Tasks & Tools Project -- "The grinding of the cogs and the wheels of P2PU" --
Lead: Bekka Kahn
- Share this etherpad with the community to get input on goals and questions (we are not asking for input on "the right" tools at this point)
- Interview community members (diverse roles and backgrounds)
- Draft plan for feedback and discussion
- Build it, use it, live long and prosper ...
- Try for a month, revise, adjust
- New system in use, evaluate after one month (or more if needed)
- Document the process and share the results with others (outside of P2PU)
We would like to have tools and processes in place that make the following things work well at P2PU:
- Help people identify meaningful and concrete ways to get involved
- Clearly show what P2PU is and how it works, and what happens inside it
- Help P2PU get stuff done (and let people get help when you need it)
- Are these the right goals? What's missing?
Tools we are using today
(Please add links to any relevant RSS feeds that I've missed, for use by the parallel "roadmap" project - see http://pad.p2pu.org/roadmap for details. Thanks, Joe)
- Email - Various lists, with various directions of communication
- Maria Droujkova has set up some nice feeds for Math Future stuff using Yahoo! Pipes (see http://mathfuture.wikispaces.com/ for example). Presumably something similar could be done with the P2PU mailing lists.
- OSQA - http://qa.p2pu.org - intended to be used as a general forum tool
- UserVoice Forums - http://bit.ly/fjkTm7 (general feedback) http://bit.ly/cr2MPE (course suggestions)
- Wiki - http://wiki.p2pu.org
- Task Tracker - http://tracker.p2pu.org (Open Atrium)
- Google Docs - http://docs.google.com
- Etherpad - http://pad.p2pu.org
- There is a way to get RSS feeds associated with tags, but tags don't appear to be turned on in the P2PU deployment of Etherpad "as yet" #see-what-I-mean?
- http://p2pu.org/contact-us (could this be considered a general feedback "tool"?)
- Pivotal tracker - https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/213283
- Couldn't find relevant feeds...
- WhenisGood / Doodle
- Skype calls - usually between 1-3 community members (often staff / council / very active community members
- ICQ/IRC - #p2pu rarely, possibly more for the #p2pudev channel
- there could be a feed associated with chat logs being posted, but I don't think one exists
- Community Calls
- there could be a feed e.g. if this was blogged about
- Offlist emails
- Google forms (these are somewhat distinct from Google Docs)
- Google calendar - put in the upcoming due dates from the syllabus
- Could be moved around with Yahoo! Pipes, and presumably other stuff can be done with it.
- "unofficial" Google groups - some facilitators have set up class specific groups
- It would be good if there was a "feed" of new groups as they were being created so they could at least be "semi-official".
- Youtube - posted videos of how to do things (GIMP class)
- Presumably these could be tagged and a feed associated with the tag
- GitHUB for Lernanta tech project: https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/
- ...
Interview Questions
- Which tools to use right now?
- Do you like them?
- What is missing? What would you like to do, but can't?
- Which tools do you use for feedback?
- Which tools do you use to get things done?
- Do you feel like you have/had enough support for that tool (did someone help you learn how to use it, were you able to manage as a newbie)
- Are these the right questions? Something missing?
- Are you paid to work on P2PU or an associated project (eg Badging, a School)?
- (staff HAVE to get certain things done and may have different communication requirements than volunteers)
- What do you have to do for P2PU? What would you like to do for P2PU if it was easier?
- What do you spend most of your time doing when working / volunteering on P2PU?
- Where do you go to suggest that something gets done? How do you create a task for people in the P2PU community?
- Where do you go to find out what needs to be done for P2PU?
- How do you coordinate what you do with others?
- what frustrates you about the current tech and communication setup?
- would you prefer to have less logins across systems?