Not a huge amount of great technology-based language learning around ... most are:

Wikiotics -

Structured wiki to build language learning 

They accept donations on Flattr: -donated

Ideas for collaboration from Ian (Wikiotics)

Basically, we have focused our efforts on the language lessons, making,
using, and remixing them. We have not built out tools for social
organizing or communication beyond the  standard text wiki page. Since
that is P2PU's expertise, I think we are naturally complementary.

A couple models come to mind for P2PU language courses that use
Wikiotics as the lesson mechanism.

 1) One (or few) teacher(s), many students
This is similar to a traditional language class except that meetings
happen online, if they happen at all. One or more teachers would put
together a progression of lessons in Wikiotics and be available as a
guide to students as they move through the material, building new
material or pointing individual students to additional lessons as they
run into difficulty.

In addition to the lessons, student assignments could take the form of
one-on-one practice with other class members over IM/skype/etc,
attending local language meetups, and/or building customized versions of
the original lessons just as teachers often have students build their
own flash cards to aid in remembering the material.  In that last case,
by uploading their own audio for a lesson, students build a way for the
P2PU teacher(s) to evaluate their pronunciation asynchronously.

2) No teachers, many peers
Instead of a traditional class structure, you have a P2PU "class"
composed of two groups of peers, each of whom is interested in knowing
the other group's native language. In this model, students self-direct
their studies, relying on the their peers as a source of explanations
and new study materials.

Questions, like how the counting form changes when talking about
few/many items, are answered in the form of a Wikiotics lesson so that
the group will gradually build a collection of material through the
interactions of individual members. Similarly, peers within the same
group can help each other by trying to learn lessons that explain
concepts they have just mastered. Members of the other group can verify
the accuracy of the lesson, and perhaps provide native audio or
localized pictures where appropriate, or correct any inaccuracies.

I think either of those would be exciting projects we can do right now
with the existing infrastructure on the site. Since both class
structures would end up producing materials that could be built from or
directly reused by future classes, once we get a class or two going, it
should become that much easier for future classes to start up
organically on P2PU.

I would be happy to offer some support on the Wikiotics end with some
screencast HowTOs, general question answering, and whatever feature
requests we can get developed.

--Some site links from

Demo picture choice lesson:
Sample text-only multiple choice lesson:
Series of lessons built for public library conversation classes:

We also have a local MeetUp starting here in NY later this month. If
anyone from the P2PU community is in the area, they would be warmly

Other Sites
Quizlet -