Feeling out the boundaries - a few scenarios

For each scenario, please ask yourself:

Scenario: Google MOOC
There is a lot of interest in massive open online courses at the moment. Yet early experiments are not taking advantage of good pedagogical practices, or sophisticated technology to support community building and peer-learning. Google Research contracts P2PU to create a prototype MOOC using existing Google applications (combining Google+, Google Hangouts, Google Docs, and Google Groups). The project team includes researchers from Georgia Tech who are experts in large-scale computing education, and a dedicated engineer who manages the integration. The course focuses on teaching strategic game playing skills and is launched with a lot of attention / co-branded P2PU. The technology used is available for use by anyone without charge, but it is not licensed under an open source license. User activity data is shared with the project team for analysis, but not made available to the general public. As a result of the project, P2PU is engaged by Google Research to convene and support a groupd of university partners that are interested in launching their own MOOCs.

Scenario: Platform or Partner (was "Schools") [updated the scenario to use hypothetical school]
P2PU partners with Open Journalism Foundation to create School of Journalism, a peer learning community focused on journalism. OJF has many enthusiastic software developers who volunteer to support the project and set up a separate instance of the Lernanta software. They make modifications to the code and ask P2PU's Tech Lead for help with problems they run into. Some of the changes they make flow back into the Lernanta code base. After the first year of the partnership OJN decide to switch to a different platform - a micro-blogging system - because it offers the core functionality they found to work best with their users. 


Scenario: Thought Leadership


Scenario: Consulting

Niels:  Like this as well. instititutions and large companies benefit from knowledge transfer between employees. A private peer to peer uni could help out peer learning withing organisations. 

Scenario: MOOC


Scenario: P2PU Sandbox


Scenario: Better Online Courses
