P2PU Community Call
7 March 2013
General progress Report.
GOOGLE HANGOUT: We're hanging out here: [https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/0222231e948a3f44546f2cdf0943b031016383b6?authuser=0&hl=en] Join us!
- Bekka
- Billy
- Leah
- Erika
- Jane
- Vanessa
- Dirk
- Philipp
- Mick
- Chris
add your name here
4Ps and and I reportback from staff
- Progress (what we've been working on)
- Open Learning Summit - Sophisticated travel agent vs. Inter-rail
- MIT / Harvard event, about 220 people (from 60+ institutions) provotsts, uni presidents, etc.
- Thomas Friedman (NY Times) Clay Christiansen, presidents of MIT and Harvard
- P spoke on a panel discussing how online learning will affect the campus experience. Went well
- Main takeaway: The people runnig the big universities are worried/excited about where this is going
- Mainly looking at MOOCS, not other disruptive/experimental stuff
- Talking about quality and assessment and business models etc.
- New video / chat integration tool - http://candy.media.mit.edu/
- blogs
- next week's newsletter
- loads of helpdesky stuff / general org admin
- Badges, Badges, Badges!
- Update to the community list
- Notifications copy and emails
- Badges, badges, BADGES+1
- Priorities (focus next week)
- Reworking new goals
- Berlin report
- Blogging blogging blogging (who is with me? Count me in. Related to the idea I want to get feedback on in this call)
- DML presentation prep
- Open Ed Week Webinar Prep
- SOO launches! announcement in P2PU newsletter Tues? I'll send to you by Monday, Bekka? Then let's spread the world like wildfire?
- For sure! Also, if there are courses already ready to be highlighted, am happy to blog/tweet them before Monday - no I think we want to save big push for Tues!
- Also we need to make sure all bugs/kinks are worked out in meanwhile... cool
- Problems (walls we ran into on the way)
- distinguishing between facilitated courses and all the others on School's landing page. Possible to have additional headings other than Featured? what's a hack? (apologies if we went over this and i forgot) (Dirk this is on our SOO branding thread - if you just want to respond there)
- atm - no other way, maybe jane can list at top
- exporting email addresses for facilitated courses after sign-up closes (Mar 15). can we plan on doing this if needed by course facilitator?
- if its only a few (1 or 2) courses, then yes
- German courses (PHILIPP??? - I've copied you on the email if you want to deal with it later - What do you want me to do? (what does "deal with it" mean ;-)
- Hi all, we started German courses last weekend and we would love to get them "to school" ;) How can we do that? (links to 3 courses posted under review below!)
- We also wrote down a lot of bugs. You can see them here: http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/SchoolOfOpen - Dirk? Might need P as translator (or Google)
- report on help or send to p2pu-dev
- agora
- michelle thorne
- Would also be great to get the German community closer together. How do people in other languages communitcate with each other?
- Process (org stuff)
- Ideas (on the horizon)
- 5 min - Philipp wants to test an idea for framing university evolution
- Prompted by the Open Ed summit, have been thinking about how we talk about where the university could go.
- Best way is to have a comparison:
- Framing:
- There is new technology out there for education. The University, which is an institution that has been there for a while, is either a sophisticated travel agent or interrail.
- Some ideas/ comments:
- Add international student ID (pan institutions, etc.)
- Interrail + Hospitality Club (include a specific component for meeting / staying with other people)
- How does this related to under-graduate vs post-graduate (inter-rail works better for undergraduate?)
- How does research / the more academic work fit into this?
- Finding stuff out
- Teaching (argh)
- Currently, universities are like a Metro/ Subway
- Within one city
- Moving people in fixed directions
- Some of the stuff about the travel agent makes sense
- What role do universities play in the broader education landscape
- Formal system has certain requirements, how does
Review remaining School of Open courses! (each of these needs a review by a P2PU community member other than Jane!)
- Writing Wikipedia Articles: The Basics and Beyond - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/49/writing-wikipedia-articles-the-basics-and-beyond/ (facilitated course) (Vanessa, Sara has emailed you regarding pedagogy and badge--got it, hope this feedback serves her well :)
- Reviewed by: Vanessa
- Green:
- Logistics--the what/when/how
- The content is stellar.
- The roundtable and the showcase.
