Personality - Three tasks for discussion in the groups:

Additional report back notes:

Alan, Jane, and Phil's group

1) where we have a voice on p2pu

2) examples that could be p2pu

2a) examples of voices that aren't like p2pu

3) ideas for a p2pu personality ty

"it's okay if not everyone likes us"


Bekka & Chloe

The metaphor of P2PU as a house is very powerful - you access it from 3 levels, the outside, the front door and the rooms inside:

Group: Neeru, Niels, Nadeem

We dont want to be like:

Who do we really like

Google is your Fre-enemy
Do we want to be like marmite?

Our personality comes across on:
the mailing lists - where people interact the most

We dont like our personality on:

Our personality needs to be :

Group: Stian, John, Dany

Two Specific actions

P2PU - Examples we like
    Blog - personal stories
    Gang-stars jokes
    Stickers - "I love learning"

P2PU - Examples to improve
    Twitter - mostly serious tweets... no jokes, no goofing off
    Gang list had personality
    Get Involved - 
    More art, it should be emotionally attaching

Examples in other organizations

    Very informal in some places "Hey man, we're going to save the world"
    Formal at others -- business side

    "No Shennanigans"
    "Ready to Roll"
    Drinking Scotch
    Smoking Cigars
    Classy Git
    Dodgeball tournaments

Bad examples in other organizations
    MIT Open Courseware
    Khan Academy

Group- alison, delia and zuzel

Some observations

Each school has a different personality - some lean to playful others more formal and traditional 

p2pu first impression impt and needs to reflect diverse community and schools and subjects.

First page need state we are experimential beta and evolving 

Comunication needs to clear but friendly and open

P2PU does not have a singular personality.

p2pu should multiple personalties- more focus on range of course and vast community-make it more about the people learning and runing

the community aspect is lost on the website

We should not define a voice- make the website simple so that different voices representing different communities define their own voice.

Eg SOW will be different from SOE and SMF.
 1. Keep it simple so that different communities voices can be determined by themselves
 2. Community input design the wire frames and look of the site-