## List of Projects (and Project Contacts) ##
Template -> http://pad.p2pu.org/projects-template
* Provides an overview of what P2PU is up to
* Helps us identify when we take on too much (or need more people)
* Improves collaboration among the team
* Gives us a structure for status updates
* Increases transparency and accountability
**A project...**
1. has deliverable(s),
2. is funded (with exceptions) and
3. someone is responsible.
(4. has a start and an end?)
## List ##
* MOOC Maker (Dirk)
* P2PU Homepage (Erika - with input from Dirk)
* Courses UX / ongoing improvements (Dirk)
* P2PU Tech (Dirk) <-- is this a project on it's own? What are the deliverables? (I thought of this as "internal" tech)
* Sysadmin (Dirk) <-- same question as above, maybe it fits into what Vanessa calls duties.
* Boston Workshop (Bekka)
* Lab Reports (Bekka) <-- project (by the above definition) but not funded (this is funded)
* Newsletter (Bekka) <-- not a project, because it doesn't have a beginning or end
* Blog Wrangling (Bekka) <-- not a project, because it doesn't have a beginning or end
* Community Call Mgmt (Bekka) <-- not a project? (maybe group the above three?) Moved these down for discussion
* Offline MOOC (Karen)
* Discourse Setup (Done)
* General content management / Create a Course, Badge Course, Theory of Learning (Vanessa)
* Facilitator support / Instructional Design (Vanessa) (Moved these down for discussion)
* Assessment Framework (Vanessa)
* Badges platform: Reporting and Community Outreach (Vanessa) [I would not add detail to the project title / this is overall badges platform / it includes a range of things]
* Data Explorer Mission 2 (Vanessa)
* P2PU Strategy 2013 (Philipp)
* Python MOOC (Steve/Dirk/Vanessa <- Problem)
* Music MOOC (TBD <- Problem)
* School of Open (Jane)
* School of Ed (Karen)
* School of Data (Question about how to list here - managed independently)
## To discuss ##
* How do we define what a project is (see draft definition above)?
* What projects are missing?
* Which projects can be combined?
* Which of the tech projects can we move to Erika?
* What about things that don't fit, aren't projects? (or aren't projects yet) and how do we deal with them?
* Fundraising
* School support (is there a "general" schools project, or does it fall within course UX improvements ... or other projects?)
* HR / Finance / Legal
* Partnerships / Project development (including Mozilla School of Webcraft)
* P2PU Research
* Board meetings
* Twitter / FB / thepeople@p2pu.org (and Community MGMT activities incl. paying closer attention to learners and courses)
* Helpdesk
* Citizen Science Course
* General content management / Create a Course, Badge Course, Theory of Learning (Vanessa)
* Facilitator support / Instructional Design (Vanessa)
* Newsletter (Bekka) <-- not a project, because it doesn't have a beginning or end
* Blog Wrangling (Bekka) <-- not a project, because it doesn't have a beginning or end
* Community Call Mgmt (Bekka) <-- not a project? (maybe group the above three?)