Philipp]
- promotions schedule [Ali]
- Localized courses (create a local ecosystem: f2f seminars, learning groups)? (Alina M) - is just a proposal
- Survey [Ali]
- Module Ownership as a management principle
- Job Postings
- Pippa
- Jessica (pad only)
- Alison
- Zuzel
- Bekka
- Philipp
- John B
- Alina
- In progress of organizer created tags for study groups/courses/etc. Part I committed last night.
- reviewing new courses
- working on promotion schedule
- working on animation
- Starting next week+1
- Campus Party Mexico next week
- Contracting
- Admin stuff
- Lots of communications/marketing
- Contracts for everyone
- Financial Gov/ Practices
- Getting ready for board meeting
- Plotting (School of Ed Latin America, Collaboration FinalsClub)
Alina M
- Barcelona based Community engagement geek
- Mozillian
- help building p2pu / sow Catalan communities.
Involving students in development
- popcorn is a javascript group within mozilla
- Have students involved in their development efforts
- Working with Seneca College - w David Humphrey
- Proposed that Zuzel speak with students in Toronto to get them involved in development on Lernanta
- +1 to the idea I also contacted the people from ****http://ucosp.ca/**** in case they want us as a project
- this is more structured than just getting random students invloved
- screened for quality
- waiting to hear back
- John has tried this with students in the past - but not a lot got done
- Required support at the last minute
- Worth trying out if can be done without huge investment (time/people) on our end
- Work with Dave Humphrey for advice / facilitate as he did for popcorn
- nurture a tech educator to be within Lernanta team and who can lead the training
- zuzelvp: in the case of david is best is i do it
- zuzelvp: and also ucosp
- we will have to invest some time but is worthwhile
- what do learners need to know to help out?
- can this be presented as tasks within a group?+1
- Can we reuse Introduction to Lernanta content within this context?
- Prepared content / training process will be a good incentive
Promotions schedule
- We have a very loose promo schedule at the moment - weekly/monthly updates
- We have 2 kinds of courses that need promotion - those that need people to help organise them, and those which are looking for signups.
- Scaling an orientation [orientation is a different beast from promotion] will be difficult / impossible, but we need asynchronous tools
- So: how do we do this and what do we build it?
- John: weekly emails for courses under development will make people hate us.
- biweekly/monthly announcement emails
- focus on highlights across p2pu
- novelty factor
- divide focused anouncements to appropriate communities
- can we define the division? (i guess that p2pu tech updates are less importnat?)
- perhaps host office hours +1
- Webcraft is missing regular meetings, so Pippa is proposing regular standups as a way of measuring how organisers are going
- Question: do we need a weekly webcraft call (like this one?)
- IRC office hours and then monthly calls [Pippa to do]
Chat Feedback
- all my channels vs. channel in each group home page
- allow resizing the chat window
- +1 for selecting which ones
- i would prefer the old model - you go to the course, then click on chat and you end up in the course chat
- having all the channels listed in your webclient (regardless of where you entered it) is confusing (since you don't know what all these other chats are for) and takes up a huge amount of screen space
Localised Courses - Webcraft and Catalan community
- Alina interested in bringing drumbeat projects to her local community (Barcelona)
- Mashup of people from various communities - interested in School of Webcraft
- engage people at local level
- start with Catalan specific courses (and localised site)
- add "local" option for webcraft courses (=f2f/offline study groups)
- try it out with a Catalan group
- balance online presence with f2f meetups
- not sure how this will evolve - but looking for feedback
- Alina will give presentation about this at local webgroup meetup
- Will report back on how things go
Module Ownership
- Tell people what you want to do, wait for feedback
- If the community does not respond / provide feedback, assume trust and go for it.
- there is also a different between things that we can change later and things that are definitive +1
Job Postings
- Hiring more people for SoW
- John working on a blog post
- Draft to be sent to Bekka and Philipp before it goes live
- so I and students maybe will be working on the SoW features this summer + Jessica (dev priority)
7 July 2011
- Is the activity wall being utilized in the best way?
- Recap on the Toronto Dev Meeting; SoW plans
- New Schools of Open Data and Citizen CyberScience
- Pushed from last week (and pushing again to email updates and next week)
- Survey [Ali]
- SoW features / design update [Pippa]
Pushed to next week: How should p2pu welcome new users and create social relationships among them?Pushed to next week: How can we encourage better spelling and grammar in courses?
- Meeting management
- Alison (for beginning)
- Jessica (pad)
- Erin
- Philipp
- adding sections to handbook
- reviewing new courses
- User tags phase 1
- Attended second (thank you, Zuzel!) session of dev meeting
- Study group/Course tags phase 1 is next
- Back from oodles of travel though internet connectivity at work is very spotty
- Admin
- OKCon follow-up
- Planning a course
- I'm back!!
- Strategy meeting in Toronto (just got back)
- Tons and tons of meetings - getting caught back up after the drive
- Regrouping on badge integration
Activity wall
- Can we streamline the actvity on the activity wall in a way that eliminates some of the noise and allows us make it more useful for showing what is happening in courses? At the moment it pulls in a lot of general activity.
- Could be a very powerful tool
- What does the community see as being important/valuable activity
- One of the changes being made this week (monday) will be the ability for users to filter the wall, and allow users to create threaded conversations. -- http://pad.p2pu.org/SowTorontoDev -- filters have to go in before monday
- Do we want to display, by default, certain things? Or all do we want, for example, only to have status updates or group information?
- Can this decsion be made by the person who creates the group?
- But what events/activities do we choose to display?
- Zuzel will send a mail to the dev list to get feedback, but will need to implement something by Monday.
Recap on the Toronto Dev Meeting; SoW plans
- Couple of meetings about SoW been held - refocusing and forward planning with Mozilla (as part of their planning activities)
- What is a realistic possibility to prove that we can do web developer training?
- In what area are we strong, and can we match this to P2PU strengths, and build a strong community for peer learning around this?
- John will focus more on SoW and build the model that can then be used to support other skills
- A content person will be brought one
- A high-quality set of tasks will be developed which would lead to a badge at the end.
- Forgot: three pronged social approach (mentors, cohorts/courses, community)
- More detail: http://etherpad.mozilla.com:9000/SoWToronto
- Question: If we identify a small set of features for one course will this be the focus for now, and other badges are on the back burner? -- http://pad.p2pu.org/badge-integration
- In terms of functionality, the software building should cover everything.
- Perhaps a smaller set of badges is required as a proof of concept. Erin and John and Pippa to discuss this in detail
- Content area for the tasks has not been set yet, 3 areas we are interested in, Webmaking 101 is a possibility. If we can show that the mechanics for earning badges is hard in the outside world it would be a win, but it's not essential that people are able to use the badges to get jobs in the pilot, but this is something to consider.
- Overall timing: we need proof of concept by 30 August, and evidence by October.
- New Schools of Open Data and Citizen CyberScience
- Philipp and OKCon to talk next week in DC, and with CC
- This conversation could be a start for building a support package for schools
- Meeting management
- Agenda items from last week can't be addressed this week becuase the people who propsed them are unable to make the meeting.
- Suggested that if people want to add items to the agenda, they either add their name and take ownership during the meeting, or
- send an email to Bekka/Community with a basic outline of what they want to say (if they can't make it) so it can be discussed, and not left on the pad.
30 June 2011
- OKCon11 - hows it going?
- Localisation
- identifying core documents etc for localisation volunteers
- (How) can we promote long-tail courses (example art history)?
- Pushed to next week: Survey
- Pushed to next week: SoW features / design update [Pippa]
New schools coming [already discussed above]- Mobility Shifts proposal? (where is john and matt, shockingly non-attendingg)
- Mentorship scheme http://scrunchup.com/mentorship/ [Anna]
- Pushed to next week: How should p2pu welcome new users and create social relationships among them?
- Pushed to next week: How can we encourage better spelling and grammar in courses?
- Alison
- Pippa
- Jessica
- Anna
- Philipp
- (Bekka apologizes - she's at OKCon with Niels, Joe, Charlie, and Philipp)
- Zuzel
- Laura
- John
- Jane
- Rosalyn
- content for SoW subpages
- returning to Linz (and my desk) July 8th
- Jealous she's not at OKCon
- working on handbook transformation
- helping new organizers
- finished survey :-)
- Travel, Meetings, Conferences
- Shuttleworth Gathering
- OKCon
- Bank account (thank you Bekka, Ahrash, Lila)
- Boring org stuff
- Need accountant / book-keeper
- Need contracts / figure out employment vs. contractor positions etc.
