End of Course Evaluation Questions

A series of statements can be used and allow people to Disagree strongly -> Strongly agree. A lickert scale is easier to analyze. Then have a few selected open ended questions. 

12 are related to course content, the amount of work, the facilitator, the engagement. 3 are about their "net promoter score". There are 4 open ended questions. We can get permission to use recommendations. Finally there are the School of Webcraft specific questions, I didn't know how you want to analyze those, so I didn't change them.

General Questions

Rate these statements. 
1 If you agree strongly
2 Agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Disagree
5 Disagree strongly

Open ended questions

May we quote your recommendation?
Yes, but please keep my details anonymous
Yes, and please use my name 
No do not use my quote

School of Webcraft Specific Questions

Unsure about these questions, what is the motivation, what result from asking these? I rephrased some of the questions above.