* create courses on p2pu (just the links)
* add the actual links (p2pu-uci)
* add some content sumarry + links of what they will do each week
* setting
* passign auth token {username} to uci so they know which user is visiting them


are you going to put on the Algebra ocw course a link to the p2pu algebra course or to a page with all the other uci courses on p2pu?

ok then the urls from uci are going to be the url of the courses you are going to create on p2pu


related ticket http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/tickets/332-integrate-mathjax-plugin-in-ckeditor#ticket-332-12
Course Authoring Tool:

Before 1 Sep

1 Sep

Early Sep

Mid Sep

29 Sep


User ID hand over

Linking UCI <> P2PU


P2PU and UCI are launching a pilot that would let participants in some of our courses, register with UCI and upon an additional assessment, receive some form of certification. It will be for a few courses that are already published as open courseware on the UCI side, and the school-of-ed courses that Karen has been leading on. At least in the first instance these are all facilitated courses which have clear start-dates. This is what an example course would look like on the UCI side -> http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/course.aspx?id=25




There are two sets of courses

2. The CSET courses, <= 5 separate courses, are currently displayed  through an open source content management application written in  PHP/MySQL. The courses have numerous quizzes, which we want to retain  for our use in providing CEUs.

2a. Where should the content live? If the P2PU courses use  <iframes> or some other device, we may not have to do any other  modification. If the content has to be converted to static HTML, we have  to make those modifications now and then deliver the courses to P2PU in  that condition. We may need an easy way to bulk upload the hundreds of  screens into a P2PU course.

2b. If the content lives at P2PU, can we still get the analytics  on these courses to show our funders (Hewlett/Boeing) the results. We  are as interested in browsers as enrolled students.
2c. If the content lives at P2PU, we will still need a script written that tracks the results of the quizzes and be able to view these  as part of the dashboards.

3. Dashboard development. For all courses, we need to confer and ensure  that the dashboard view of student progress works for us. From the UCI  point-of-view, our CEUs will be based on a P2PU dashboard+ model, eg.  we'll add our own evaluation to the  P2PU experience, so that when  someone gets their CEUs, we will have independently confirmed learning  that occurred on the P2PU side.

4. Marketing. As Philipp says, we're interested both in bringing people  to P2PU and getting them back once they complete the course. So the  mechanics of this have to be figured out. I would hope to be ready on  our side by Sep. 1 to publicize all of the School of Ed courses on our  website.