- Continuing to answer questions via Intro to Lernanta study group and emails
- Working on tags very slowly while on travel (back to normal next week)
- Attended dev meeting
- OKCon
- Lots of people here (Bekka, Niels, Joe, Charlie, Philipp)
- 3 sessions in agenda
- plotting two new schools: open data
/ open knowledge,citizen cyberscience - new schools coming out of partnership / shuttleworth connections
- formally blogged and tweeted later in the week. (unofficial "embargo" until then)
- Localisation
- Looking into better process for localization of the site
- Not just interface, but also core content
- Q: What are priority languages?
- portuguese
- latin american + european spanish
- chinese languages?
- indonesian + Engage Media support
- Q: how to onboard local learning communities, not just translate content, for these languages?
- governance - how to give local communities a voice / ear (bilingual representatives)
- multiple language courses
- identifying energy and support
- need pointers to important information i.e. licensing, about, get involved
- top ten countries that access the site (google analytics): United State, United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, India, Colombia, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Mexico --> English, Spanish, Hindi / Urdu / English, Deutsch! German, Portuguese
- http://alpha.p2pu.org/es/pages/about/?
- zuzel: static pages can be in multiple languages
- translations of these need review
- Long Tail Course Promotion
- Saylor Foundation course on P2PU -- http://p2pu.org/en/groups/baroque-art-of-italy-spain-and-the-netherlands/ -- Note: they were under development (this means they were not in the open for signup list until today) until today when I recommend them to unset that setting after Philipp requested it to be featured. (UX issue)
- hired facilitator (Ellen)
- needs greater promotion (only 2 sign-ups so far)
- General question -> how do we support niche courses like this as we grow?
- "tweet this course"
- after acceptances, option to "share" with friends
- "i was just accepted into this course on art history - it's free - you can sign up too!" [+1][+1]
- focus P2PU attention on key courses / partnerships
- course specific badges for inclusion on related blogs etc
- making courses easier to find / discover (tags, search, etc.)
- tags in profiles will help the organizers to figure out which users in p2pu could be interested (we could help them by sending notifications to these potential participants)
- course summary emails +1 +1 (ALison: would like a better way to see a concise list of new courses for admin) +1 (but doubtful that this will help us reach niche audiences - probably better for courses that appeal broadly)
- consider giving more attention / resources to communication (not just for courses, but P2PU as a whole) [+1]
- Laura says: What john just said about sending an email, maybe the course organizers write their sections, which are then included in one from p2pu email/newsletter whatever. saves the p2pu staff work, and people will want to promote their courses+1 - I was thinking a UI feature (that says "Promote your course" and then gives the organizer certain options like "Add your course to this months newsletter" or "Have @p2pu tweet your course"), people like it easy and I wonder if people are reading the entire handbook (they probably don't since we all have the attention spans of goldfish when we're online)
- http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/p2pu-help-desk/content/promoting-your-study-group/
- trickle campaign of 10 steps for running a course
- P2PU presenting @ Mobility Shifts conference
- Science Fair Booth
- jane/john/philipp to figure it out:
- Philipp to send email to Matt/ Trebor to connect John Jane to the organizers
- Scrunchup Mentorship scheme -
- http://scrunchup.com/mentorship/
- up for a week
- tangible request - 1 hour a week
- mentoring programmes could be achieved through profiles +1+1 (beyond SoW - ALL of P2PU)
- Next steps for P2PU: What would a mentorship feature for P2PU look like?
- tie it to merit/badges?
- John / Anna to talk on the phone to see if / how it could make sense to collaborate
- Building Social connections for new users
- similar to sophia? - people with topic expertise get notified of new (related) content to review
23 June 2011
- Accepting courses into schools, unhappy with current denial process
- how can tags help School orgs identify relevant groups?
- Z: Will it change if it becomes clear from the begining that it is a request for membership and not just a selection of which school the group is part of? -- How much work will be required of school organizers if they are the ones that have to search for compatible groups and add them to the school? Should the adition to the school be approved by a group organizer (invitation email + follow a link to join?)
- The survey:
- What are the last issues regarding the actual questions / text?
- How to get it out to our users in a way that can be easily implemented right away?
- Schools initial look and feel for release 0.9 (if there is nobody from math future or sosi we could skip this point)
- Zuzel
- Bekka
- Pippa
- John
- Jessica (just on pad -- at conf)
Standups (add as you arrive)
- Zuzel
- Working on school tickets
- No news from dev meeting (people busy, only me on the meeting)
- Bekka
- Admin (bank account, contracts)
- Prep for Berlin
- general email
- communication
- Jessica
- Working on user tags and on travel/conf so slow
- Answering how to install Lernanta questions and spreading the word too about the project
- John has given notice at his job and will be starting at P2PU very soon - his offical title is: Product Manager
and we are all very excited. Welcome home, John!
- Accepting courses into schools, unhappy with current denial process
- At the moment people are choosing fairly random schools within which to place their courses, and this means schools organisers have to sometimes deny them, and migt end up making more work for themselves. Not a greta process.
- Possible solution: tagging - schools organisers can then survey the tags and then "invite" organisers to join the relevant school. This is a way to avoid the "negative" process of denying people access.
- Intermediate solution: remove "pick a school option" and manually add them to schools
- Tasks High Priority (before release) for me (zuzel): Remove school field + send creation email to school organizers
- Task: school organizers need notification of new courses (Pippa)
- stopgap could be cc on creation or Alison said she could forward if the emails would be too much
- Zuzel has begun to implement the removal of the "pick a school" field and send a notification to the organisers about this - Alison, Pippa, Zuzel and John will liase and make this happen between them, and reort back to the community as the process continues. Ali will forward notification mailes to school organisers who may not be recieving them.
- The survey - Alison is doing some final tweaks and we will be sending the survey out this week to everyone who has participated in a P2PU course.
- Zuzel will help us send it to all the registered users -
- at the moment, all mass mails are send by Alison, whether she knows it or not. But she's generally happy with this.
- All users of the old site were migrated to the new site, so we won't miss anyone.
- Alison will send the text of the email to Zuzel.
- Task (Alison): finalize survey + add email text
- Schools initial look and feel for release 0.9 (if there is nobody from math future or sosi we could skip this point)
- Pippa is delighted and thinks that the WebCraft school looks amazing. Happy days.
- We're waitng on feedback from SoSI and Math Future, and zuzel has made it posibble for them to make changes, but no word yet.- will chase them -ALI
- Pippa is happy, once the school-specific tools have been built, to do some screencasts on how to customise schools pages.
16 June 2011
- Welcome Rosalyn, intern
- Badge pilot (2nd phase) / badge integration into Lernanta
- MoJo Update [Philipp]
- Migration Update [Zuzel]
- Metrics Update [Jessy]
- Sch ools
- Zuzel
- Jessica
- Alan
- Erin
- Philipp
- JessyKate
- Pippa
- Rosalyn
- Alison
Standups (add as you arrive)
- Zuzel:
- Pippa
- mainly in family land - apologies
- transcribed Task Screencast for Universal Subtitles
- TODO: Webcraft specific migration blog post and announcement.
- Jessy
- working on metrics database queries, should have a first round done by end of the weekend
- now have anonymized DB thanks to zuzel
- Jessica
- readying for a conference so not as much code pushed this week but working on tags
- attended dev meeting yesterday
- Erin
- Buncha open badge infrastructure stuff
- Hiring for assessment positions
- Rough assessment roadmap
- Million meetings with folks interested in our work (they are coming out of the woodwork)
- Trying to get whatever needs to be done DONE before driving across the country (leaving next Wed. 22 and will be on the road for 9 days)
- Alison
- Philipp
- Shuttleworth Foundation fellowship reapplication
- Board business
- Travel planning (USA)
- MoJo
Badge Pilot, Integration into lernanta
- Good indicators to keep moving in original direction, but major challenge low participation
- Reasons:
- Communication (worked with small audience, organizers didn't help)
- Separate environment (different web-sites), lost people in transition
- Pushed back original timeline
- More badges
- More assessments
- Questions:
- How do we get more participation in the assessments?
- What's the right timing?
- Were planning to launch on separate site (badges.p2pu.org)
- And driving people from p2pu.org to badges.p2pu.org
- Does it make sense to do this now - or rather integrate with new site?
