P2PU Community Call
23 May 2013
General Report Back

We're hanging out here: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/161502fd4c788d03cb0f5049474c9d2fe3405b50?authuser=0&hl=en-GB Join us!
Note: I had a bit of trouble setting up this hangout - Philipp, can you check the setting for our account and see if we've disabled the "On Air" setting? PS: I had a look, and am not sure why your @p2pu.org account seems to not allow OnAir. Please also investigate on the Google Apps interface. 


Ideas (on the horizon)


UX Feedback Process for feedback from partners and other people / related: 

Virtual Teams Not feeling lost in cyberspace in a virtual team - Office Hours
It can be hard to know how to ask for help if you're feeling lost in a virtual office, and the web can be lonely
Suggestion is that we have an "office hour" twice a week where we can hang out, using a tool like hipchat or voice hangout.
Video is distracting
Billy: we used a blackboard room that we had open all the time. Could use a hangout without video, but with chat and voice 
Mondays: 4-6 (South Africa), 10 US East Coast, 3pm GMT

Hewlett Deeper Learning: http://db.tt/PF8Aueni (White Paper Academic Mindsets / PDF)

Discourse as a new space for conversations