
Title: P2PU is moving  / P2PU & School of Webcraft are moving 

Yes, the long-awaited migration from the old P2PU site to our new home is almost upon us, and we’re really excited. Can you tell?

(insert excited image, probably of john britton grinning)

I) New site - what's different?

Even though there is a lot of change, the site and P2PU will never be fini or "done." Based on your feedback, and what we learn about learning, we will constantly update and improve what we're doing, so we can continue to spread peer learning to as many people as we can reach .... 
(Read more after the jump)

We’re hoping that this new site will be the base from which the P2PU community can continue to leverage the internet and educational materials openly available online and enable high-quality, low-cost education opportunities for as many people has we can reach.

II) Get started

III) Featured courses and study groups

P2PU is extremely proud to be working with some fantastic partners on some really exciting courses. Have a look at these: 

Not all P2PU courses or groups are organised by partners though. Some of them are organised by committed and enthusiastic peer learners. Take a look at these courses (which ones would be best here?)

P2PU - learning for everyone, by everyone, about almost anything. 


How to get started

If you’re new to P2PU, the best way to get started is to create an account. If you’ve already registered, even on the old site, then you should have an account already set up. Once you have an account, you can use the My P2PU link in the top right corner of the page to manage your profile and view any messages you may have. We recommend that you add a photo and plenty of detail to your profile, so that people can see who you are and what you’re interested in learning.

What happened to the Front Page?

Like Facebook or Twitter and many other sites, the new P2PU site doesn’t have a front page, like the old one did. Instead, every time you log  on,  you will find yourself on your dashboard. From here you can track  the  activity in groups that you are a part of, or you can use the  Learn,  People, Schools and Blog links across the top of the page to  find  groups, view people’s profiles and follow them, explore the  Schools that  are part of P2PU or visit our blog.

Join the Help Desk

Think of the help desk as a 24 hour, 365 day a year orientation. This is the place where all the “how to” info about the new site is kept, and shared, and where you can ask any questions you may have. Have a look in the Tasks section of the helpdesk for some great screencasts and discussions on the best ways to start learning.

Find a course or study group

Now that you’ve got your account all up and running, it’s time to learn! Your can browse all the current courses and study groups that are under development, newly open, and already running by clicking on the  “Learn”  link at the top of your dashboard. This will show you all the courses and groups, and their status.

Create your own course or study group

If you’d like to create your own course or group, have a look at this great screencast how-to.

Find materials from old courses that ran on the previous site

If you were a participant in, or organiser of a course on the previous site, and you can’t find it on the new one, never fear! You can import the material directly using this great tool: