CSCL-intro weekly chat #4

Agenda efererere efwerewrew
here I type
you see?

Ideas for elective badges (need at least one to get metabadge)
Wiki badge
Write one new article on the EduTech wiki or Wikipedia about a prominent CSCL researcher, a technology, a theory or a seminal paper - or make significant contributions to an existing article in these categories. If you added to an existing page, use the history page to find the “diff” between your contribution, and what was there before, and link to that (like this: )

Facilitating discussion (Etherpad)
Facititate an hour-long discussion on the weekly meeting on Etherpad

“Converger” Badge - be responsible for one bi-weekly
Write a blogpost that summarizes and synthesizes the ideas, questions, problems that has been generated in the course (either as a whole by in a certain week). These reflections will help the entire community to keep track of the current state of knowledge. 


Badge Rubric: Link to evidence (blog post, concept map or other artefact) showing critical engagement with some of the concepts of this theme. 

user --- Skype --- has read which of the articles?

Marcy and Rebecca
Rebecca: One realization - it works! I saw it in action ths week. :) 
Marcy: KB is relevant in the world that Marcy I in - application can go beyond the classroom, in a situation where there is no heirarchy and the power is distributed among the participants.
One unresolved question: What are the instances of this kind of practice in a professional community? What are the necessary conditions and the optimal conditions?
Rebecca: My question is what does knowledge building look like outside of using Knowledge Forum? (the video I posted gives a  bit of a glimps - the JK's don't use the computer at all! ) Thanks! Yeah, I loved that video. Also when I went to ICS this week to observe two grade six classes do their "News of the Day" activity, they used their KB circles without the computers.

Did you? were the grade two's doing their salmon thing?
I didn't see that! Were you there? I'm going to be going in again this Thursday.
We normally go for the KB meetings on Thursday at 3:45!
Cool! Well, we're not really doing KB I don't think. I'm working with Jim Slotta and we are doing something a little different so as not to overlap with what Marlene is doing. But I could definitely see how KB has pervaded the culture of the school. Also, I got a copy of "Natural Curiosity" which shows KB in action - and not just using KF. I guess my question was more about what would KB look like in a corporate setting - without KF.  right right, i'm sure it looks quite different then a JK class - in some ways

Jennifer and Nate
Group: Nate and Jennifer
Article: 1st one, Scardamalia, M., & Bereiter, C. (2006)
Realization: Implementing knowledge building into a classroom takes intention and effort. Teachers may need support staff and personal development time in order to understand and implement this theory adequately. If they don't have this support, their classroom practices might not be all that different than what they were doing before or might not really help the students build knowledge.
Unresolved question: How do we make KB more accessible for teachers?
Idea: Knowledge building is different from constructivism, because Constructivism can be activated without a specific pedagogy designed to accommodate it. 

Stian and Joe
(a) people involved with social software; (b) people want to get something out of it
how far can we take this idea (this course and P2PU as examples) vs stimulus response
building something that makes a deeper understanding
KB vs connectivism
groups vs networks? groups AND networks?
some theorists have aversions to groups
Group: Joe and Stian
Article: Scardamalia

Notes: 12 principles from KB link to 5 principles of paragogy (maybe you should do a some slides on paragogy, it might be a good way to get people interested, a lot of people shy away from reading long papers)

Realization: having a positive attitude can be really productive!
Unresolved question: link between working with knowledge as a group, and individually? metaphors of groups and networks (connections with Connectivism) - related also to the question of finding the best place to deploy the KB ideas (grade school classrooms vs OER communities, both of which have different political form-factors)
Idea: the way we designed this course to be both a Knowledge Building group and a connectivist network.

Link to week 4:

Monica's questions:
#1  “A knowledge building technology should facilitate using information, as distinct from learning it” (Scardamalia, 2006, p. 19). How is this distinction between the deliberate use of information and the learning of information conceptualized? Is this distinction inherent in any of the previous readings we’ve done? (CoP’s, Stahl’s group cognition)
#2 “Knowledge building” has taken on a multitude of meanings and connotations. What are the specific elements of knowledge building as Scardamalia describes them? What are the necessary requirements for knowledge building to occur within any educational context?
 #3 Some believe that Knowledge Building pedagogy as Scardamalia describes it here is not realistic for a traditional classroom setting. Do you agree? What are the major barriers and how do you see non-traditional settings as either challenging or reinforcing these barriers?

New questions that have come up (feel free to add):
The relationship between a Community of Practice and a Knowledge Building community. 

Bring back to the group talk:
1 realization, 1 unresolved question, 1 idea

Results of the one-on-one calls: