Workshop planning

The original proposal  (below) included speed geeking for the first 20-25 minutes  and then breaking up into smaller how-to groups for a half hour of question asking and planning.

I suggest that we have a call to run through the speedgeek presentations and to discuss the goals of the breakout sessions.


The topics we proposed to discuss in the speedgeek were: 

Given that there'll be 4 / 5 people participating that makes for a good  speed geek rotation. The one problem will be that it will be difficult  to facilitate / timekeep the speed geeking if all of you are acting as  the presenters. 

Nominate the topic you'd like to present in the speed geek:

Charlie: the p2pu peer-learning model
Niels: Rogue courses and the potential of P2PUs curriculum to adapt to a changing world and cater to individual skills faster and better than traditional unis. I can relate this to 'open governance' or 'P2PU and the open education community' or maybe add 'the value of p2pu in the educational landscape' to the speedgeeks
Bekka: The Open Governance model - how do we actually manage to keep this boat afloat?

- Remember you'll have to talk for 4 minutes on this topic 4 or 5 times over! If you can share slides on a laptop at the same time that will be really useful too.


For the  breakouts it would be great to frame the work as "Create A  Course or Group in 30 minutes" "Identify Potential Schools and Plan Their First  Steps in 30 minutes)" .

Way back when I first joined SoW John Britton and I ran a speedgeek and  break out sessions at the Mozilla Summit. The Create a Course session  was particularly successful, so I'd suggest potentially offering two  groups for that.

It would be a good idea for these sessions to hand out some kind of worksheet. I think that if we produce a useful worksheet for creating a course or group we'll have a very valuable resource that can be reused in different contexts. 

Nominate the Break Out session you'd like to facilitate:
Charlie: "Create A  Course or Group in 30 minutes
Niels: Create a rogue course


OKCon Workshop

P2PU: Open Community Learning on the Web, Create a course, a school, or a whole university in 60 minutes

Our website:


Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) is moving towards its second anniversary. Within the last year we have formalised the project as a non-profit organisation practising open governance; taken on employees; introduced peer-based assessment and badges; partnered with external organisations to provide curated Schools and continued to grow our community. This workshop will present perspectives on the project from key staff, school representatives (Webcraft and Mathematical Futures) and researchers and invite anyone to join us in building the higher education system of the future. Bring your whiteboards, labcoats, gym outfits.





P2PU Biographies

Pippa Buchanan

Joe Corneli:

Charles Danoff:

Rebecca Kahn

Philipp Schmidt

Niels Sprong