27 September 2012 - Community Call All-Hands
Attendees (welcome to any newbies)
- Bekka
- Chris
- Jane @janedaily
- Leah (@leahmacvie)
- Dirk
- Vanessa
Staff Standups What have you been up to? Short discussion/report back using the 4Ps and an I (Progress, Priorities, Problems, Process, Ideas)
- Bekka
- Progress: Tax forms are ready to go! This is so exciting you have no idea
- Priorities: Getting ready for rounds in October, getting in touch with orgnisers, giving feedback on courses
- Problems: review notifications
- Process:
- Ideas: Seriously considering making banana bread for tea
- Vanessa
- Chris
- CSS Framework coming along. Testing fun begins on Monday
- Chris and Dirk pushing a release on Monday - anyone interested in testing, can help out on Monday - internal testing first, and then community afterwards
- Mechanical MOOC emails going out. Grouping?
- Need to revisit the grouping methods, and how we divide 4000 people up, most important criteria might be time-zone, possibly skill-level, so input on that would be good.
- VMG: We want to group people in groups of 3, 6 and 12, and a random mix of expertise, trying to get people either together or apart by time zone. VMG knows this because she as done some serious research
- Research here [can people access this?]: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ejql63o4x96xry7/r-qZ8gt-4k
- Summary: http://pad.p2pu.org/p/Cohort_Research
- Philipp
- Dirk
- Progress
- Courses
- visited house4hack today!
- Talked with the school of data
- Priorities
- getting demo ready and gathering input from some people
- gather input from School of Data and School of Open
- Problems:
- Process: should we maybe go through a combined PPPPI
- Ideas:
- Jane
- Progress: rehauled various School of Open related pages on P2PU and CC; Philipp, Jessica Coates, and Timothy V just did a workshop with School of Data at OKFest last week, results here: http://etherpad.creativecommons.org/p/Open_Peer_Learning_Workshop; new course developed there = https://p2pu.org/en/groups/making-music-and-sharing-it-openly/; School of Open logo voted for and now up! at http://schoolofopen.org/ (thanks Leah for initial mockups!)
- Priorities: prepping for Convening w/stakeholders/funders of ~38 next week for Open Policy Institute and School of Open in Palo Alto (Philipp & Delia from P2PU will represent)
- Problems: invitiation to present a workshop in Summit on Open Strategies in Berlin - anyone in Berlin right now? interested?
- @Jane - I don't think we have anyone in Berlin right now, would depend on if they could fund us getting someone there if they wanted us. no funding :(
- Ideas: working on a roadmap and step by step guide to creating courses for major stakeholders next week -- is January or February 2013 a good "official launch" deadline, eg. can we do a promotion of all P2PU courses then?
- Add your name (optional)
All-Hands the following stuff needs some elbow-grease! We've got an hour, let's see how much we get done...
- Badge awards needing reviews:
- Webmaking 101: https://p2pu.org/en/schools/school-of-webcraft/sets/webmaking-101/
- Hackasaurus: https://p2pu.org/en/schools/school-of-webcraft/sets/hackasaurus/
- Open Badges 101 (Note: this is a question probably for Dirk...Peter Rawthorne and I are working on (slowly but surely) new design for this badge to fit in with the rest of the 'School of Open Badges' designs. When that does come to fruition, is there an easy way to blast that updated badge out to people or will it happen automatically? Thoughts?)
- An updated graphic or did the criteria for the badge change? Just an updated graphic, criteria is still the same. The badge on p2pu will update. But I think you'll need to repush the badge to your backpack...ok, but how should I get it to other people who have already earned that badge?
- They should automatically get the updated badge on the site, but they will have to add to their backpack themselves. I don't know if open badges supports any updates to badges, so they may need to remove the badge from their backpack and push againOK, so I can send out directions to them in private messages. Great- will do when it's time. Thanks!!