- Yellow
- The course is very linear, there is a lot of preparation, then doing. Why not have folks make an edit first, reflect on it, and then read material that deepens their understanding? Then they could make a second edit and compare the two experiences...
- I love the rigor of this course, but I would be hesitant to make it so content-based--it may give the impression that the course is about consuming content more than contributing to it...
- I would build the showcase into each week. You will have attrition, so this kind of sharing will not occur until the end, which many folks might not make it to...
- Red
- Marketing message--why is this important? why is it important to me? why are the skills important?
- Character--don't be afraid to use humor. Research shows that humor or character makes learning content more memorable. For an example of how we did it for the Mechanical MOOC, see: https://twitter.com/MOOC_E
- Badge:
- I love the badge. What URL should folks submit to prove they've made substantial enough edits?
- And what checklist can we provide for expert reviewers to check their work?
- Intro to Openness in Education - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/140/intro-to-openness-in-education/
- Reviewed by: Chris
- Green
- Great intro overall
- Course material looks great as well
- Yellow
- Under "Course Philosophy" - it says "according to my philosophy" without saying who "me" is - who is this course creator? - (It says on the bottom - maybe should be moved up)
- Red
- Copyright 4 Educators (US) - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/147/copyright-for-educators-us/ (facilitated course)
- Reviewed by: Billy
- Green
- Course outline (week-by-week explanation) is very useful, looks well thought out
- The course covers what it intends to, as far as I can tell (w/o taking it yet, of course), looks really solid
- Yellow
- Will groups being created to work on assignments together? Hard to tell, though the facilitator will likely send out course-wide emails explaining this
- Collaboration tools section (text) may need a little formatting, items/tools are not in a list (though they appear to almost be formatted as such)
- For "Office house" would it be possible to place a link of direct contact info on each page that shows the availability for office hours?
- Week 5 heading level for "Background" section may need to be checked, is currently H1 or H2, not the same as the other weeks' headings
- Case scenario 3 would be more clear if there were an example/modeled response for this assignment
- Time commitment for each week seems a bit long (w/o synchronous meeting times), though it's hard to tell w/o taking the course
- Is there a "final" project other than the third case scenario?
- Red
- Additional thoughts: this course could easily be converted into a self-guided course after the first facilitated run-thru of it;I like the module breakdown very much
- Open Science: An Introduction - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/5/open-science-an-introduction/
- Reviewed by: Bekka
- Green
- - this course is beautiful!
- And incredibly detailed and well thought-out.
- It's an amazing resource
- And I love the use of the google group
- Yellow
- My only concern is that the modules are long. I understand why it's been designed like that, but will people work their way through them?
- Although I guess if people take to the google group, it will be a great way of sharing and helping each other thorugh the materials.
- I think once this course has really kicked off, it will be easier to reflect on the participation levels, and see how many people work through it in a linear way, and how many hop around
- Red
- Get a CC license. Put it on your website - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/3/get-a-cc-license-put-it-on-your-website/
- Reviewed by: Dirk
- Green
- Short and sweet!
- Course title tells you exactly what to expect
- Like the screenshot showing users how to add the license to their own site - even if it's only wordpress
- Yellow
- Red
- Bilder auf Wikimedia Commons hochladen - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/124/bilder-auf-wikimedia-commons-hochladen/
- Reviewed by:
- Green: I like that each page has an activity ("Aufgabe")
- Yellow:
- My biggest yellow point would be to make it more compelling to participate. Why would I want to take this course? It is designed to make sense for someone who wants to upload images to Wikimedia Commons and needs help doing it. But for those people a shorter step-by-step tutorial might be sufficient (or more appropriate). Where I think the real potential of this course lies is the ability to attract new people to getting involved in Wikimedia Commons - my guess is that requires either stronger identification with the mission, or getting something personal out of it (I find a great picture that I can use, now I am willing to give back).
- Would make the 5 step description on home page identical to the names of the content pages (seems out of sync)
- I like that there is a reflection questions / discussion prompt, but would make those questions more reflective (and less right or wrong). That way you'll get a nicer discussion. For example: the question on the first content page feels a little bit like school (it's just asking the participant to repeate what she was told on that page).
- Red
- Nothing red really. Content hasn't been finished yet though.