- Pippa: I think pilot will be more successful if it's more integrated +1+1
- Zuzel: Good to integrate first, to save investment needed to update separate site
- Philipp: what is minimal viable product to integrate with new site to give you experience and data you need
- mostly challenge- or exercise-based assessments
- current system based in OSQA -- https://github.com/p2pu/osqa-badges
- built around voting capability (votes lead to badges)
- 3 yes votes give you a JavaScript badge
- OSQA manages that kind of functionality
- Zuzel: Courses currently have tasks, tasks could be re-used as badge challenges?+1 (or multiple tasks make up a badge) +1
- Schools might have additional requirements regarding control over badges
- Next steps:
- Erin to prepare basic functionality designs (wireframes)? share with community + dev team for input
- Tie to communication push and opportunities
- Timing will otherwise be driven by availability of development resources (how quickly can we build it?)
- See notes above ;-)
- Working on anonymized database copy
- Original plan: http://pad.p2pu.org/metrics
- Now building first (non fancy) version for feedback
- http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/dashboard
- SoSI - looking to connect multiple study groups that are under the same name, i.e. how to manage endless interations fo a study group +1 clone? --> http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/clone/
- Also maybe how to know who created it, and its history like that other email where the person was confused about creating the course and got "credit" as creator?
- was not able to hear averything but got an email about this: "how different study groups by the same name can be associated with each other, and how these spawn related-and-connected offline groups. The use case is a course like Conflict Resolution which could have (theoretically) hundreds of online study groups discussing theory, hundreds of face to face groups using the citizen circles format to practice skills through activities and projects, and maybe some overlap or cross-over between the two."
- does a "conflict resolution" become an umbrella with many clones underneath it? or is it a single organism that evolves linearly with older iterations archived?
- use tagging to help strengthen connection between groups and schools (tags are coming!)
- review? in addition to tagging?
- I like the tree idea, but that's second generation after we get related study groups (based on tags and/or cloning) all to relate period, right? But in general, that would be a great way to both
- a) visualize and give credit to the lineage and evolution of the learning, and
- b) help users seek out and find a branch that relates most to their interests
9 June 2011
- Dev discusion points:
- Trickle campaign ideas (Pippa and Ali)
- Primary "drips"
- engagement ladder - interaction map
- Connecting dispersed interests: (+1, love these ideas! jessy) (Pippa and Ali)
- Dissolve uservoice course suggestions. (losing logins)
- Replace with tagging of interests and learning goals in profiles
- Connect with others who have similar interests
- Collect data on popular tags
- Hiring
- SoW Product Manager
- P2PU Product Manager
- Update on metrics work - http://pad.p2pu.org/metrics
- Catch up on migration (push to next weekend likely)
- Badge pilot update/question about timing
- Bekka
- Alison
- Jessica Ledbetter (lurking mostly as well -- working)
- Pippa
- Philipp
- Matt (listening / lurking only -- can't really talk)
- Zuzel
- Erin
Standups: (add as you arrive)
- Migration messaging
- Admin stuff: bank account, contracting
- Prep for Berlin
- Coded some stuff for 0.7
- Answered some dev questions for Lernanta study group
- engagement map (follow up from Mozilla peer review)
- talking with Moz Dev Network (MDN) tying in with monthly Dev. Derby
- scripting screencasts
- updating help desk
- taking on intern Rosalyn
- helping alison with intern rosalyn (if overlap with assessment makes sense)
- getting feedback/help from community on new badge assessments
- hiring for assessment specialist position
- release 0.7
- writing snapshot of user feature request too be transformed in a roadmap and priority list
- dev meeting
- Hiring SoW Prod Manager, and P2PU Prod Manager
- Open bank account (fingers crossed)
- Legal stuff - terms of use, privacy
- Metrics with Jessy
Dev update
- Google search integrated (for searching inside groups)
- Account "deletions" now possible - don't delete all the data, but show content as authored by "anonymous" - won't receive email, or appear in list of participants
- Added donation link
- And lots of small things
- Donations (sadly) don't go to Philipp. They go into the Mozilla donation service, tagged as School of Webcraft.
Trickle campaign
- http://pad.p2pu.org/drip
- Timing questions: how long do we wait to nudge people?
- As soon as you join you get a message
- Those who don't participate:
- after 2 weeks a follow up mail
- Reminders to add images to profile
- If there are few/no tasks: messages to remind and direct to help Desk
- 1 week after a group is open, if there are no tasks, send a nudge message
- engagement ladder - interaction map
- The goal of the notification is to have useful information sent to participants
- Next Steps:
- make help desk screencasts for prompts (tasks, finding resources/openness)
- reFormat http://pad.p2pu.org/drip and send to community list for input
Connecting dispersed interests:
- Idea for the future (but tags will be implemented soon, so can start experimenting)
- Learners use profiles to share ideas - at the moment is is taking place in uservoice, and we need to harness the energy
- SoW Prod Manager
- Open call: Led by Matt & Philipp, with input from John, Paul Osman (and Ryan COO Moz, Mark CEO Moz, Pippa)
- http://pad.p2pu.org/platform-lead
- Hiring from community: Led by Philipp, with input from (1) community [Ali, and Jane] (2) board, and specifically Nadeem, Erin, Zuzel
- Discussion about general hiring practices at P2PU
- Possible process for the future: nomination system? Asking community for feedback?
- Asking the community can be tricky - implication is that there is a public vote of some sort, which may not be the case
- Sometimes the lead time/budget/timing can be very short and tricky, so consulation time can be very short
- Deciding on what the role is, is critical - with input from community
- Good idea to ask for nomination from the community (or self nominations) when we are not doing an open call
- In companies I have worked for in the past, when a new position was created with an internal candidate in mind, they still posted it for 2 weeks to fairly give other people a chance to come forward. So we could set a time limit and take nominations
- Me too or when we convert someone like a student to a full-time. We all internally know who's getting it
- Jessy is going to take a stab at pulling a first set of metrics: discussion here: http://pad.p2pu.org/metrics
- This should provide a first set of report-back metrics
- Are we wanting to migrate this weekend? or push it to next weekend?
- follow up with remaining organizer
Badge Pilot Report Back
- There had been some issues with the pilot - the first time round:
- Erin and Pippa found 14 new skill badges! which is great. But not scaleable.
- Want to have good assessements for the next phase, although we don't have enough badges so need to rethink the timing and call for feedback
2 June 2011
- Trickle Campaign, Tag notifications, Updates: how should we implement smoothly?
- Roadmap: serving its purpose? http://wiki.p2pu.org/w/page/36991876/Roadmap-2011
- World Bank and other potential sources of funding
- file uploads (if we need to talk about it...?)
- Update on ticket discussion from last week - is the system working?
- Terminology feedback (multiple terms instead of study group) -- Please visit alpha.p2pu.org (both text that are permanently displayed or those that are displayed when users submit a form or do something)
- New task navigation layout
- Communications push June - pushed to meeting with Bekka and Philipp tomorrow - community list will be updated on progress
- Metrics
- Twitter
- Alison
- Jessica
- Erin
- selfstudier
- jessy
- Zuzel
Stand-ups (type in when you arrive)
- Alison: working on help desk tutorials, user support, wiki gardening, orientation planning, and more tutorials next big tasks
- Jessica
- Coding (task UI, new email on group creation, and a few other things) and getting ready for 0.7
- And another study group member committed for the first time this week! Woo hoo!
- Erin
- Badge pilot phase 2 prep - messaging and new badges/assessments
- Help desk script on badges for Ali
- Interviewing for assessment specialist and research positions
- Meetings galore
- Prepping for a move back east! (oo do tell! :) --jessy) moving to southern maine...in 3 weeks! eeek! :)
- Bekka
- Admin stuff (contracting, workshop materials, paperwork)
- Email
- General community tasks
- Jessy
- looking into search
- APIs
- running formal reasoning in computer science
- Zuzel
- Talked with Jessica yesterday on the dev meeting about how we can use those meetings
- Preparing for todays feature freeze
- Philipp
- Trying to hire (for school of webcraft, and assessment)
- ORG stuff - bank account, financial systems
- Legal stuff - draft documents from the lawyers
- Business ideas
Trickle Campaign
- Tag interest
- Ali will gather up a plan of attack and we will give feedback :)
- Tickets - review them
- Roadmap/document when users get reengaged and how (missing X?)
