Attendees (welcome to any newbies)
- Add your name (and twitter handle) here
- dirk
- philipp
- bekka
- ali
- erin
- john
- zuzel
- jessykate
- Leah
Standups What have you been up to? Short written notes (we'll discuss only if there are questions)
- Alison
- Recovering from coffee competition
- Catching up on new courses
- Looking forward for ways to improve next promotional cycle
- + get more awesome courses onto P2PU
- Bekka
- Berlin planning
- finance systemt
- writing our story
- HR
- John
- https issues
- wrapping up story time
- exposing development plans on github
- Philipp
- School of Data mini proposal (submitted)
- P2PU Finance (tax 2011 / budget 2012)
- HR
- Zuzel
- Dirk
- Preparing for small release tomorrow
- Started adding badges to Contribution to Lernanta challenge
- Working on a Data Liberation user group / challenge
- Handover from Zuzel
- jessykate
- getting the researcher's homestead course up and running
- beginning to gather some references and resources for summer research
- got official word from CERN of summer program acceptance (joint p2pu-cern)
News of the week Written notes on what's going on in our world (bring up special announcements on the call)
- Blog posts you wrote
- Articles you read
- Initiatives you heard about
Key updates Super short updates about P2PU
- Exciting new courses to check out (Alison)
- Development priorities (Dirk/Zuzel)
- Demos of functionality in progress
- Easier / more elegant way to create tasks
- Create Badges
- Mini release this friday
- bug fixes and improvements to the django admin site
- Next Priorities
- Create (Course) Page
- Conversation Tracking (Conversion?)
- adwords, google analitics tracking of the registration event
- Challenges improvements
- P2PU API Beta - Read Only
- State of the mustard (Philipp)
- Scoreboard - this tracks key metrics in comparison to the month before - not so useful at the beginning of the month
- Considering change to rolling scoreboard (rather than month by month)
- April: Added ~ 1700 user accounts
- But still conversion drop off. 1250 users signed up for courses (that's total, not just for new users)
- So about 500 people created an account and didn't join courses
- interesting - seems like a lot of work to sign up for an account if you're *not* going to sign up for a course
- Conversion tracking almost in place
- this is directly linked to google ads / after clicking on the ad, we track:
- create an account
- join a course
- Blog traffic
- 55% traffic referred from website
- 20% from twitter (2nd most)
- Take away:
- Should make sure to tweet regularly and more (repeat tweets about blog posts) +1, especially wrt time zones...
- Who /owns/ twitter?
- Traffic patterns
- From home page users go:
- (56%) Learn / Courses page (so people are more interested in what's on offer, at least in the first step)
- (8%) Create
- (2.4%) School of Ed
- (2.0%) School of Webcraft
- (1.25%) Get Involved
- Landing pages
- 2nd and 3rd most popular landing page (after home page)
- Writing for the web
- Programming 101
- Almost 100% traffic via specific course related google searches
- Take away:
- Power of Google (need to harness more)
- Downside is higher bounce rate (> 70% compared to < 50% for home page, < 40% for school of webcraft)
- it's like we're increasing exposure but not accuracy
- It's not just the site that accounts for the bounce rate - but also the ads need to be improved
- people come to Google with an intention,
Agenda Core of the call. Focused on four types of conversations (invited guests, challenges you need help with, proposals you want feedback on, ideas you need collaborators for).
- Add your agenda items here. Provide a link to background materials you want the community to review prior to the call.
- Mozilla Summer Campaign update from Erin (who now has a grown-up baby!)
- Details:
- one objective is to define what webmaking and web literacy are, an build learning around those definitions
- (coming soon)
- Effort to get people across the globe teaching/learning webmaking this summer
- Built around a model of informal, peerbased/lightly facilitated learning - "kitchen table"
- seems like a lot of what we'd like the platform to support better too, good opportunity to focus on that
- good mental exercise to think about how we would support the "kitchen event" - i (jessy) do this probably 1-2x/week, but don't use p2pu. why? it's true that it 's not that lightweight, feels not like a "scratch space" and more "official".
- Kicks off with a Weekend of Code June 23-24, then continued promotion/learning all summer
- Closes with set of Afterparties / Show-n-tells, both in-person events and virtual
- Mozilla doesn't necessarily want to be the site of the learning - objective is to build a community of instructors and facilitators around webmaking
- Questions
- What are the dates (when does summer start and end)?
- Does Mozilla help with promotion?
- Yes, Mozilla will make a lot of noise and pushing people out to partner sites
- is there an adult component too? :)
- (from erin: ) rally around youth but totally open to all
- How can we plug P2PU in?
- Webmaking 101 challenges?
- Promotion to get people to use them
- Make a DIY Mission that group some of the challenges together / it's a set of instructions (1 pager)
- Main Moz content are called "missions" (collected in a gallery) which are one hackable page - can build a set of challenges around these
- Host your own informal teach-in. Invite teens to gather around a kitchen table and do a Mozilla Hackasaurus mission, sharing what you make together.
- is there an opportunity to promote the p2pu platform as one option for people to create their content on?
- Run event(s) during July in Berlin
- this would be a good opportunity to bring/ layer more of an adult component onto the events
- would be great to get adults who know (almost) nothing about the web to work through the webmaking 101 challenges
- point them to other summer campaign offerings that are suitable for adults
- Would be lovely to have a real meal/kitchen event - "come and join us for something to eat, and build part of the web while you're at it"
- Next steps:
- Find the right "owner" at P2PU - someone needs to drive [Philipp owns finding the right owner]
- Speak to Michelle (events coordinators for Mozilla, based in Berlin)
- Email Erin/Michelle with follow-up questions
- Research partnerships with P2PU
- What's the process of working with external research groups?
- Concrete example: University of Maryland Human Computer Interaction Lab
- Goal -> Use this example to define processes and guidelines that serve as templates in future
- Key questions:
- What are the key questions / concerns that we need to keep in mind as we approach this?
- Example:
- How do we ensure that there is value from the partnership both to the researchers (don't make their lives too difficult) and to P2PU and to the broader community?
- How do we respect the privacy of our users?
- We have limited resources to support - how do we make this as easy as possible?
- Philipp to pull these discussions into an MOU which will help shape our thinking and partnerships around research
- Discussion:
- Vanessa (by email): "I'd consider: subject recruitment, ethics of ability to screen or target respondents in an open setting, availability of the data to P2PU and query to what extent P2PU community will be involved with the deliverable (establishing protocol, data analysis, co-presenting, co-signing, etc)."
- We could require a seminar presenting research goals and methodology, and sharing preliminary results to the community call?
- Next steps:
- This discussion
- Invite UoM researchers to the community call to speak about their ideas
General discussion and questions