- Wie erstelle ich einen Kurs auf P2PU? - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/132/wie-erstelle-ich-einen-kurs-auf-p2pu/
- Reviewed by:
- Green
- Yellow
- Red
- Freie Lernmaterialien in der Schule - OER für Lehrkräfte - https://p2pu.org/en/courses/133/freie-lernmaterialien-in-der-schule-oer-f%C3%BCr-lehrkr%C3%A4fte/
- Reviewed by: Philipp Schmidt
- Green
- I like the informal tone on home page
- Yellow
- It's a bit short. Would add some content about how the course will work (live hangouts?) and more content
- Red
- There is nothing to actually "do" - there are no activities, no reflection prompts, no examples to work through... It's more like a static article on the topic.
- Would either design a few activities or at least add a hangout so participants get a chance to discuss / ask questions
Leah MacVie
4:01 PM
4:01 PM
Hey all - Philipp is on his way
Jane Park joined group chat.
Erika Pogorelc joined group chat.
4:01 PM
so we can get going in a couple of minutes
Billy Meinke
4:01 PM
Erika Pogorelc
4:01 PM
Hi guys
Dirk Uys
4:01 PM
hello everybody
Vanessa Gennarelli joined group chat.
4:02 PM
hi Dirk, Hi Erika
We're just waiting for Philipp
and then we can get rolling
Leah MacVie
4:03 PM
Hi Bekka
Go team!
Philipp Schmidt joined group chat.
Billy Meinke
4:04 PM
Philipp Schmidt
4:04 PM
7 seconds ... wulmasei
Leah MacVie
4:07 PM
Yay for all of those people!
The people I am hearing from are also very concerned about monetization...
Philipp Schmidt
4:09 PM
Please share them!
Question: what about the "blogs"? What does that mean?
Dirk Uys
4:11 PM
Vanessa Gennarelli
4:11 PM
Bekka is a hero
On the regular
Leah MacVie
4:11 PM
They should go in the awesome newsletter!!!
Dirk Uys
4:12 PM
hand down again
Leah MacVie
4:13 PM
Graceful Bekka.
Dirk Uys
4:13 PM
Philipp Schmidt
4:14 PM
Can we move Jane's comments into a new section about features / course design. The Problems section is kind of more for general stuff.
4:14 PM
Will do
Mick Fuzz joined group chat.
Mick Fuzz
4:15 PM
hi there - sorry i'm late
4:16 PM
Hi Mick!
Erika Pogorelc
4:16 PM
hi Mick I'm Erika
Billy Meinke
4:17 PM
I have a few friends in the German community, can pass it along
Chris Ewald joined group chat.
Chris Ewald
4:19 PM
Hi all - sorry I'm late
Erika Pogorelc
4:19 PM
Hi Chris
Dirk Uys
4:19 PM
hey chris
Leah MacVie
4:20 PM
Yes, tell us. Oh I have people wanting to know this answer...
Jane Park
4:20 PM
hi mick!
4:20 PM
Like taxis in NYC and San Fran for accreditation
Jane Park
4:23 PM
i pick the alternative whatever it is
there is no more need for travel agents
Vanessa Gennarelli
4:24 PM
Can I just say that I love everything about this metaphor
Dirk Uys
4:24 PM
atm universities are more like a metro
Jane Park
4:24 PM
+1 dirk
Leah MacVie
4:25 PM
Agreed V-, it's like being walked through a future vacation.
Jane Park
4:25 PM
well... it could also be more like hospitality club right
4:25 PM
you make a movie with Ethan Hawke
Leah MacVie
4:25 PM
haha,a little romance...
Erika Pogorelc
4:26 PM
Philipp should be in sales, I wanna go to pri
Paris now
Vanessa Gennarelli
4:26 PM
Philipp is in sales
he is p2pu's biggest fan
Jane Park
4:26 PM
i don't think interrail is enough
Erika Pogorelc
4:27 PM
awesome I am buyin
Jane Park
4:27 PM
interrail + hospitality club
which i never used!
Billy Meinke
4:28 PM
haha, so good
Leah MacVie
4:28 PM
I think it's a good framing....I like it, but there are many internal things having to deal with formal education and accreditation that need to be worked out: for one, how do the grades tie into the same system? Is the work on the institution to 'credit' these informal learning experiences?