- what emails to whom and why
- Make sure we're hitting our overall goals
- It would be great to get larger goals from all working groups in to the roadmap
- and updating
- Can be useful for community so that they can see what they can do right now
- note there is also a dev roadmap (but that one goes more into the past than into the future) -- https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Lernanta%27s-Roadmap
- Dev roadmap was good for saying "can make courses/study groups" and "get ready for migration" to tell us what we're prioritizing that milestone. I like that. But maybe when we focus on Task UI versus X?
- Possible to look at Roadmap at 2 levels -
- 1 is a high-level document with a few main areas of overview of activity:
- Second document: This is stuff that is happening-type document which is where people see the day-to-day stuff that is going on. Possible to have this actually take place in the weekly call, either every week or once a month? A slightly more messy, useable document for everyone to use
- Perhaps use the first call of every month to review roadmap
- Not use this for tech - there are good systems in place there.
- TASK: Bekka to mail the list, remind them about the Roadmap, ask them to help with a month-long trial.
Funding - World Bank and other funding sources
- Revenue Generation
- Idea: P2PU as a Platform that generates revenue
- Can we offer a solution that is low-cost and within their capacity-building interests?
- Silver package: Can do this, that, and etc. So that community can run the courses.
- Examples: Journalism courses last year(?)
- Product (off the shelf) but also specialized consulting services?
- Potential customers / clients:
- Universities (as in the journalism courses) - needs special features for tracking students
- Organizations like Amnesty, Greenpeace, WITI?, Women 2.0?, Ubuntu?, Red Cross?, etc. - no need to tie into institutional systems as much
- Challenges:
- Previous example needed a lot of hand-holding, involvmenet on our end
- Make sure that the platform continues to exist
- TASK: Jessy to start making a short sketch/notes around this idea and discuss further with Philipp and others who are interested.
- Grants / Donations
- Do we have material (promo and marketing material) that can be distributed in support of funding drives?
- Question: Can anyone write a grant or should we go through someone at P2PU first?
- If it's a grant for P2PU it would need to be mentioned on the community list but it would be awesome if people are keen and see opportunities, to get the ball rolling within the community.
- Adding Donation link to Getting Involved page in 0.7
- In terms of people looking for grants and finding money for P2PU, how could it work?
- Can individuals find money for specific projects?
- This needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis: if there is not a lot of overhead invloved/reporting committments/admin etc, then Philipp is happy to discuss
Ticket Discussion from last week update:
- Zuzel seems happy with what has happened so far - no problems came up as a result of the marketing push
- http://qa.p2pu.org/questions/114/how-are-development-priorities-decided -there has been a question of how tasks are ranked for action. We have some implicit guidelines, but haven't made these totally clear.
- There are several areas where the input comes in, but perhaps it's a case of communicating the implicit processes to the community better.
- Jessica and Zuzel go through all the tickets when they do milestone creation and grab tickets that need looking at. Perhaps we can communicate this process better so that people don't feel that their tickets have been sidelined.
- We want input from the community on the ticket process - ideal scenario would be to scale everything for a marathon, but this probably isn't possible.
- Suggestions:
- Zuzel and others to work on a short, high-level document [just a few guidelines] around the process of task triage so that we can respond to people as and when they have questions around the process. (todo: prepare a proponsal for feedback)
- Terminology feedback (multiple terms instead of study group being tested on alpha.p2pu.org) -- Zuzel looking for feedback on email about this, look to see if terminology is correct, and ask that everyone play around on alpha.p2pu.org and look for things that need fixing.
26 May 2011
- Update on call time - "The Results" ... drumroll
- Tickets needing input:
- How to build the public sign-up feature (see discussion on community list)
- All user orientation planning update: http://pad.p2pu.org/orientation
- (Selfstudier) Tasks UI
- (Pippa) Trickle campaign - what are the most important things to remind people of (and when)?
- (Alan) Meetups? - Already covered, don't need to discuss further
- In general and in-group/course
- (Ali) Community review of new courses on new.p2pu.org - do we need/want it?
- Alan/Laura idea: proto course with no review needed, featured course designation earned through a peer review process (for discussion)
- Cool idea! I don't like the idea of peer review as "quality control" (that would prevent people from running study groups that have not been "approved") but I love the idea of using peer review to surface quality.
- I'd like to vote that we first and firemost invoke a spirit of high quality (clear language about this in the orientation process) and incorporate mechanisms for peers to recognize others who are (or aren't) living up to that spirit!+1+1+1=4
- we get some on the people with the badges like peer mentor (I think that's the badge) we can give each other
- It could be a badge and/or an auto trigger to display in a certain way on schools homepages.
- Migration update
- Alison
- Pippa
- Jessica
- Alan
- Bekka
- Philipp
- John
- Laura
- Zuzel
- Erin
- OpenMatt
- migration
- orientation + handbook planning
- processing the great Peer assist we had for Webcraft engagement
- Thinking about Meetups and Australia
- Not able to join Next week's call (Transit)
- Preparing for OKCon (hopefully) Berlin, June 30/31
- Editing the Jamie Curle interview
- coding some UI and translating some of the PSD designs into code
- Admin stuff (survey for Hewlett, weekly update text)
- Migration messaging
- Preparing for Berlin meeting/workshop
- SoSI Blurb going out in the June 7th Ashoka U Newsletter, to recruit vanguard users of the new platform and links into their universities/communities.
- Helping YUE (China) group get their storytelling and project management for social innovators courses going + localization questions
- Deciding how to promote the $500 "finders fee" for SoSI
- Also thinking about meetups and guides/kits to help people get them started
- Fellowship reapplication
- Bank account
- Hiring for various positions
- Compensation principles
- Multiprocessing: migrating and ongoing course, other user support tasks, reviewing the migration email that will be send
- Working on Release 0.7
- There is a half dozen or more tickets about doing something with the Task UI how to get it some priority instead of just planned
- Meeting with Skillshare
- EDU Hack Day in NYC September - http://eduhackday.org
- Speaking at OSBridge in Portland and visiting Alison (June 21-23)
- Building out assessments for new badges for second phase of pilot
- Recruiting/interviews for assessment specialist position
- NROC panel - badges and innovative assessments for professional development
Call Time change?
Tickets that need input (Ali)
- Tickets that have further discussion
- read through them, add comments, help refine them and help us decide what will be implemented (+1 type stuff)
- Zuzel can then add to milestones
- Other people with lighthouse accounts can prioritise the tickets.
- this is very helpful for zuzel as she prioritises the milestones
- Use tags and comments to identify priorities. Core Tech people to make final decisions
- Also - use related to: ticket # or link to identify related work.
- Assessment person will hopefully help coding as well
- Office hours? Developer meeting? Would allow for more detailed conversations. And then do hilights on community call. If need one thing to get input on can get from this call's group. Zuzel will email dev list for feedback (should be before or after comm call)
- http://pad.p2pu.org/orientation
- what are the most important tasks of supporting users
- community as well as technical
- Meetups and Offline Groups
- Trickle Campaign
- ID difference between asyncrhonous handbook and what the live events are (more specialised content).
Tasks UI
- Rethink the design
- For what it's worth, Jessica is doodling some stuff too
- Todo: bring to community list and make strawman
- Tasks within tasks
- Drag/drop
- Categories
Trickle campaign
- A way of engaging people who have signed up, but not taken next steps
- To help engage people could start with registration email (so maybe 0 based and 0 is registration)
- recognising activity / lack of activity : metrics for identifying gaps that need a reminder
- we have last accessed in the db table
- pippa to draft a decision tree
- see how osqa do this and relate it to badges Thanks!
Migration update
- text for blog post is ready http://pad.p2pu.org/migration-msg
- will go to all registered users on old site (14-15k)
- If 500 error, Zuzel also receives an email with stacktrace
- In case of emergency, maybe tweet: we know, we're working on it (eta)
Community Review
- Offline group toolkit development, wrangle Michelle T. (SoSI, Pippa, Alison)
- Alan volunteering to help wrangle, schedule meeting, if needed?? Thanks / +1!
- Todo: bring to community list and make strawman for Task UI
- selfstudier going to tag tickets in Lighthouse
For next meeting:
- Dev team to update on dev
- highlight tickets needing input ?? -- there is not a specific subset of tickets needing input but a list of 192 open tickets that could be better organized by priority and be enriched by people feedback.
- Community review of new courses on new.p2pu.org - do we need/want it?
19 May 2011
- OKCon 2011 - Workshop Planning [Pippa]
- Migration Update [Philipp]
- Discussion: do we need a second call time?
