= Why Open? course = 

The community has brought up the importance of a course or courses on not only how to implement open practices, but on why open practices are important, eg:

"To my impression, the philosophy should not only rest on the 2 mission parts  "tell what open means" and "teach how to do that", but also rest on part  3 "show why open is better when and for whom". From years of experience around "open everything" I'd say that promoting open is not so much  about telling people how to do it, but to tell them why to do it. Once  they understand the Why they tend to find pleasure in teaching  themselves the How. This is not about convincing by being evangelic or  ideological about open, but rather about giving good examples for why  open is different, where it improves what and how that relates to almost everybody's life." - John Weitzmann

Communicating with the participants
Jane can export emails once signup closes Aug. 4 - I'll send you Aug 4 evening or Aug 5 morning

set up survey asking for time zones and professions -- send out during the first email to participants
-- give each group the emails of the others

Here is the survey for people's views of open (see "responses") at top to see the responses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rxV_sdlyejuQT2_iJ-b6A5MZT91o3_oYi2QM8FIoV5M/edit#
Course blog hub (with links to Twitter and links pages): http://www.whyopencourse.org/bloghub/

To do before the course starts

  1. Create a main etherpad for the course, with links to other pads; other pads could have http://pad.p2pu.org/p/Why_open_course_pad
    1. blog URLs, just in case the blog hub isn't working right (which, since this is my first time doing it, is a real possibility)
    2. google hangout info: ppl put the email account they used to sign up for G+ so we can find them and invite them to the hangouts; links for each session so ppl can join in, live notes being taken so people can follow along
    3. a pad for links related to the course that people come up with
    4. a pad with the responses to our meaning of open survey. We can all see the responses here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoYdoYRECznndEJIYXNTQWlmNVc5aG4zWlM2bk5fdGc#gid=0
    5. anything else?
  2. Decide who is doing which hangout and Twitter chat, and perhaps have one person be the point person for each week--reading some of the blogs and commenting, making sure to check the discussion board for that week, probably running the hangout
    1. Week One (August 4 - 10): Christina
    2. Week Two (August 11 - 17): Simeon
    3. Week Three (August 18 - 24): Jeannette said she could do week 3
    4. Week Four (August 25 - 31): Jane
    5. Week five hangout for final project (Sept. 2-8): Christina, Jane could do after Monday
  3. Should we give participants our email addresses or some other way to contact us directly with questions? How do organizers usually handle this?
    1. In our first communication/email to course participants we can list all our emails, or copy all organizers. I can export participants' emails after sign-ups close.
  4. Best way to let people know about the Google Hangouts link? Ask them to provide their G+ profile when sending out the first email communication, and post the hangout URL to an etherpad?


Right before course starts, or after we've hit 50 registrants as maximum
  1. Send out web polls for G+ hangouts and Twitter sessions
  2. Create small groups and let people know who's in their group (give out emails so they can contact each other)
    1. are we forming these groups randomly from list of emails?

July 15 call agenda and notes

Course shell is here: https://p2pu.org/en/courses/588/why-open/
What still needs to be decided/done (below):

An option: extend the course to four weeks, with the following schedule. I'm not terribly into doing four weeks, but this might work.
  1.    week 1
    1. initial thoughts on openness, in a blog post, and comments on others' blogs
    2. read responses to our survey, and comment in discussion area (and/or optional blog on this?)
  2. week 2
    1. CC licenses: do the Get CC savvy course if you aren't already familiar with these licenses
    2. open vs. free: read some of the links and write blog post about either open vs free, or anything about CC licenses, or anything else that has come up
    3. Groups brainstorm open activities and put in discussion area
  3. week 3
    1. Groups choose one of the activities in brainstorm or one of the ones on the list; do the activity
    2. blog post about what your group did, and comments on others' blogs (different blogs than your comments in week 1)
  4. week 4
    1. ndividually or in groups, brainstorm benefits and/or issues about openness (their  ideas about what we give in the list of links about benefits and issues.  Put in discussion area.
    2. Read some of the links about benefits and issues of openness
    3. blog post: meaning of open revisited; optional to talk about benefits and issues of openness; comment on blogs of others
  5. final project--first week of september
If we did this, there would be one blog post per week (4 total), plus they could put their final project on their blog if they want, so maybe 5. That makes it more worth it to start a new blog!
It would also mean 5 Google hangouts, though, so someone would have to do two!
The pacing of this is more reasonable in terms of reasonable expectation of participants thoughtful completion of pertinent assignments although like you Christine, this would be a little bit of a time crunch for me as it would overlap with the beginning of the school year. I really do prefer the four week model of the class because it allows us to keep the blog as well as the other assignments.
+1 - I prefer 4 weeks.

