26 APRIL 2012
Attendees (welcome to any newbies)
- Add your name (and twitter handle) here
- dirk (@riskycud)
- philipp
- vanessa
- Bekka
- Zuzel
- John
- Alison
- Alan
- Charlie @danoff
- @jessykate (second half!)
What have you been up to? Short written notes (we'll discuss only if there are questions)
- Alison
- Bekka
- Berlin planning
- Org admin & infrastructure (finances, taxes, insurance etc)
- John
- wrapping up terms discussion
- working on some issues with https
- Philipp
- I/A conference
- board meeting
- meetings in SF/silicon valley (partners, our pro bono lawyers, book-keepers & accountants)
- berlin workshop
- Zuzel
- recent release
- writing documentation (releases, lernanta setup, ...)
- a bit of searching oer resources and setting up the 0.1 version of a study group
- Dirk
- Alan
- Bonner Conference contract being finalized, starting to prep for that (first week of June)
- About to take off to Seattle / San Fran for two weeks to visit their Hubs and Bioneers (getting ready for their conference in the Fall)
- Preping for Open Masters open house in DC May 31st
- Add you name here (optional)
News of the week
Written notes on what's going on in our world (bring up special announcements on the call)
- Blog posts you wrote
- Articles you read
- New York Times (with Bekka's quote) +1
- Initiatives you heard about
Key updates
Super short updates about P2PU
- Exciting new courses to check out (Alison)
- Development priorities (Zuzel)
- Recent Release
- Improvements to creation and edition of challenges
- Rich text content before and bellow courses list on school home pages
- Included view submissions link on badge page
- Deferred loading of the courses' metrics table
- Improved task title validation
- Updated course creation notification message to organizer
- Making functionality for sharing badges through the obi more visible
- Next
- Edition, creation and ordering on tasks on the same page
- Badge creation
- State of the mustard (Philipp)
- Users accounts, groups created, users joining courses -> on track for 5% growth compared to last month
- Many more comments last month - worth trying to figure out why last month was higher
- Media coverage related to launch of rounds
- April 18 and 19 - highest number of visits in 2012
- By far most important referer -> http://wwwhatsnew.com (spanish)
- New courses in top 5 for high activity (number of comments):
Core of the call. Focused on four types of conversations (invited guests, challenges you need help with, proposals you want feedback on, ideas you need collaborators for).
- Terms [John]
- Objective: P2PU has a lot of things and we don't always know what to call them, so the plan was to try and find the right terms for things
- Some people like legacy terms, some people prefer less loaded terms
- So John asked us to write a story about P2PU, in an effort to try and get a sense of the terms that people like to use, rather than having a long conversation about this
- Who on this call wrote a story?
- Dirk & Ali
- Talk through some of the harder decisions you had to make
- Dirk: one of the things about te story was that I wrote it not knowing as much about P2PU as I do now.
- I just picked the most obvious terms from the etherpad, and used those ones
- Alison -> I contributed to Dirk's story - he sent it to me, and I added terms which I think are typical of how people move thorugh the experience of/at P2PU.
- Do we like this format of working together as a communtiy?
- Dirk: It was useful to envision the use-case, but not sure if I gave the story and the terms enough attention
- John: I've noticed on the list that when we make a decision, people tend to get infulenced by those who answer first, and I wanted people to think on their own for a bit before they heard what other people had to say.
- Should we do it again?
- Ali -> I think this is a good excercise for the reasons explained above, but I think the lack of responses was a result of the process of teaming up and going asynchronous
- People who lurk on the list may be less likely to want to work ina team
- John -> would it be helpful to assign people to work together?
- Ali -> You would get a lot more people responding!
- What can we change to make it better?
- Maybe we should have a shorter turn around time?+1+1
- Vanessa & Jessy
- Talk through some of the harder decisions you had to make
- Vanessa: I took the opportunity to talk about this with Jessy becuase I don't work with her that often
- good opportunity to make new connections to people you don't talk to often
- We skyped, and then produced longer stories, and then shared shorter versions with the list
- Jessy wrote a sci-fi story and Vanessa wrote a match-making story
- Terms chosen were: design, learning project, peer and team
- I struggled through these terms, and although they felt unnatural at first, they worked well
- Difficult terms:
- content and assessment & recognition
- Do we like this format of working together as a communtiy?
- Vanessa:
- Wish that we could have done it through P2PU and that people could have signed up
- Idea: Click this to intend to participate and let p2pu do the matching / reminding
- Quicker turnaround might have helped
- John -> considered making it a challenge, and tell people "sign up to help P2PU make a decision"
- Should we do it again?
- What can we change to make it better?
- Notes:
- Does assignment increase participation?
- Most people who wrote stories would have still written a story
- How about less involved people?
- Did the conversation bring out existing preferences (biases) or did people change their minds?
- Example Jessy and Vaness preferred "projects"
- Is this more likely to bring out "conservative" choices or "innovative" ones (I think both directions would be valuable)
- Because it's high effort to contribute - you end up with the inner circle (most committed)
- People who wrote stories can share a bit
- Talk through some of the harder decisions you had to make
- Do we like this format of working together as a communtiy?
- Discussions on the mailing list are often influenced by who posts first
- Asking people to do some thinking off-list first is a good strategy to avoid group-think
- Should we do it again?
- What can we change to make it better?
- Asking people to team up makes it very hard to contribute
- Lurkers don't know people to team up with yet (maybe shy)
- Setting up a call / conversation requires more time
- Alison -> people have an allegience to getting things done,and they tend to be the people who get involved in these kinds of things
- We have a pool of talent on hand who know about this stuff, and it shouldn't be that hard to tap -
- If we were able to reach out to them (not staff, not core members) and ask them directly
- This has the double benefit of bringing them in and getting fresh persepctives
- Philipp -> it was a good idea to farm out some of the responsibilities to other parts of the community, and get them to give back
- This is a valuable tool, and we should use it more often
- Read the stories, and thought about the terms, and I was wondering if this is a process that reinforces my perspectives, or if, particualrly for those who worked in teams, this was a way of actually having your mond changed
- ?
- Jessy -> I had a very intersting and positive experience, but I didn't change my mind a result fo the discussion, I changed my mind as a result of thinking about things as a worked on my story, so I think it's still a valuable tool.
- John: The idea was 1. Create something, 2. Share it with someone, and discuss your choices (and maybe change your mind) and then finally 3. Present it to the community
- Next steps: John to look for overlaps, and report back with a summary
- Is it worth trying to get more stories - YES!
- More people will work on stories
- Alan -> Confession: I am a delinquent story writer, and am working on it - there is a mental startup cost to going back, reading the instructions and the terms list, reminding myself what the assignment is, etc.
- GOAL: To have stories ready by next Wednesday, so we can report back in the community call
- Let's return 20 min of peoples' lifes to them ...
General discussion and questions
- Anything else that just needs to be said out loud