Examples of curricula of courses by well-known CSCL profs:

Other resources
Links and writeup on ed tech wiki about CSCL: http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Computer-supported_collaborative_learning

Chief journal in CSCL field, OA: http://ijcscl.org/

CSCL, an historical perspective, the "definitive" text on CSCL? Translated to a bunch of languages: http://gerrystahl.net/cscl/ (also a bunch of other OA resources on Stahls' page).

Articles on Knowledge Forum and Knowledge Building (many OA): http://www.ikit.org/resources.html

Statistical data mining tutorials: http://www.autonlab.org/tutorials/

Idea: Erik Duval will be keynoting CSCL 2011. He was at Learning Analytics in Banff - very interested in open teaching and learning. He might be interested. 

Ideas for assignments

Collaborating creating a wiki on CSCL resources
We should also think about what of this already exists, and also what might more productively be put on an existing platform, like Wikipedia

Testing out different kinds of discourse environments - but being careful about not dispersing dialogue too much from one central one. 

Who are expected participants of this course? What prerequisite knowledge do we expect them to have? What are their needs?
Good point. I guess graduate students interested in CSCL, or people working with open education etc. Interesting point about pre-requisite knowledge, we'd want people that are at a fairly similar level I think. Not sure who would apply, and how to make that happen.