Tech discussion topics:

Thoughts about site:

Thoughts I've had while getting to know P2PU/Lernanta

  1. Thumbnail images not scaled to size displayed on website
    1. Z: we are not creating thumbnails for profile images/course images (we should do this in a celery task)
  2. While editing a study group/course/challenge, navigating discards changes
    1. Ex.  "Edit Study Group" -> "Status and Dates" -> uncheck "Under  Development." -> "Signup". will discard "Status and Dates" edits
      1. Z: We could alert the user?
  3. Clicking on "Save" closes the course edit dialog
    1. Z: Could stay on that page (need to check there is a clear way for the user to go back to the course homepage)
    2. Z: I think this was only happening on some of the tabs (fixed for edit status)
  4. Email address is case sensitive for signup
    1. Z: Check  if django Emails field has an option for this or in the case that we  are not using an email field in that page for some reason check that  they work in the same way.
    2. D: Turns out that according to the RFC the part before the @ is case sensitive!
  5. Who qualifies as a peer? (For awarding a badge to a peer)
    1. Z: From the challenges associated with the badge anyone taking a challenge with you
  6. Display creation and update dates for courses
    1. Z: ?? Please expand
    2. D: Display the date that a course was first created and the last date that the course was updated
    3. Z: I  think it will need us to add another field on the projects field (if we  want to display the last from the update dates of the tasks and the  project -- i think for the tasks we do have that info)

Site logic:
  1. How do I delete a challenge I created
    1. Z: On the db level (set deleted=True), there is no UI for organizers to delete course yet
    2. Z: needs some checks to disallow deleting active courses (courses that ran on p2pu should switch to archived not been deleted)
  2. Shouldn't community pick courses show on the home page?
    1. Z: +1 (caching the list if it improves performance of getting a random featured course to display on the home page)
  3. Should new visitors land at home or learn?
    1. Z: The  key objective of the home page is to be the landing page for new users,  but how much of the learn page goes into the home page is a good  question (right now there is just a big button as prompt to search  courses)
  4. Navigation:
    1. Link to people
      1. Z: Was removed (when the main navigation changed to Learn|Contribute)
    2. Link to badges
      1. Z: Was never added since badges are relative new in the site
    3. Link to all submissions
  5. Display link to inbox on user dashboard?
    1. Z: +1 though it is on the user menu
  6. How do I leave a Course?
    1. Z: Right  now contacting the organizer -- High priority in adding a tab to  settings listing all the courses you are involved with and actions to  change your status (with confirmation if reverting is not trivial).
  7. How do I stop being an organizer?
    1. Z: Same answer as previous item
  8. How do I add badges? (who can add badges)
    1. Z: Right  now it is done manually by Zuzel but the aim is to include UI for  organizers (or a new badge creator role) to create new badges
  9. What functionality is achieved using the Django Admin interface?
  10. Tag counts include courses that won't be listed when you click on the tag
  11. Who is currently busy with the same task I am busy with?

  1. What is the prefered method of generating course content?
    1. Youtube/Vimeo videos
    2. Tasks + rich text
    3. External resources like Khan/MITx/OER
      1. Z: Probably worth talking to Alison about this or in the community list (the answer could be that there is no preferred method)
      2. D: I talked a bit with Philipp, will probably post something to the community list
  2. Who is currently busy with the same task that I am busy with?
  3. Choose your own adventure style learning
  4. Who should qualify as a peer? (For awarding a badges to a peer)
  5. Should Lernanta be more like Wordpress or more like Blogger and Facebook?
    1. Z: Not  sure how to answer this one. Do you mean more like a software that  people can install or a service? I am +1 to more like wordpress in that  sense (with the ability to reuse content between different instances by  using an API) +1
    2. D: Yes, had a discussion with Philipp during my weekly call with him
    3. D: We can also look at what services could be shared between sites (like issuing of badges, user profiles, ?)
  6. Course/challenge creation happens before other people participate, how should an evolving challenge be handled?
    1. Z: One of the open questions on the discussions about a new model in which content and interactions are more separated
    2. D: Will the separation be on a functional level or also on a technical level? 
    3. Z: both 
    4. D: That sounds good to me
    5. Z: let me see if I find the last place in which they were talking about this I think it was on a community call
  7. How do we currently facilitate mentoring?