Standups What have you been up to? Short written notes (we'll discuss only if there are questions)
Alison (away)- Bekka
- Vanessa
- John
- Philipp - P2PU direction email, ABC proposal submitted,
- Dirk
- Alan
- Ariel
News of the week Written notes on what's going on in our world (bring up special announcements on the call)
- Blog posts you wrote
- Articles you read
- Initiatives you heard about
Key updates Super short updates about P2PU
- Exciting new courses to check out (Alison)
- Development priorities (Dirk)
- State of the mustard (Philipp)
Agenda Core of the call. Focused on four types of conversations (invited guests, challenges you need help with, proposals you want feedback on, ideas you need collaborators for).
- Add your agenda items here. Provide a link to background materials you want the community to review prior to the call.
- Hipchat (post Berlin)
- Torchmail
General discussion and questions
- Anything else that just needs to be said out loud