Google Summer of Code 2012 Project Ideas List

Thanks for checking out our ideas list. Please join the p2pu-dev mailing list and introduce yourself. We're happy to answer any questions you have about these ideas or discuss things not listed here. Feel free to add more ideas to this list.
p2pu-dev mailing list:

We have a weekly real time meeting, you should join us to see how things work around here:
P2PU Community Call -


Suggested Application Template
You don't have to follow this exact order/format, but a successful applicaiton would likely include the following sections:

############### IDEAS

These ideas were added by P2PU users, developers, and other community members. You may want to join our weekly call or get in touch via the dev list to get more information about a specific idea or to brainstorm with the group. We're open to things that aren't listed here, the best thing you can do is talk to us.


Mobile Friendly

Reduce Page Loads

Development Tools

Localization / Internationalization

P2PU Mentorship

WYSIWYG Text Editor

Social Integration


Real Time Chat

Improve Performance

Reduce Spam

P2PU Radar


Search & Discovery

Badges Creator

Remix & Reuse