Action items from July 15 call--to be done BY END OF DAY WED JULY 17!

Action items from July 15 call that can be done a bit later

 2- week sign up period opens Monday July 22; courses should start week of Aug 5. 
 -- Our first synchronous session Aug. 7, 10am Pacific? -- then have doodle poll for participants to choose times for 2 other synchronous sessions (beginning of each week)

Action items for July 15 (changed from July 10)

June 17 call agenda and notes

Action items for June 17

Goal of course


  1. What does "open" mean?
    1. What does "open" mean to you? (alternatives: What do you think "open" is? Describe a time when you have benefited from an "open" tool, resource, or practice. Place "open" in the context of participant's profession or field of expertise.) Participants reflect on this prompt and why they are interested in this course. Reflections are put in writing as part of course or individual blog.
    2. What "open" means to individuals in different fields. Provide statements by individuals in creative, educational, scientific, government, legal, and other fields.
      1. Open vs. "free"
        1. http://freedomdefined.org/Licenses/CC-BY
        2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gratis_versus_libre
        3. http://www.forbes.com/2006/03/21/gnu-gplv3-linux-cz_dl_0321stallman2.html
        4. http://www.techradar.com/news/software/free-vs-open-what-s-the-difference-683592
        5. http://mako.cc/writing/coleman-hill-how_free_became_open.pdf
        6. http://www.mindmeister.com/28717702/everything-open-and-free
    3. Google form survey to send out: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rxV_sdlyejuQT2_iJ-b6A5MZT91o3_oYi2QM8FIoV5M/edit#
      1. Add statement example here...  (might we include some of the statements from groups like the Free Software people, the "open definition" here? Or just in the "resources?"
      2. ...
      3. ...
      4. ..
    4. Discussion
  2. Practicing "open" or "openly", part 1
    1. Participants list a series of activities they think to be "open"
    2. Participants work in small groups to engage in and complete these activites
    3. Participants provide written reflections on blogs
    4. Discussion
      1. What issues, problems, barriers did you run into?
      2. What benefits did you experience? 
      3. What questions do you have?
  3. Practicing "open" or "openly", part 2
    1. Complete one of the following 5 activities according to participant interest
      1. Open Web: use Mozilla webmaker tools - open webville https://p2pu.org/en/groups/open-webville/
      2. Find open materials that you can use - https://p2pu.org/en/groups/teach-someone-something-with-open-content/
      3. Create your own open definition (for your particular field of work or interest?)
      4. Do one or two "daily creates" from ds106, and license them for others to use/remix: http://tdc.ds106.us/
        1. these are quick, creative projects like taking photos, writing poems, making very short videos--should take 10-15 minutes to complete (nothing complicated)
        2. If people want to, they can do more complicated projects, but these often require knowledge of software tools for editing images, sound, or video: http://assignments.ds106.us/
          1. These are "assignments" for an online course, but people do them anytime (which is encouraged!), not just during a synchronous session of this course
        3. https://p2pu.org/en/groups/make-something-with-the-daily-create/
      5. Vanessa Gannelli suggested people might look to one of these courses as well, to find an open project to do: 
        1. A Look at Open Video: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/a-look-at-open-video/
        2. The Quickest Audacity Course in the World: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/the-quickest-audacity-course-in-the-world/
      6. There is a new MOOC happening right now that emphasizes "making" things: "Making Learning Connected" http://blog.nwp.org/clmooc/
        1. may have some projects that our participants could do, since it gives "make cycles" each week, and participants in this mooc can post their own ideas for projects
