Working Title -> The Mechanical Mooc (

Project Plan / Timeline

If you make changes below, please also update this spreadsheet:

Final Deliverables
Probably push back to wait for Codecademy
[18 Jun] Sign up form is built/tested/integrated with MIT OCW (so we are ready for announcement)
[6 July] Mechanical MOOC engine ready

Development Plan

[18 Jun] Describe what it will look like
-> discuss with steve, vanessa, philipp
-> allow major / conceptual changes if necessary

[27 Jun] Rough prototype to play with
-> share with small group of beta testers
-> allow minor revisions / copy
-> [VMG] Sign-up questions
-> [VMG] Landing page copy

[XXX June/July] Announce (Sign-up form ready)

[XXX July] Script outline

Pushed back ---> [2 July] Product
-> stress test
-> bug fixes only


Basic course structure ->

Mechanical MOOC engine design notes

Mechanical MOOC engine - "DailyLit-type" software
"Script" - Content that is sent out every week [Vanessa/Philipp to write]

User Story (needs updating)

Discussion / Questions

Goals / Expectations -> Explore if we can leverage Scholar courses to build a low-tech mooc that has community and creative learning



Roles (Next step: update based on Steve's document)


What's needed to build?

Inspired by

[Who wrote this?] So I was thinking that their would be a cohort, not many at the 10 person granularity.  I was thinking that the e-mail would not be a discussion channel but basically a push to keep people sequenced. The cohort in my mind is the whole 25,000 ala OpenStudy's model.  Discuss.   Is cohort more about someone who is studying the same thing you are at the same time or is about the personal connection to a very few learners.
[PS] Goal is to provide both -> very large help community (using OpenStudy) as well as small personal groups where you know everyone else and have a sense of working together / keeping each other going. Main function of email is to push sequence, but secondary function to allow people to talk to each other. That's what's missing in the big groups at the moment.

Expected Email Volume