P2PU Community Call
17 January 2013
General Progress Report
We will be using Google hangout for this call. Please add your google ID / gmail address to the attendees list so we can add you to the call
Google Hangouts now has a Hangouts Captions app...
- Bekka
- Theron
- Nadeem
- Billy --hey Billy, let's catch up next week when I'm DONE with school? :) Yes! (hunker down and finish, yay)Thx :)
- Piet
- Vanessa is on the PAD
- Leah is on the PAD? Click on the link below! I am not in the Google Hangout
- Dirk
- Chris
- Kevin (dc.loco@gmail.com)
- Paul Allison http://youthvoices.net/play ) -- I can't find the Hangout-- it's full and is it public (just to listen in).
- Hey Paul - it should be public, but it might be full. hang on, let me ask people...
- Paul - seems like 10 is the limit (and everyone showed up, which i INSANE) - we're trying to see if you can "call in"
- Would Hangouts on Air be a better solution? 10 people talking, but any number can view/lurk
- And we'll fix this for next week! Very sorry.
- Paul- I am going to jump off. So go ahead and jump in...
- 4 Ps and an i Report Back
- Progress
- BK: Newsletter went out - stats so far (we'll compare these with those we get in a month's time):
- total times opened 339 (16%) vs industry average of 20%
- clicks/unique open 20.9%
- Media Lab collaboration / MAS712 - Learning Creative Learning course
- Don't share this yet -> http://learn.media.mit.edu (I'll say more about it)
- Course is taught at the Media lab every year - taught by Mitch Resnik and others, and this year P2PU is the online partner. It's never been taught online before so this is AWESOME
- Using mechnical mooc for signup and emails and google + for live discussions
- Each week has a theme, (Making, Learning, Online stuff etc)
- These will be live on air, people can submit questions beforehand, but not in the live setting.
- 2 undergrads working on this, as well as a TA from the media lab and a software developer who is has set up a mechanical mooc instance
- This has been done on no budget and lots of experimental good-will.
- P planning on documenting this as they go along becuase it is totally replicable - it's cheap and has low-skills requirements
- This has nothing to do with Edx or MITx
- Shuttleworth proposal for Labs projects submitted - lots of MOOC stuff, and an offline/online course
- Support for old courses on the new course UX site
- Notifications for new course UX: VMG can help with these--can you pull the notifications we need?
- Recruiting :) (We interviewed three software developers for badges work, all three seemed like good people to work with)
- VMG: Muppets. Muppets. Muppets.
- Getting ready for 2012 books / taxes / accounting
- Taking this course -> http://hackdesign.org -> looks fun
- MOOC Trello Board -> https://trello.com/board/mooc/50f414bc44cd6ea45b006dd9
- At some point I'd love to get some help in reflecting on how the badges are working. Students are beginning to earn credits -- having earned 15 badges. See Anthony's https://beta.openbadges.org/share/12403b5d282bd269d4db971d5bf312ca/
- Priorities
- Feedback on course ux
- Sysadmin
- Talking with Rich about badge project
- VMG: DML Prep for next week
- VMG: Badge kickoff call
- Problems
- Process
- Blog calendar for this week:
- Plans for face to face meetings in 2013
- CE: MOOC Conference - to discuss all things MOOC
- - Maybe also work on MOOC Projects hands-on?
- - See how many MOOCs we could launch?
- DU: Smaller events focused on concrete things, e.g.
- - “Create a set of courses”
BK: Strategy meetings also important
- - Get people in a room to think about strategy
- - Some of this is difficult, and better face to face
Piet: bringing a bunch of people who aren’t necessarily interested in the same thing together is very important, we rarely get the chance to do that.
- exposure to other ideas, projects is inspiring
- that’s what was great about Berlin
- PS: How do we frame that? Who do we invite?How big do we make it?
- - it’s gotta be people who are committed, who WANT to be there. with Berlin, the application process forced people to think about why they wanted to go, what they wanted to accomplish, what they’d bring to the table (Piet)
Nadeem: We need t think about how we select people. The events can help us better understand how we fit into a broader landscape that is changing around us. (PS: This sounds like a strategy meeting)
- How do we fund it?
- - can self funded events be open for all?
- - for the smaller meetings, we could also attach to other conferences that some of us are going to already
- - perhaps p2pu funds less, in which case ppl will self select more? but this might not be fair? (it can prevent people from participating because of money, the people who can afford to come are not always the right ones)
Spawn smaller events in partnership with other institutions
Billy: worth considering having face to face events at universities where stuff is happening already
- University of Michigan and Open.Michigan have tried this in a few ways; in fact, we have a Data Dive - http://a2datadive.org/
Michigan experience has ranged - some have been easy and effective
Data Dive is coming up, much bigger and needs someone to pull the right people together
- We would need a clear “Ask” that local groups can focus on. Currently P2PU events are more focused on building new things / ideas, rather than spreading models.
2 different types of events:
- bring together people in the community to reflect, collaborate, share
- meetings anchored around people who are part of the community with local groups
Could also do more digital events, including longer events that take place online
- Really liked Jane’s course creation sprint (DU)
How do we tie community from f2f meetings back into the larger P2PU community?