- Orientation planning, next steps (http://pad.p2pu.org/orientation) [Ali/Bekka]
- How can we help people develop the P2P "ness" of a group
Attendance / Stand Ups - Type what you're working on or pondering here.
- Pippa - Have to be back in Australia from May 31st - Family reasons
- blogging = Why You Should Get Involved in SoW...
- Contacting organisers
- selfstudier
- work wth Pippa's js "design" group
- Task (to do) skeleton for "always running" in place
- now 5 organizers, 1 from design group
- p2p activity/behaviour is low/poor
- Philipp
- fellowship re-application
- hiring (job descriptions, profiles, contracts)
- blog posts
- blog design ;-)
- Erin
- Drafting language for the help desk around badges
- Recruiting for Learning Assessment Specialist position
- Drafting assessment roadmap
- Planning badge working group meeting
- Bekka
- been working on admin stuff (OCW membership, marketing materials)
- email. So much email.
- Working with Charles, Ali, Philipp to get mails to all members of old site
- Matt
- Continuing SoW Product Manager search & interview process w. Philipp
- Developing Campus Party opportunity with John nice :-)
- Jessica
- Trying to get some coding done before the freeze ;) which includes some static pages copied over from old.p2pu
- OKCon workshop accepted
- Pippa submitted, but might not be able to attend
- Planning to create some materials we can use during the workshop
- one pagers and informational hand-outs
- idea is that they're reusable for meetups etc
- when/where is this?
Migration reportback
- The ability to create new courses on the old site has been disabled, and working on a solution to automatically take people to the new site.
- Changes are tracked here: https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Release-0.6-change-list
- We're mostly on track.
- Are we bringing in all old course content or allowing people to decide what they want to migrate over?
- First feature is ability to move entire course over (content)
- Focus should be on core content, rather than building very sophiticated migration tool.
- We're about to switch on the ability to send message to all memebrs of the old site - planning to send that out in the next couple of days - +1please add edits to the etherpad below:
- http://pad.p2pu.org/migration-msg
Second Call Time
- Request for another call time - asked list for feedback on this, recieved none.
- POssibility for a SoW regular call being needed, this might be useful for all Schools
- Anyone who needs a call is welcome to set them up independently.
- Proposal for same time, different day, if it suits those who want a change
- Possibility to move to a Friday or change the time - Philipp to send a message to the community to see what people would prefer
12 May 2011
- Terminology
- Expanding study group noun -> Learning projects?
- STATUS changes (proposed)
- Under development -> change from "Participate" to "Help Develop"
- those signing up should know what's expected of them
- Testing sandbox -> hide project?
Competition in our space is growing [Matt]- Badges Meeting DC [Erin]
- Board Meeting Report Discussion (report will be out already)
- Pippa
- Jessica
- Bekka
- Philipp
- Erin (from DC - liking 11am timeslot more than 8am)
- Zuzel
- Alison
- Charlie
- selfstudier (15 May)
Pippa -
- telling people what's new on the site, javascript working group getting together, event, transition and how to get more study group organizers
- study groups / courses? what's the decision!
Jessica -
- coding, "off" last week, study group is going well and bringing us new developers,
- focus on UI over the next weeks.
- Intro to Lernanta is going great
Erin -
- in DC at the WHITE HOUSE! depts of everything and disney?
- phase 2 pilot
- had a security check, but didn't receive a laminated pass
- ocw global
- good responses to badges (tim o'reilly)
- sir john daniel - commonwealth of learning, new things in open courseware and institutions, certification
- SoW lead position interviews
- exhausted (Pippa presumes)
- media
- media contacts for next round of promotions
- boilerplate text
- regular communication plan
- Not whitehouse :)
- Developing
- working on new site
- upcoming changes and transition, surveys
- reopened Javascript SG
- attempting "always running"
- seeking additional "organizers"
- some design issues
- Report from the board meeting is that "courses" should still be supported
- Alison + Pippa have started discussing ways of idenitfying how best to transition between "courses" and "study groups"
- Joe: both = good, also add "working group" and other choices?
- How to handle the transition between "developing" and "in progress"
- How can users "hide" their group until they feel confident of making them public
- is the language change something to do now? or later...
- simple interface changes we can make now
- "Help Develop" as a secondary action to participate that is primary invitation when a group is "under development"
- BK: how important is the language discussion (eg facilitator v organiser)
- have to have 100% consensus
- courses vs study groups and other terms can make people locked into certain behaviors
- create learning project?
- course, study group, weekend workshop, etc.
- just terminology or also differences in functionality (e.g. permissions)
- I'm thinking functionality too -- so depending on what terminology you select permisions change for the users perhaps since it is all a "project"?
- Joe: +1
- Philipp: suggestion on new flow
- don't need 100% agreement
- remove study group from main page, and just add "learn"+1
- ppl can think of whatever they're signing-up for as whateve (study group, course)+1
- allow organizer to "name" project from some choices, or adding a description of how it works
- Kind of texts in lernanta that include the words study group -- http://pastie.org/1893409.
- suggests not voting but allowing people to decide themselves as they create
- Alison: suggestions
- removing terminology where it doesn't need to exist
- organzier suggest their experience and be more prominent on the main page (expert, novice, etc?) ... Charlie: sort of like it used to be on old courses?
- Joe: lots of (optional) drop-down menus at course creation time = good
- Pippa:
- how do we promote these projects?
- Joe: tags would help :)
- how do we maintain that peer learning requires commitment? This is critical IMHO.
- maybe by category: level of learner, teacher, organizer, idea generator, etc?
- How do we take it from "doing thing 'x'" 2 where the wnat to go?
- philipp asks: is that a problem related to the terminology?
- use uservoice for this decisions? not sure if that many community members use uservoice?-- put the idea and send the link to the mailing list so they vote ? And can easily gather comments too with their voteup/down. I +1 uservoice
- Development:
- need help changing: http://pastie.org/1893409. -- preparing the new texts
- change menu item "study groups" to "learn"
- define default "types" with one sentence description ... "study group - we all learn together", "course - fixed structure, supported by expert facilitator", "self-study" ???
- Did I hear "local" as well? yesCool
- Implementation pre-or-post migration?
- testing sandbox: used to hidde a study group (both if you are creating a literal "test" study group to try out the functionality). now you can only set it to testing sandbox after it is created
- study group terminology
- "Learn" instead of "Study Group" - create presents creator with
- study group - sentence or so what it is (we all learn together), learning environment they're creating is, etc
- course - syllabus, reading, more expertly led < allows us to reuse handbook contents.
- local (SoSI, research club, meetups in local pub)
- Search
- Didn't find? Create it here! -> lead into the creation process, maybe showing similar types? (via tags, perhaps)
TASK: BEKKA: Send a mail to the list with default archetypes that we think exist. Give them the option to self-select, and present this as the plan, see what the feedback is, and then build it in a way that allows minimum work for developers and maximum flexibility for community.
TASK: Everyone: Define more clearly what functionality changes are neccesary (apart for allowing different terms) and what has to be implemented before or after the migration (or other milestones), so we can update todos and deadlines -- lighthouse.
- Erin presented paper with Connie and Mark Surman at THE WHITE HOUSE
- Obama? Michelle? Did you see the vege garden? Sadly, the Obamas were not there but the conference room had a bunch of pictures of them playing various sports. :) I did see secret service people with guns tho NEAT!
- Industry, policy, thinktank people.
- People are up to speed with the concept, and the discussion went into clarification
- Dept of Education people really excited about the badges support fo teacher excellence
- Meeting call to action was to get people involved in MacArthur competition as partners.
- This means for us that people are interested and want to be involved in the badges world.
- 2nd meeting: in-depth, smaller group, discussing features and feedback.
- Lots of interest in participating and a good day for the P2PU name, as Erin et al's paper and our evaluation of the initial pilot is the only real research out there.
- Experience highlights the need for quality research
- Looking to hire assessment manager/data scientist:
- http://etherpad.mozilla.org:9000/assessment-designer
- People are happy with timeline, and it works well with P2PU/infrastructure plan
Board Meeting Report Discussion
- See the blog post:
- A good meeting, people engaged
- Policies and insurance stuff (legal, fiduciary stuff) is mainly what will happen at Board Meetings
- Interesting discussions happen in the community list and with advisors
- Philipp is preparing a report for the community.
- Does the board have goals for P2PU?
- not really - mainly becuase many people have been involved in a hands-on way for a long time.
- things that did come up were around communication (internal and external), remembering community governance processes, etc.
- Pippa: Suggestion: static pages will help communicate who people are, and we should include the board in these, letting people know who they are and what their responsibilities are and what the community governance processes are.
Philipp: 3 groups of people:
- developers on website
- organizers of courses/study groups Moi
- people who join the community call Better late than not at all
- Joe: Footnote 1: includes people who can't join the community call because it's at a bad time for them? :(
P: people wanna do something? they can go ahead and do it.
- What counts are ppl who do stuff. We want to support them and not worry too much about ppl who talk or want to do stuff, but don't. (Too negative?)
- Not negative at all. P2PU survives because of those that follow through. (Patches welcome, as they say.)
- Joe: obviously it's useful to help people volunteer (supposing they do 80% of the work given an up-front 20% investment). Not everyone has a clue about how to volunteer. I'm not sure I do, though I consider myself hard-working.
- are there small things in that area that any voluntier can do?
- Exactly. Like the one in the study group that is more documentation. Would be nice to lay out the different ways to help like some other open source projects. Maybe that can be on the 'about' or 'contribute' or such page.
- Joe: +1, include this for every group!
- overall group areas like using the site vs development vs translation vs research
- http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002-lernanta/tickets?q=tagged%3A%22possible+easy+contribution%22 -- tagging of community todos?
- Seems so dev focused though? -- yep thats true
- yes - very dev focused
- We have similar problems in Ubuntu
TASK: Pippa: This is a longer discussion - Pippa to circulate a strawman and we'll see what kind of feedback we get, and discuss in next week's meeting
04 May 2011
- Erin (for the first half)
- Zuzel
- Matt
- Jessica
- Pippa
- Bekka
- Alison
- Philipp
- Charles (4 the last 1%)
Badge pilot: phase 1 evaluation and phase 2 plan report back
Badges Evaluation
- http://etherpad.mozilla.com:9000/webcraft-assessment-phase2
- Build off existing pilot (existing badges + new ones)
- Still using OSQA environment
- ~11 new badges (html5, css3, python, etc), right now only skill but going back
- better/more communication
- more integration -hoping to have a module on study group's homepage so there is a jumping in point for the badges.
- infrastructure - at the end of the pilot all the badges will be ported from OSQA into Lernanta
- timing - end of may (badges/assessments built out, first communication
- [Ali/Erin] Add badge support to P2PU helpdesk
- Promotions: Erin wants to shout it from the rooftops - rather than just going through courses,
- We want people who haven't taken courses to be able to come and earn badges.
- Migration to new site might mean that we need to promote internally first (keep it smaller)
- schedule 2nd promotion to tie in with Lernanta
- and then... We SHOUT!
- Not a lot of work needs to be done on OSQA to get to the point we need to get to, and once it's done, then all the infrastructure is there to port it.
- Should we just update OSQA with the new badges and run it as a small scale pilot?
- Do it early enough to build on momentum of study groups
- It depends on how soon the functionality can be built in to Lernanta.
- When we reach out the Webcraft community (and other communities who join in) it's a good opportunity to show people how the badges work, and draw them into the learning community, and if everything is in one place, it is easier. So perhaps we should build on this.
- The badges will have real value in them once we launch them, particularly with the Mozilla brand behind them.
- How do we avoid people who want to game the system?
- Erin: in some ways, it might be useful to see if this happens, so we have some measure of behaviour.
- Philipp: this poses an empirical problem...
- Scenario plan for what we could do if and when 10 thousand people show up.
- Messaging: contact group is people who are or have ever taken a study group. (announcement list too? that's 7000+ addresses)
- There are some SoSI badges in the system at the moment. As SoSI is on a different cycle, the timing is a bit different. They have a lot there to test out when they are ready to do so.
- Planned size / participation for phase 2?
- focused on people in study groups only?
- 21st century skills
- Timing: migration mid June only
- Zuzel thinks June 6th - June 20th is the feasible timeframe for migration.
- Managing the communication is the critical issue here.
- Can we disable the creation of courses on the old site?
- Task: create ticket to disable course creation on drupal
- Task: create text to lead to new site (in old create-a-course area) [have a look at current site - new header bar]
- The survey as it stands is focused on UI on the old site, and tends to engender negative feedback, and doesn't give us particularly good feedback, except demographics.
- Rather than send old one out again, suggested to make a new one, and decide which info is most important to collect.
- When we send out the message about migration plans we might not be ready to include the survey, so let's take the time to make a really good survey
- Next steps: what are the key/crucial questions to ask?
- Yes - this will take some time to get right ;-) swamp!
- Process for now: we agree that getting the survey right is important. So we can work on it in the meantime, and get the email about migration out in the next week.
- If people want a question included in the survey, they have to send a mail to the research list, hopefully a way of pulling those who are interested into the process.
- Tools: Survey monkey, googledocs and limequery are the options. All have + and -
- Limequery is ugly, but we think we can live with it. If the survey is streamlined, it will probably help.
- Decision: We'll stick with Limequery and limit the number of questions.
SoW Schedule
What is the rate of growth that we can manage/ targets for the June cycle
- 2 new study groups per week / 8 new study groups per month
- Number of learners?
- 2 new study groups per week
- 20+ participants for each group in early weeks
- completed tasks
- successfullly completed tasks
- self-assess
- peer assessed etc
- activation of the community is cyclical, rather than the actual "learning" being within a cycle.
- Building community around really big study groups is another area of consideration.
- We can pull some numbers from Lernanta and strat reporting against them.
- How do we actively recruit new organisers? How do we reach out to particualr communities?
- how to reach out to specific communities and not feel like a spammer
Engagement model
- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Drumbeat/SoW-engagement-ladder
- should assessment be removed from this ladder / reworded
- badging is opt in
- +bring a friend+ - reach out to your community
- tweet/SocialMedia on group sign-up / creation
- email your friends - join this group too!
- what might be missing from this ladder?
- following as one of the first actions on visiting site
- Board Meeting Report
- Much discussion about the move away from "courses" to "study groups"
- Many people find the course structure compelling, want expert "teaching"
- terminology in the middle? (doesn't alienate anyone)
- flexible using both terms
- Replace course / study group with just "Learn!" and then people click individual icons? (let people dictate where we standerdize)
- I'd choose the format at the same time as selecting a school
- : Options "Start Learning Something" / "Find Something To Learn"
- given up on benefits of cycles - attention / communication
- For now, preferable to use both terms in communications with the outside world.
Competition in our space is growing
28 April 2011
- Update, spoke with Tradeschool: http://pad.p2pu.org/tradeschool [Alison]
- Start planning for migration - http://pad.p2pu.org/migration [Philipp]
- What are the key metrics we should be collecting to test the "health" of P2PU [Philipp] / Metrics for School of Webcraft
- Survey status - how many responses?
- Job posting: School of Webcraft Product Manager
- Pippa - Linz, Austria - next to a DIY swamp construction (muted due to swamp building noise)
- Alison
- Bekka (and her echo)
- Jessica
- Erin
- Philipp
- Jane Park (only on chat)
- Matt
- communicating with course orgs for Webcraft
- collecting stats for the last quarters (b'ah spreadsheets)
- Q: what kind of metrics should we collect +1 for Philipp's agenda item
- Help organizers (on both sites)
- Admin - insurance, incorporation, board meeting
- Static content on the website
- Eval report on pilot badges
- Planning round 2 (roll out additional badges over next 2-3 weeks)
- Share plan for pilot next week
- Coding
- Contribution agreement for people involved in development (contributors welcome!)+1 this looks interesting. +1 - seems relevant for other types of contribution?
- Get new developers ramped up
- Board meeting prep
- Insurance
- SoW product manager announcement / job posting
- "Retweeting shit"
- "Collaborating" with Delia
- liasing w/Jonas on CC funding course! (actual work, man)
Trade School
- Spoke with TradeSchool NYC about their model, the models of other similar projects
- Thinking about ways to perhaps unite these organizations with/under P2PU
- Not looking like a reasonable possibility at this point, differences in "platform"
Migration Planning
- Task / Responsible for taking forward: Zuzel/Philipp
- It's possible that we could migrate earlier than intended. (mid June)
- Philipp has sent a message to the community asking for opinions on whether this is a good idea or not, and what people think needs to be locked down before this happens.
- Weight risk of moving "too fast" against confusion of having two sites
- Will people be able to continue their courses?
- Yes - but phasing out new sign-ups and course creation on "old" site +1
- At the moment we have a few non-tech people running courses, so we can use them as litmus tests.
