Making research data available to users is an important part of P2PU's activity. We belive that sharing data with researchers will result in better research on P2PU, which will, in turn, feed back and allow us to build better learning experiences for our community which mirror our core values of openness, community and peer learning. We are also aware that we need to balance this need for comprehensive data with respect for the privacy of our users. In order to facilitate this, we have established the following guidelines for the use of P2PU Data:
- While our current terms of use allow us to share all our data apart from the email addressses and finnicai information of our users, we recognise that we have a resonsibiloity to consider how we share all data in a way that is respectful of the privacy of our users, and creates useful access for researchers.
- Wherever possible, P2PU learning data should be made available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner that does not harm intellectual property and allows meaninful downstream use.
- Wherever possible, our data policy is in keeping with relevant standards and community best practice. Data with acknowledged long-term value will be preserved and remain accessible and usable for future research.
- To enable research data to be discoverable and effectively re-used by others, we have created a "whitelist" of data which we are realising openly to all potential users, under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain waiver. We hope to see this data doing great things in the wild.
- P2PU also recognises that there are legal and ethical constraints on release of certain data. As a small nonprofit, we want to be part of the research that happens with our data. We also want to be recognised for the innovative activity that takes place within our community and for the work we do. Data that is not on the whitelist, will also be open to sharing with researchers, however, releasing this data might require some effort on our part to do the dumps, and will be used in projects we have more than a passing involvement in. Wherever possible we hope to build agreements with these researchers and will licence this data with an open data commons licence (probably ODC-BY) because we want to ensure attribution for P2PU downstream.
- All of these guidelines are open for discussion!