= Activity about finding open content =
Teach someone something with open content -- https://p2pu.org/en/groups/teach-someone-something-with-open-content/
Learn how to find and recognize open content on the web.
This challenge will help you learn how to find and recognize open content, such as public domain and Creative Commons licensed video, images, and websites, in the wild. You'll get acquainted with good collections of open content and ways to find them.
Task 1: Choose your topic or question
Choose your topic or question. If you are known as the go-to person among your friends or family for help with a particular topic area, that might be a good one to choose because once you've compiled some good open resources, it will be easy to share them next time someone comes to you with questions. You could also select a topic you are interested in learning more about, or one on which you consider yourself an expert, even if no one else does.
Discuss whether or not there might be open content that answers your question. Have you looked for resources on this subject before? If so, what kind of resources you have found?
Hint: This page will help you spot licensed work out in the world: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Recognizing_licensed_work.
Task 2: Go find your resources
Go find your resources. Gather as many or as few as you need to fully address your question. Make a note of where you find them, and how they can be shared and used (based on the license or copyright status).
You have three choices for how to conduct your search. You can look in collections and repositories of open content, such as Flickr or OER Commons, or you can search the open web, perhaps using advanced search features to limit your results to websites with open licenses.
Some good places to find open content are...
OER Commons
Or, if you want to try exploring a wider range of resources, watch this screencast on how to use Google to search for open content across the whole web.
You can also ask your friends, colleagues, and the rest of the world! Tap into existing communities that share information or resources about the topic you are interested in and ask them. Some communications tools communities use include mailing lists (Google groups, ibiblio), social media (Twitter, Facebook), and discussion forums on the web. Pose your question with the appropriate tags, and don't hesitate to ask the same questions on your personal, social network.
Task 3: Post links to the results of your search
Share what you've found so far. Were you able to find what you needed? How might you use the stuff that you found? Were there good repositories or sources of content that were particularly valuable? How about any that were hard to use? Was it easy to tell whether or not things were open, and what the license was? Could you tell what the origins of the work were?
= Activity for using and sharing open content =
Teach someone something with open content, part 2 -- https://p2pu.org/en/groups/teach-someone-something-with-open-content-part-2/
Learn how to assemble and adapt open content from the web.
This challenge will focus on pulling open content together from the web (based on the finding challenge) and figuring out how to properly attribute and mark what you're using.
Task 1: Assemble your resources.
You know what you want to teach and found resources on the web to help you. Now you have to assemble these resources.
First, make sure you know where you found all your content. Make note of things like the website URL and the creator. Also, what open license did it have? When was it created and/or pubilshed? These are important pieces to keep track of so that others can get back to the source information.
Remember that with CC licenses, you don't need to ask the original creators for permission to use their work as long as you follow the terms and conditions of the license. But that doesn't mean you can't thank them or let them know you're using it! Shout-outs on Twitter or in the comments section of a blog or Flickr image are nice practices.
You may discover that you don't have the rights to use every resource you found. Which resources do not give you the rights you want? You might want to do another search to find appropriately licensed materials to replace those. Remember, each open license carries with it different conditions, eg. if you intend to make a profit with the final product, you would need to find content without the "noncommercial" or NC license clause.
Lastly, consider the places where you found your resources. Did you like anything about some of the websites and/or platforms where the resources were hosted? For example, did the platform make it easier for you to identify the CC or other open license of the resource? You may want to keep a list of the sites you liked for sharing back your resulting work.
Task 2: Edit and change the resources as needed.
What changes do you want to make to the existing resources? Do you have the rights to make changes according to the open license on the work?
You grabbed a picture from Flickr and you want to crop it to remove that blurry finger in the upper left corner. Great, but does the license allow for that edit? Some CC licenses have a "no derivatives" or ND clause. That means you can only use that resource exactly how it's been shared with you. That means no cropping the image, fixing the grammatical errors in a paragraph, or even brightening a picture. This might be new to you, but that's the nature of the license. (In some regions of the world, you can still rely on fair use or fair dealing, aka exceptions and limitations to copyright - learn more about that in this other challenge (TBD).) Using works without the ND clause allows for derivatives, so those are your best bet if you want to be able to edit the resource you're using. But remember that if you're making a derivative of someone else's work and they want you to "share-alike" (the SA clause), you will have to license your derivative work with the same license as the original.