- Task: Alison follow up on experiences with specific organizers and report back next week
- Please add more notes --> http://pad.p2pu.org/migration
Metrics/SoW Metrics
- Task / Responsible for taking forward: Philipp
- Create list of key metrics
- Share with community
- Turn into features (where needed) - start reporting
- What use are metrics?
- Gauge overall health
- Drive our decisions - platform develompent, support structures, etc.
- give boards / funders something easy to view: < Mozilla Foundation board are interested :-)
- Set of basic metrics (if we have more ongoing groups - how do we measure activity and identify success?)
Number of participants? Replace by the following?- Number of new sign-ups today
- Number of completed profiles: Measure for community buy-in
- Completed: includes profile photo
- Number of course joins:
- Number of study groups created:
- Frequency of log-ins:
- User Location
- Tasks created / completed? +1 this shows active participation
- over time will groups identify core tasks that when completed recognise "group completion"?
- This mean we should show that we completed now or is this for after we get this in the platform? And optional on a task figures in how? Bonus? :)
- Badges? +1
- how frequently do we record this information?
- real time, rolling day/week/month yay! Yeah I can see this as a report page for the admins (I want it to be public) <3 this ok, report page for all ;)
- Original Ideas: http://www.flickr.com/photos/johndbritton/sets/72157624409203067/show/ <- this is awesome
- Unique visitors
- Conversion rate to sign-ups
- Conversion rate to tasks completed
- Completed Profile
- Logged in today (number and percentage)
- +1 for this conversion / engagement recording
- Engagment ladder model
- This sounds like more of a "ladder of engagement" model. [Yes - that's the plan] +1
- This is all really exciting. How do we document and publicize this thinking?
- Blog post?
- John & Philipp: do you guys have etherpads / posts in the works?
- Learning Metrics -- There is a whole range of metrics more closely related to "learning" that we probably don't know yet - related to the work we are doing for Hewlett and badges
- How do Badges tie in? Directly related / part of that work.
- think that's a pathway in this ladder - some people may not become group admins, but may complete and review many badges
- what features do we need to request for Lernanta? [let's define metrics first - then we build it into lernanta]
School of Webcraft Metrics
- Pippa has been working on SoW metrics:
- http://bit.ly/iNP24e
- From MOzilla foundation workshop: (oh - my, can we prioritize this?)
- School of Webcraft Metrics / Stats Dashboard
- in addition to general Lernanta stats
- Mailing List Sign-ups and discussions
- Drumbeat.org (via Paul and Drumbeat.org team)
- follows
- activity stream breakdown
- page views
- UserVoice Ideas created
- Blog Posts
- Twitter mentions
- from P2PU / SoW Core
- retweets
- mentions
- Press mentions
- New self-identified "experts" suggesting ideas
- Webcraft / P2PU Public Events
- Much smaller than original SoW trajectory - related to reboot of model and site
- I think we can ramp this up very quickly and get back on track. Agree?
- How many active learning groups do we have in School of Webcraft right now?
- How many participants are learning in School of Webcraft right now?
- How are we measuring between the two platforms? (Drupal / Lernata)
- What's our analysis of these metrics? What do they tell us about how this cycle of SoW is doing? What did we learn?
- Jessica Ledbetter: We'll also hopefully help study group organizers publicize better/more
- Only 15 responses
- Didn't send out to all registered users last time
- This was agreed by the survey time, at the time, Bekka/Ali/Pippa
- Task/ Responsible: Bekka
- Decide what to do now ...
- We could push out to bigger audience; send out reminder, as part of announcement about new site / migration
- However, we'd have to make sure the survey is short - and really focused on the "future" (if we ask our entire community to do this, we need to make sure to ask great questions)
- We can't ask them questions just to confirm that the changes we already decided to make, are in fact what users want.
- Bekka to double-check terms of use don't prohibit. This is useful in any case.
- If we decide to send out:
- Bekka to work with Charles on using old site to send the message (via sendgrid)
- Draft message to community, before it goes out
Job posting: School of Webcraft Product Manager
- http://bit.ly/kL5uIi
- Please circulate, re-tweet, etc. (RTed on CC!)
- Any ideas on specific outreach / promotion / recruitment we should be doing?
- Molly(.com) -- I know she's Opera these days but huge in web standards and such and would probably publicize it
PS: Keep an eye on qa.p2pu.org
21 April 2011
OpenMatt -- unable to attend -- at a conference today.- Bekka
- Jessica
- Philipp
- Charles. Yo.
- Zuzel
- Bekka
- Admin stuff (very exciting!!! prep for board meeting)
- Worked on user support ideas (see etherpad link above)
- Preparing communication for launch
- Jessica
- Coding, coding, coding
- Study group starting up soon
- Trying to get ready for Monday (next release)
- Charlie
- Philipp
- Department of Labor OER Grant application submitted (yay!) Very cool.
- Getting ready for board meeting
- Zuzel
- Same as always - making the world of P2PU work :D
- Internationalization and bug fixes
- Moving away from rounds / cycles
- How can we support course organizers promoting their courses?
- Always feature materials / highlight on the front page (i support)
- Not build around timeline,
- Add to regular mailings ("new study groups /open/ this week") -- those that are not under development anymore? open signup?
- Maybe feature study groups that have lots of posts/activity? +1
- What can we do right away?
- Organizers promote their own courses more.
- TASK: Bekka to take ideas from this discussion, turn them into a "things we can do now & things we want to be able to do in the future" list, share with the community and use as a guideline for communication planning.
User Support
- Localization -- Distribute this link https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Translating-Lernanta (Thanks a lot to http://new.p2pu.org/en-US/vtamara/ for the work in the Spanish translations. I am planning to include a Contributors section in the following change list to thanks Jessica, Sean, Vladimir, James, and Philipp for their commits)
- The interface (buttons, etc.) changes language, not the content.
- If you just want to translate 1 page is there a formal process? Or is it just like write the page in a different language w/the English interface (what do you mean by page e.g. http://new.p2pu.org/en-US/groups/introduction-to-contributing-to-lernata/content/task-one-introduction-to-the-course/#10)
- yeah, not for developers ... i agree real people job If someone wants to do the group into another language, I know I'd be very happy to work with that person
- couldn't you also just have like "this is our study group ... please also read our syllabus tranlated into spanish?"
- I think participants who all speak English don't usually understand eachother, so getting more people involved is a good thing.
- Task: Bekka to distribute the message (link) via twitter to give props to the wonderful translators and ask for others who might be interested.
At the technological level what is happening to is that we are giving more power to the course participants - I gotcha. Cool.
14 April 2011
- Stand-ups / hello, how are you (5 min)
- Last week's task update
- P2PU Roadmap Redux (Philipp)
- Claryfing ownership - making sure that key dates/events are in the roadmap
- What's missing?
- Wiki Frontpage
- What's the wiki home page for? Who edits it? Who makes sure it's up to date?
- User Support Mechanisms
- Reducing the amount of support users need
- Making sure users know how and where to get help/support
- related - specific questions to add (and how to make the something people will ACTUALLY read):
- 1) Who is who, and how to contact
- 2) What are the relevant P2PU references (handbook, group discussions, organizational history, etc)
- 3) Where and how to get assistance
- Study group scaffolding/task making: http://wiki.p2pu.org/w/page/38842863/StudyGroupTasks
- How do we create the best resources for localized groups? How do folks get involved in the process? http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/tickets/57-internationalization
- roleplay: "have we been made famous again? / you're on the cover of Boing Boing / NYT - what next"
- this was useful at Moz All Hands for identifying what needed to be done NOW on our drumbeat projects
- Can we do it for P2PU?
- The fate of the wiki & old site.
- Jessica L (Virginia)
- Erin (Oaktown)
- Pippa (Berlin, next week Linz! and my new home!)
- Lila (SF)
- OpenMatt (Toronto) -- can't make voice call today unfortunately :( but will lurk on etherpad
- Alison
- Alan
- Philipp
- Bekka (late)
- Charles
Stand-ups (what have you been doing / what do you need help with ?)
- Ashoka U & Wiser-U to help recruit "community animator" for SoSI
- Started Evals for last semester
- in Berlin, wearing academic hat for Dept Labor Grant
- trying to "animate" SoW community / this has scary overlaps with being a "puppet master"
- being sexy
- working on board related issues and legal policies
- looking at the formation of an exciting new school for K-12 in-service teachers! (School of Ed for now)
- helping to recruit volunteer help for hacking lernanta, dev, localisation and hacking
- Department of Labor grant application
- School of Ed
- Prep board meeting
- Staffing, organizational structure, webcraft, etc.
