# P2PU Marketing Strategy Guide

*This guide is written for the entire P2PU Community, including staff and volunteers. The goal of this document is to enable anyone to become familiar with our marketing strategy and get involved. It's basically a how-to guide for people who want to spread P2PU far and wide.*

__NOTE__: For the sake of simplicity, I will use the word "user" to mean a potential or current user of the P2PU site. You could also call them peers, community members, or whatever you like. 

First and foremost, every user interaction is a marketing opportunity. Always be marketing, in a genuine and useful way. We don't want to bother or annoy our users, we want to provide value so that they keep coming back.

Here are some of the ways that we can be useful:

* __Support__: Helping Users When They're Stuck
* __Content__: Creating Interesting Content
* __Events__: Participating in Events

## __Support__: Helping Users When They're Stuck

User support is often an afterthought, that's why it's first here. Support doesn't just answer questions and point users to documentation. Great support is personal and shows a genuine interest in helping users learn while being efficient, concise, and honest. Being a friend and a mentor to our users is important. Be sure to make them feel valued and absolutely do not make them feel dumb. Everyone has to start somewhere.

The primary source of support at P2PU is the [helpdesk][0], but it's not the only place. We provide support pro-actively, wherever our users need it. Maybe it's in the comments of a blog post about P2PU, on Twitter, in a forum, or even in person at a conference. The important thing to know is that users don't necessarily ask for help when they get stuck. Be on the lookout and offer to help you think someone needs it. For every person that asks for help you can bet that there are more people with the same problem who can't be bothered to contact us.

### Ways You Can Help with Support
* Answering questions on the helpdesk. Send an email to help@p2pu.org to get started.
* Greeting new P2PU users.

## __Content__: Creating Interesting Content

Another great way to be useful and accomplish our goal of getting new users to find P2PU is to create lots of useful content. Videos, photos, documentation, how-to guides, blog posts and more. Varied content is key to bringing in new users through organic search. Interactive posts like contests and competitions are a good way to encourage users to build for specific use cases. Another way to generate good content is to write about your users. Your customers will love you for writing about them and will point people to your post, it's a win-win.

* Content
  * email
  * blog
  * twitter
  * tumblr

## __Events__: Participating in Events

* Events
  * p2pu meetups
  * speaking at conferences
  * attending on behalf of p2pu

* Drip Email
  * Write an adwords plan
* Direct