- Commits to deadlines and meets them
- Knows what's important and what isn't, and spends her time accordingly
- Knows when s(he)'s stuck, and how to get unstuck
- Crosses t's and dots i's, when l's just aren't good enough
- Doesn’t fall into a drudge - improves the way we do things
- Shares ideas, progress, openly within the P2PU community
- Reaches out and builds relationships to partners and potential collaborators
- Sparks new ideas
- Says what s(he) expects of others and the organization
- Likes what (s)he does and shows it
- Doesn't act like a dickhead
- Models the values of the organization
- Helps others succeed
- Takes an interest in the work of other people at P2PU
- Is flexible and open to change
- Stays on top of developments in their field
- Learns from experience: evaluates performance and makes improvements