- working on wrapping up first round of badges
- focusing on second wave
- planning the following releases based on the tickets openned on lighthouse
- working to get to the following release
Last Week's Tasks:
- Task (Pippa /SoW community) to use P2PU usability as a learning ground. Maura / Joao ? Input from Jono Xia - HTML5Games User Input in Moz?
- Task (Pippa/community): crowdsource guidance to create a resource about creating good tasks, how do you translate resources into strong p2p study group tasks?
=== Notes ===
P2PU Roadmap Redux (Philipp)
- http://wiki.p2pu.org/w/page/36991876/Roadmap-2011
- Claryfing ownership - making sure that key dates/events are in the roadmap
- What's missing?
- Communication milestones - when to send announcements
- Dates and tasks aren't complete
- Need ownership of general roadmap
- Alison proposed owner of roadmap- she feels ok with that - she agrees!
- Key things that have to happen
- Good idea -> Refer to roadmap as regular weekly check-in during the calls
Wiki Frontpage
- What's the wiki home page for? Who edits it? Who makes sure it's up to date?
- PS: A very important page
- Bekka nominated as owner of front page
- Pippa - I've added Page Owner: Bekka Kahn to the front page - I like the idea of establishing owners of certain content in the wiki. - cool, I love the wiki, happy to take ownership
- Jessica: Question: Can we lock the page to just Bekka?
User Support Mechanisms
- Reducing the amount of support users need
- Making sure users know how and where to get help/support
- related - specific questions to add (and how to make the something people will ACTUALLY read):
- 1) Who is who, and how to contact
- 2) What are the relevant P2PU references (handbook, group discussions, organizational history, etc)
- 3) Where and how to get assistance
- Main focus of this discussion is the new site
- Make design changes that reduce support need
- But still - people will need support, possibility to ask questions, wondering about the peer learning model
- Challenge: Too many places to give input, discuss
- Tools
- quiet
- badges
- can we embed this within the context of P2PU.org and brand it with our template?
- Uservoice
- suggest a course
- bug reports
- Lighthouse
- For internal developers, development milestones and bug fixing
- Github
- Wiki with tech roadmap
- Tasks
- Helpdesk (new.p2pu.org)
- Could we have a continuously "staffed" live chat for the help desk visible from the home page (organize a schedule so that someone is always there to field requests and direct you appropriately?)
- This will help a little http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/tickets/81-open-study-groups but the task index is too short to having a help forum, maybe the wall will work better, though we will need threads of comments in the wall.
- Using help desk in platform helps people practice using the platform
- Tasks as way of directing new people to specific needs:
- How do I start a course?
- Learn about P2PU - wiki
- Volunteer or discuss with the community - OSQA or listservs?
- Orientation (www.p2pu.org)
- Mailing Lists
- FAQ on www.p2pu.org
- Contact Email (admin@p2pu.org)
- FAQ and various pieces of content on Wiki
- Wiki
- Need to streamline +1
- Scaffolding process - Waterfalling and scaffolding - OSQA? > drive into FAQ?
- One entry point to support
- Question: Support needs to happen in something that feels like its part of P2PU?
- Users / Use cases
- Users
- Help and input on running courses/study groups
- What is this P2PU thing about? How does it work?
- Help and input on participating in courses ("Course is closed! Help!", "Organizer has gone MIA")
- General support ("Lost my password", "how do I embed a pdf?")
- Bugs of the site (error messages, things don't work)
- Internal community - discussion about the what, why, how
- Developers - willing to help with site development want to get involved
- Want updates on bugs that are reported
- Instructions on how to get involved?
- (Does anyone start as a potential volunteer before being a participant?)
- Researchers - have a proposal, who do I talk to, how do I move it forward?
- Journalists - want to write a story on P2PU
- Help texts close to the fields.
- Help text to describe steps (maybe in a similar way as the welcome message on the user dashboard but on the study group) sidebar vs. top of the page
- ()
- translations needed
- also think about different implementations with different levels of simplicity. we can create something simple now and keep improving in it. if the first proponsal of how it should work is to complex like the next > next > next with steps and percentage of completion, then it will have to be implemented later
- use links to Q&A as inline help <
- qa.p2pu.org
- http://new.p2pu.org/en-US/groups/p2pu-help-desk/
- write REALLY good help text and embed in current site - for more info link to Help Desk related Task.
- This can be used as
- How about a default message when you create a new study group outlining the first 5 tasks you can do next?
Topics pushed to next week's agenda
Study group scaffolding/task making:
- how to show diverse roles within a true peer group
- building out your profile
- progress bar 6-7 things - how do we let people know what they need to do?
roleplay: "have we been made famous again? / you're on the cover of Boing Boing / NYT - what next"
- this was useful at Moz All Hands for identifying what needed to be done NOW on our drumbeat projects
- Can we do it for P2PU?
The fate of the wiki & old site.
Topics pushed to next week's agenda
Study group scaffolding/task making:
[Pippa - advance apology for April 21: I'll be moving house (and country) next Thursday (only day we could get a car) so may not be able to make it. I'll try to call in tho.]
Alison will not be here on the 21st. She will be fossil hunting in the high desert.
7 April 2011 to be held on Big Blue Button Demo
Where: On conference line as usual, dropped BBB
- Update on new courses/study groups
- Q. Pippa - Webcraft goal long running study groups with branching. Is this ok?
- What happens when a course is over?
- Alison
- Jessica L (Virginia)
- Zuzel
- Pippa
- Erin (in etherpad, no phone)
- rereviewing course drafts / study groups for spring
- messaging around new platform and why we are using it
- back from work travel
- grabbing code and diving in
- working on a P2PU Tech Study Group
- getting ready for next release
- triaging tickets
- Last week: GREAT Hewlett meeting in Sausalito (gorgeous)
- Lots of excitement around badges and p2pu in general, lots of potential partnerships
- This week: In Mountain View for all hands with Pippa
- Working through SoW strategy and ideas (aka, bringing the competency map back)
- Meeting with MDN to talk about potential partnership
- Hacking through badge strategy for the rest of the year, including SoW badges and badge infrastructure
- Avoiding silicon valley traffic
- Missed karaoke :-/ but sounds/looks like Pippa represented
New courses/study groups
Tried out BBB
http://p2pu-bbb.osuosl.org Demo
- didn't think it suited community call needs well (only were able to hear at intervals, only chat but not a place to take notes)
- but great for presentations and slide sharing and desktop sharing (for coding groups)
What happens when a course is over? When a study group ends?
- Pippa: How do we cater to different styles: ongoing/rolling groups SoW, stringent courses like Stians, etc
- Pippa: How do you take ocw and make useful tasks from it. Old model week by week, very traditional.
- Pippa: Is reading ocw and translating/making useful tasks form it a skill?
- Task (Pippa/community): crowdsource guidance to create a resource about creating good tasks, how do you translate resources into strong p2p study group tasks?
- Alison: How important in the "end" or "finishing" a set of tasks, learning goals, course?
- Pippa: What is the minimum a participant needs to put in to get something out?
- over time, ongoing study groups will produce many useful tasks of which some are voted up as the required tasks (non endorsed badges which are community driven may choose to be made up of certain tasks).
- Jessica: "an end" allows participants to move onto higher levels, next thing, revisit and help introductory groups as they advance
- How can we watch users to find out how they use the new site to socialize and learn?
- How can users decide/promote useful tasks?
- Jessica: I've got a little feedback request at the end of the tasks to hopefully get information on that. We'll see how it goes:)
- Great idea (alison)
- Task (Pippa /SoW community) to use P2PU usability as a learning ground. Maura / Joao ? Input from Jono Xia - HTML5Games User Input in Moz?
- Alison: Who's looking into all the new peer to peer platforms and researching their strengths, etc? < Ali is!
- Task (Pippa /SoW community) to use P2PU usability as a learning ground. Maura / Joao ? Input from Jono Xia - HTML5Games User Input in Moz?
- Task (Pippa/community): crowdsource guidance to create a resource about creating good tasks, how do you translate resources into strong p2p study group tasks?
For Next Week
Process hacks for community calls
- post agenda, agneda solitications in reminder
- re-post tasks at end of notes
- post items for next week at end of notes and into next agenda