Jane Park
4:28 PM
so we're talking about undergrand univ experience?
b/c i feel like a lot of that is also very US centric
Dirk Uys
4:29 PM
Jane Park
4:29 PM
maybe everyone should just skip that exp and go to grad school
Philipp Schmidt
4:29 PM
for me, the inter-rail metaphor works for the German university experience as well.
Jane Park
4:30 PM
do german universities have frats?
were you eve rin one philipp?
Philipp Schmidt
4:31 PM
i was in a frat, but never at a university
Jane Park
4:31 PM
and what about small colleges?
liberal arts
which is very dif from universities
are those enveloped under "unviersities" as well?
Philipp Schmidt
4:32 PM
@Jane - yes, i'm lumping it all together
small liberal arts is more like inter-rail
Jane Park
4:32 PM
i would say its more than interrail.. much more handholding and guidance
Philipp Schmidt
4:32 PM
Jane Park
4:34 PM
15 years in informational technology time?
Leah MacVie
4:34 PM
Agreed Jane- I work at a Med-sized Lib Arts- a very different 'culture'
Jane Park
4:34 PM
we could be floating on our iphones
Leah MacVie
4:36 PM
I think it just comes down to rubrics--- training HR offices and Admissions offices to 'convert' learning experiences. This is a simple solution to tying in the 'formal' system, and might allow you to get in on the inside in order to create change.
No one steal my rubric idea!! You all know it is my PhD proj! haha
Jane Park
4:36 PM
@leah... super interesting!
Dirk Uys
4:36 PM
so would travel agency mean that university directs you vs interrail - you direct yourself?
Philipp Schmidt
4:37 PM
yes dirk - travel agency offers you a few destinations. you can still choose one (but only the ones on the list)
inter-rail, you choose a destination (often one, that you have to walk / drive further from the train station) but then you often change your mind along the way. detours are encouraged.
Or play music?
Jane Park
4:38 PM
Chris Ewald
4:38 PM
what are some areas to focus on Jane?
Jane Park
4:38 PM
alison jean cole's music
i miss her
Billy Meinke
4:38 PM
oh gosh
Jane Park
4:38 PM
@chris http://pad.p2pu.org/p/school-of-open-guidelines
Leah MacVie
4:38 PM
Billy might... BILLY!!!!!
Jane Park
4:38 PM
i'll paste into pad
Chris Ewald
4:39 PM
Billy Meinke
4:39 PM
dunno about a YouTube channel, sorry :/
Chris Ewald
4:39 PM
and most stuff on soundcload
Jane Park
4:39 PM
Leah MacVie
4:40 PM
Back to work- good luck!
Leah MacVie left group chat.
Mick Fuzz
4:42 PM
Bekka - I didn't get your review of the Look at Open Video course
Jane said you had done one
Philipp Schmidt
4:42 PM
Yay Jane!
Billy Meinke
4:42 PM
Philipp Schmidt
4:43 PM
This is CC licensed?
Jane Park
4:43 PM
cc by
according to youtube
Philipp Schmidt
4:43 PM
Jane Park
4:43 PM
well everything on youtube is cc by
if its cc
4:44 PM
I feel fragmented
Erika Pogorelc left group chat.
Philipp Schmidt
4:46 PM
I'm bobbing my head
Dirk Uys
4:46 PM
who put the harlem shake in there!!!
Philipp Schmidt
4:47 PM
more importantly - who put THIS in there?
4:47 PM
Jane, what are you doing?
Philipp Schmidt
4:47 PM
Thank you Mick!
Dirk Uys
4:47 PM
thanks MIck!
no mick
Philipp Schmidt
4:47 PM
Everyone can pause these videos.
The next track in the playlist is Rihanna. I'm pretty sure that's not CC BY.
Jane Park
4:48 PM
probably not. but it was on there and i love that song
4:48 PM
We can
Dirk Uys
4:49 PM
We'll have to delete that last song...
Jane Park
4:49 PM
ok someone do it!
im having trouble
Billy Meinke
4:50 PM
probably not
Vanessa Gennarelli left group chat.
Billy Meinke
4:54 PM
by all!
Philipp Schmidt left group chat.
Dirk Uys left group chat.
Billy Meinke
4:54 PM
Chris Ewald left group chat.
Mick Fuzz left group chat.
4:54 PM