Keep in mind that you can often make these changes and edits to the resource directly, depending on where the resources is hosted. For example, YouTube's Video Editor allows for you to remix CC BY-licensed videos on its platform, and Wikipedia allows universal edits. You can also choose to upload a duplicate instance of the resource to an editing platform and make edits to that. Choose the platform that you are most comfortable with and that allows open licensing.
Task 3: Attribute the original authors.
You've assembled and adapted your resources in the way you want to teach them. Now it's time to provide proper attribution to the original authors.
Building on the work of others is awesome. And recognizing those you're building on is a great practice for encouraging sharing of more resources. "Citation" and "Attribution" are often used as synonyms, but they mean two different things. Citation is a scholarly practice for tracking the ideological underpinnings of a work, usually referencing sources like published books, articles, government documents, primary sources, etc. Citation is a norm, not a legal requirement. Attribution is about crediting a copyright holder according to the terms of a copyright license, usually crediting artistic works like music, fiction, video, and photography. Attribution is a legal condition of using a licensed work.
See http://wiki.creativecommons.org/FAQ#How_do_I_properly_attribute_a_work_offered_under_a_Creative_Commons_license.3F and the CC wiki http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Marking/Users for best practices on providing attribution. Note that if you edited or changed a resource, you need to make note of that in your attribution.
What challenges did you run into while providing attributions? Do you think the CC wiki best practices for attribution can be improved? Suggest changes at the wiki's Talk page: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/index.php?title=Talk:Marking/Users&action=edit&redlink=1
If you are interested in licensing your resulting work, see the challenge on License compatibility (TBD).
Task 4: Share your work!
Now that you've given proper attributions, you can share your teaching resources with the rest of the world.
When it comes to sharing your work, think about who your target audience is. Who do you want to teach and/or learn about your topic with? Once you have narrowed it down to one or a few key audiences, think about the websites they frequent the most. For example, if you are sending your little cousin a collection of the best videos on learning Algebra, you might create a playlist on YouTube for him or her to easily watch in one sitting. Perhaps you simply want to put it on your personal website so you can share a link to it with friends and colleagues. If sharing on your own website, remember to follow best practices for marking from Task 3 (http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Marking/Users).
The CC wiki http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Publish lists communities that allow you to host content for free under CC licenses. These communities may also find your work useful and/or help to improve your work. Consider also sharing your work via social media and other tools, such as mailing lists.
Communities love stories, especially those behind a well assembled resource. Consider documenting the reasoning behind creating the resource you did (eg. to help my little cousin get an A in Algebra!).
Wherever you decide to share your work, post links here. How did you decide to share it the way you did? What other options did you consider, and why did you rule them out? Did any challenges come up?
(Some text in this task was adapted from Open.Michigan <http://open.umich.edu/share/cite> at the University of Michigan under a CC BY license.)
Course: Finding, using, and sharing content on the web
Objective: Make finding, using, and sharing content on the web easier through the use of open tools
Method: Fun learning activities that involve finding, using, and sharing something with each other.
