A course to prepare people for the delivery of workshops on Free Culture, Openness and related topics in informal spaces (conferences, gatherings etc) . 

= Notes from March 21 meeting = 

Jane - want anyone to be able to run an SOO workshop on any "open" topic anywhere in the world (workshop toolkit)
Jessica - running training around CC, Inconvenient truth style
Billy - like running workshops, bringing people in virtually (open science data sprint)
Mick - bringing people together and sharing experiences. very dif from seminar type of session
Vanessa - not very good at collaborative workshops. background in creating group activities

What should collaborative workshops include?

Jane interested in 3 types (first 2 relevant for this course)
  1. Workshops introducing SOO - Berlin
  2. Course sprints to create SOO courses - Sudan (Open Video)
  3. SOO in schools - Kenya = ultimate goal - maybe out of scope for this course

Techniques - Elements to inlcude

Pedagogy (Vanessa)

Rough outline
  1. Propose your topic. Why are you here/etc.
  2. Discuss what you think makes a successful workshop
    1. have some questions
  3. Run through severa (3-6) examples of successful and not successful (openly/collaboratively run) workshops 
    1. each has some of (blog post, agenda, any howtoguides, any media) 
    2. after each case study, discuss what made it good, what made it bad. here's what we think made it successful, is there something missing?
    3. Internet taskforce http://www.ietf.org/tao.html
    4. Wikimedia workshop http://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/02/14/wikipedia-education-program-sweden/
    5. Mick's examples - a course sprint
    6. Jessica - game technique
    7. an example of a poorly run workshop
  4. Tips and tricks?
  5. Analyze, discuss etc.
  6. Create an agenda for your own workshop
  7. Run it
  8. Report back - reflect (link to your blog post in disqus)
  9. How would you improve this course? How would you expand what you learned here into a larger workshop/unconference?
  10. Get a badge for 8 and 9 (we need to design badges)

Breaking Course up into 7 Chapters - 

Ideas for Course Sprint location


The move away from formal learning environments to peer-led, often temporary learning spaces at conferences, gatherings or street occupations creates a new set of challenges for workshop leaders. This course is a peer-learning space to explore these issues.

We don't have all the answers to these questions but this course, designed by experienced workshop leaders, aims to be create a productive 2-way dialogue about these exact questions. 

Sometimes we can get it really right but we still get it very wrong too. Generally you find workshop leaders are always happy to share techniques, activities and lesson plans to communicate about their subjects 

Other ideas include:
- what to look out for in the presentation resources you source (including attribution best practices?)
- how to communicate free culture with passion without appearing inflexible / dogmatic
- techniques for encouraging peer to peer learning in short workshops (eg. breakout groups, discussion questions)
- keeping energy levels up in longer workshops (ice breakers, games, activities like spectrograms)
- guiding workshops and short debates and keeping them on track without being overly controlling
- mapping activities/ techniques in workshops
- choosing suitable hands on activities / workshop projects
- what to do when only a few people turn up and you have a workshop planned for many

Specific Chapters / Tasks / Challenges

These are just ideas just pitch in with ideas as we can structure them later... 

Background Resources - 



Some to come based on recent workshops

P2PU Resources - videos, activities, ideas
    Vanessa usually puts her brilliant presentations on P2PU on Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/VanessaGennarelli
    Karen Fasimpaur made some great videos about P2PU and using the platform that are on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/36737642
    Some of Philipp's presentations are on SlideShare too: http://www.slideshare.net/philipp