# You're Live

In this challenge you're going to draw from all of the skills you've learned up until this point and put your first page live on the web. When you've finished you'll be ready to move onto the next round of webmaking challenges.

Time: 45 minutes.

## A Quick Recap

### Writing HTML by Hand

In this challenge you started writing the most basic html document by hand and eventually you progressed to writing from memory. This is an invaluable skill because almost everything you do as a webmaker will involve a document structure like this.

### Text Editor

You choose a text editor and created your first HTML document and viewed it in a browser. As a webmaker, this workflow is how you'll spend most of your time.

### HTML Is All Around You

You hunted out html like structures in the world around you and you began to form your own opinions and ideas about HTML structures. This is the starting of you being able to think in HTML. As your webmaking skills get stronger so will aptitude at deciding which markup structure is fitting for any given piece of content.

### Domain Name

You can't have an online portfolio without a domain name. This challenge engaged you in thinking and researching the right domain name for your portfolio. Eventually you committed to purchasing it and in doing so you staked your claim on a piece of the web.

### Your Webspace

In the previous challenge you arranged your web host and set up your domain name to point at your webspace. Everything you do as a webmaker will involve webspace and now you have a fully functioning piece of the web that is entirely under your control - total freedom.

## Task One - From Your Computer To Your Webspace.

In this task you're going to install an FTP client. It should take you about five minutes.

Before you can put your first page live on the web you're going to need some means of transferring it from your computer to your webspace. There are many methods of doing this but by far the most popular solution is to use either FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or preferably SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) if your web host supports it. Either way you'll use a FTP client to transfer files back and forth.

There are many pieces of FTP software and just like text editors some are free and some are paid for.  If you're using Windows or a Mac then two popular (and free) choices are [Filezilla][0] and [Cyberduck][1]. It's up to you which one you choose, it will largely be a matter of personal taste.

When you've downloaded and installed one of the above FTP clients you're ready to set it up to connect to your webspace. The exact settings you'll need will depend on the web host that you're using but it's common to enter a server address (probably yourdomain.com or ftp.yourdomain.com) a username and a password. If all goes according to plan then you should be able to connect to your web space and see all of the files or folders in your web space.

The files and folders that you see will depend on your web host but you should see a folder called webroot or public_html. Anything you place in these folders will be available to the world. This is exactly what you're going to do in the next challenge. Whatever the folder is called we're going to refer it  as your root folder.

## Task Two - Let's Do This!

In this task you're going to transfer the html file that you created in challenge 3 and upload it to your website. You've already done all of the work required to complete this task - It's is really about the ceremony.

Using your FTP client you should connect to your webspace and transfer 'helloworld.html' to your root folder. When it has done transferring to your web space open up your browser and in the address bar type:


If all has went according to plan you now have a file that you've coded by hand, on a domain that belongs to you, using your webspace and you've just completed the first set of webmaking 101 challenges.

If you can view your file in your browser then proceed to the final task.

If you can't view your freshly uploaded file in your browser then go through each of the stages making sure that everything is as it should be. Learning how to troubleshoot is one of the skills your going to need as a webmaker. If you can't solve the problem try stepping away from the computer for a few minutes and get some fresh air.

If you're still not able to see your file then consult your peers about their advice, but before you do make sure that you've done everything you can to learn how to fix the problem yourself.

## Task Three - Blog about it.

You've came a long way since the first challenge and in this final task you're going to write a blog post about your experience so far. You should focus on what you've learned and give a recap of your learning journey. What are you looking forward to learning next? Is there anything you're still unsure of?

When you've completed your blog post, post a link to it on the challenge discussion page and then spend some time reading and commenting on your peers similar blog posts.

Very well done and congratulations - you're now ready to move onto the next set of Webmaking 101 challenges.

[0]: http://filezilla-project.org/
[1]: http://cyberduck.ch/

# Badges

# Possible Badges:

## Webmaking 101 

You're LIVE Badge: 
Description: has completed challenge 7
Assessment type: self assessment

## Skill

Description: The Publishing Badge recognizes the ability to take content from a local computer, publish it live on the web and be able to view it in a browser.
Assessment type: formula

## Peer


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