- - finding content
- ++ understanding your rights and the rights of others as it relates to content
- ++ recognizing and understanding open licenses in the wild web, eg. how to recognize a licensed object
- ++ knowing where to look for what kind of content, eg. how to find CC licensed content, public domain content, data
- ++ using community support in your search process
- - assembling content
- ++ understanding how collections differ from derivatives
- ++ knowing the difference between attribution and citation
- ++ properly attributing and marking licensed content
- - editing and adapting content
- ++ understanding the limits of proprietary digital formats
- ++ understanding the different licenses and what you can do
- ++ understanding how to remix differently licensed content
- ++ using translation/adaptation tools
- - presenting and sharing content
- ++ how to mark open license on your site
- ++ where to share your work
- ++ using tools to maximize sharing, eg. social media, community lists
- ++ explaining why you chose the license you did
Constraints to sharing/using resources:
- budget: free content
- format: editable content, available and free tools to convert content
- connectivity: offline content, multi format content,
- time: clear well marked content (metadata), rights are cleared, useful/efficient search tools, trusted and responsive community, social media tools
- rights: clarity, compatibility
- dirth of materials
- language: translatable content
- context: adaptable content
1) Learn the concept that free shit is all over the web
+ access and Pearson vs. CNX book
+ dirth of materials
2) Understand the limits of formats (digital)
+ convert a youtube video to mp4
+ try to make edits, comments on a PDF, google doc vs. etherpad
+ try accesing content using a variety of tools
3) know the right tool fo rthe non-web environment
+ download a youtube video
4) fast searching strategies
+using google vs. oer commons to find free, editable, k-8 science materials
+compare cc by license to TOU page to figure out what uses you can make
+use a community list to find content (google group, facebook, merlot, twitter)
++add hastags
++compare responses and who is helpful
5) know your rights
+compare/remix content with different licenses
= License compatbility challenge (for much later) =
Compatbility may seem like a complicated and tricky thing, but it doesn't have to be! Ask yourself, are you creating a collection or a derivative work? eg. are you compiling a bunch of resources together or making changes to the resources? If you're making a collection, license compatibility isn't mega-critical, as long as you provide proper attribution, in which case you can skip to Task 3.
MAYBE EXCLUDE: Here's how you might decide between the two: Do you plan on sharing this collection of resources with people other than your friend? What if this is a blog post you're making? Does that change anything about the compatibility? Are you licensing your blog? So much to think about! The short of it: the more open the license you use is, the more compatible it will be with other licenses.
If you are making a derivative work, see http://wiki.creativecommons.org/FAQ#If_I_derive_or_adapt_a_work_offered_under_a_Creative_Commons_license.2C_which_CC_license.28s.29_can_I_apply_to_the_resulting_work.3F. And then go to Task 2 to edit and change the resources as needed.
= Copyright 4 Educators - potential challenges =
(2) How would you go about determining whether or not each of the following resources are in the public domain? (What questions would you ask about the work and its creator? What additional information would you need to know?)
- A book from the library
- A photo you found on the internet
- A federal court decision
Scenario 1: An English teacher prints a classroom handout, and includes one paragraph from a book to show pithy writing. Is this fair use? Which factors weigh in favor of fair use, and which against? What facts lead you to your conclusion?
Scenario 2: An English teacher makes photocopies of one chapter of an out-of-print textbook on English Composition for each of her students. She keeps a master photocopy on file for future use. Is this a fair use? Which factors weigh in favor of fair use, and which against? What facts lead you to your conclusion? Is the outcome different or the same as Scenario 1? Why or why not?
Scenario 3: A textbook publishing company finds an excellent website by an English teacher made publically available on the Internet. The publisher copies the website word-for-word in a new edition of an English composition textbook and gives the teacher credit. Is this a fair use? Which factors weigh in favor of fair use, and which against? Is the outcome the same or different from Scenario 1 and Scenario 2? Why or why not in each case?
What might you be able to do under the TEACH Act that you could NOT do under Fair Use?
What does the First Sale doctrine allow?
Does Section 108 allow libraries to make a copy of an entire book for a teacher or student? If so, under what circumstances?
(1) Two part question:
(a) You downloaded this photo from Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ninjanoisy/3650108182/in/set-72157620179999726/ - what can you do with this image under federal and state laws?
(b) You download this photo from Google Images:
http://skepticalteacher.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/kirk-inspirational-awesome.jpg - what can you do with this image under federal and state laws?
(2) You are a college professor and you need to circumvent DRM on an encrypted DVD in order to use materials on that DVD to teach a college film class. The DVD came with a EULA which you read and clicked through that prohibited the circumvention of the encryption on the DVD for any reason. Would you be able to legally rip the materials you needed from that DVD?
Group assignments https://p2pu.org/en/groups/copyright-4-educators-us/content/getting-started-group-assignments/
= Open Content Licensing for Educators =