      7. Contribute to a Wikipedia article related to openness: OER, open access, open content, open source license… (Pete create a module that collects Wikipedia-related P2PU challenges?)
      8. Open Detective: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/open-detective/
      9. Contribute to Wikimedia Commons: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/contributing-to-wikimedia-commons/
      10. Get a CC license. Put it on your website: https://p2pu.org/en/courses/3/
      11. Create a badge certifying "opennness" - http://badges.p2pu.org/en/
      12. All the short challenges at http://schoolofopen.org/ ... 
      13. Add your activity idea here...
    2. Participants reflect on blogs; and/or participate in a Wikipedia discussion about improving relevant content
    3. Discussion
    4. Badge awarded for Open Practice
  4. Benefits and issues of "open" or Stories of people using open tools, resources, practices
    1. Identify/Brainstorm barriers/problems that participants want to overcome, eg. access to a research article.
      1. Identify open tools, resources, or methods to overcome these issues.
    2. Provide a set of stories or case studies from different domains, including both the benefits and some issues that people have run into 
      1. We could use some of the stories from the link given below, the "true stories of openness" (and then ask people to record their own or interview someone else, if they want): http://stories.cogdogblog.com/
      2. How about stories of non-openness, like frustrations when you run into something that is closed? Or stories of why openness is needed?
        1. I could provide a couple of stories of trying to make audio or image or video artworks and running into copyright issues, and the value of finding openly-licensed content that I could use
        2. Creative Commons Has Failed Me and My Heart is Breaking: http://www.dr-chuck.com/csev-blog/2013/04/creative-commons-has-failed-me-and-my-heart-is-breaking/, http://www.dr-chuck.com/csev-blog/
      3. http://whoneedsaccess.org/ (a site in which people tell stories of why open access (publishing--esp scientific research) matters to them or their work)
      4. http://thepowerofopen.org/
      5. CC annual report - http://dispatches.creativecommons.org/
      6. Specific license provisions (NC, ND…): http://freedomdefined.org/NC , http://freedomdefined.org/ND
      7. See this "Right to Research Coalition" video interview with Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the US National Institutes of Health, and Jack Andraka, the 16-year-old inventor of a breakthrough cancer diagnostic, discussing the importance of Open Access:
        1. video interview http://youtu.be/G55hlnSD1Ys / http://www.righttoresearch.org/blog/open-access-empowers-16-year-old-to-create-breakth.shtml
        2. Jack used free online articles “religiously” in creating his pancreatic diagnostic that is 26,667 times cheaper, 168 times faster, and 400 times more sensitive than the current test.  In discussing his discovery, Jack points to pay-walls for journal articles as a central barrier preventing others from making similar breakthroughs.
        3. Jack is a perfect example of the increased innovation that arises from unexpected places when anyone with curiosity, determination, and an Internet connection has Open Access to the research literature.
      8. Viaf bot connects library authority files with Wikipedia articles: http://www.oclc.org/research/news/2012/12-07a.html
      9. Add story/example here...
      10. ..
      11. ...
      12. ...
    3. Particpants find someone to interview or record their own stories (audio or video), eg. http://stories.cogdogblog.com/ "true story of openness"
    4. Share and discuss
    5. Badge awarded for sharing "open" stories
  5. What does "open" mean? revisited
    1. Participants read each others initial reflections
    2. Discuss
      1. What changed?
      2. What didn't change?
      3. Do you understand "open" better now? 
      4. Where will you go to learn about "open" further?
    3. Badge awarded for course completion


Existing resources
From Cable Green's email on SOO email list:


Comments from others on the course